Archives For Snapshots

… and talking about tonight’s food. Because it’s still Chinese New Year, and still I haven’t had dinner. xD

You know, I almost never blog personal life in this blog anymore. And I actually reconsidered posting these photos that I’m about to post after the break.

Today was a surprisingly nice~ went to Cieneguilla because cousin wanted to, so we all went. I was listening to Miyavi, while he drove… and I considered watching Chiyo (the first ever short film I’ve bought on iTunes) but turns out the widescreen doesn’t translate to my iPod, so it was pretty cropped. Especially during the introduction, all the text on the borders couldn’t be read.

ANYWAY! We arrived early, and ordered food early because we always starve to death wherever we go~ and luckily we ordered early because the food took forever to get made, and it was ‘ok’ xD – I know I said it was surprisingly nice, and my re-telling doesn’t sound like it…

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Well, at the moment seeing the Red Carpet, but let’s see how well I do tonight~~ Live blogging, and winners as they are announced on this post. Check after the break…

Seriously, I don’t know why I watch Red Carpet anymore… I used to watch for Joan and Melissa Rivers, lol’ But oh well… award season is not award season without red carpets, I guess… xD

The cast of Slumdog is on! xD LOL and some Bollywood dancing~~~ xD

Golden Globes

Cast and crew of Slumdog Millionaire

Olivia Wilde looks hot… lol’ Red Carpet rolls eye comment… – can’t find any photos online… yet. LOL Hmm… well, I’m tired of waiting and searching for photos. I’m gonna do a half-ass job here, and not post any pictures. I don’t usually do that, but thought that it will be easier this year. Oh well…

Evan Rachel Wood just made an appearance talking about The Wrestler.

Weeeee~ photos! the girls from House M.D. ~~~

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Just to Spite You~~

January 7, 2009 — Leave a comment

LOL, Canadian Government, xD

Four months ago (maybe five) I had a ticket to see BackStreet Boys at GM Place in Vancouver, but Canada didn’t let me in even though my friend was getting married. So I missed her wedding, missed seeing my friends and I missed BSB. Damn you, Canada.

Anyhoo, later I find that BSB is coming here. Crappy end of the deal? “Mundo Pop” is not a BSB show. CRAPPY. Also in the show is Belanova, which is pretty bleh, and Adammo (??) Who the frak. Oh, yeah~ and tickets are pricey. And there are a LOT of sections. You know, normally should be 2 zones… General and VIP, but NO! We take zones to another whole new level~~~ First, we took it to Super VIP. Yeah, there’s a Super Zone, but that’s not it! Take this concert as an example… there’s General, Preferencial, VIP… Super VIP… Kandavu (the company organizing the concert), and then there’s BSB. Normally, I would’ve chucked the price of the ticket~ Like I did Bjork. xD

I was about to buy a BSB zone, but let’s face it… ++$100 for a ticket is not exactly MY thing. said the one who wouldn’t chuck $60 to see Dixie Chicks. LOL’ – I still buy cds, so I still give away my money. There should be a deal, right? Show receipt of a recent (name of the tour) album and get a discount. xD

BSB en Lima Ticket

Also, Belanova doesn’t seem to fit with BSB… just saying. But I’ve got an open mind, I will let both groups try to impress me. But yeah… I’m paying this just to spite Canadian Gov. LOL otherwise I wouldn’t have chucked that money xD

Celebrate P!nk!

December 19, 2008 — 4 Comments

Yay! I got my Funhouse CD yesterday, and I thought “wow, I’ve got 5 P!nk albums.” I like to call myself (shut up, amy) Pink’s first Peruvian fan… which is not fact. Maybe… just MAYBE, there was someone who knew her and bought her album faster than me.

Pink's 5 CDS

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It’s been a LONG time since my last talk about films that marked my life, and after much thinking and procrastination I thought Karate Kid should be next. Why?

Karate Kid Amy

So simple! LOL’ I was a huge HUGE fan of Karate Kid, but the best part of the film for me wasn’t Daniel-san, even though I did the “Crane Kick” many times playing in the garden and in my room… no, the best part of Karate Kid was Mr. Miyagi.

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It’s December Already!!

December 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

Forgive for not posting sooner… I got sick. Is it foreboding of the year to come? After all the dude didn’t fall of the Mikoshi, and the sake was opened not on the count of three. AND, next year is an odd number year… my family always gets screwed some way or the other on odd number years…

Anyway… at the Matsuri, I saw Daikon-san.


And I thought of Osen, and I laughed… and took the picture. LOL – Then I had lunch, which wasn’t all that good (I think it also did me some wrong), saw the music performances… and stuff, and it was windy, so I got a fever, which did me more wrong. I was kinda screwed yesterday, so I couldn’t even sit in front of the computer… at least not until 10pm, when I began working on the photos.

I’m okay now, only a sore neck…

Weeee! Juri Ueno and Aoi MIyazaki (among others) have been named Women of the Year! Read more about it on Juri’s LiveJournal Community

Vogue Nippon - Women of the Year 2008

From left to right – Edo Harumi, Yukari Ichijo, Yukiko Ueno, Aoi Miyazaki, Kanako Higuchi, Juri Ueno, Mieko Kawakami, Suzanne, and missing Jakucho Setouchi.

Cute kimonos xD I especially love Aoi Miyazaki’s one just because I’m not a very colourful person, despite my colorful blog.


Also known as Izu no Odoriko, or The Izu Dancer is the first published work (1926) to achieve popularity and acclaimed by Yasunari Kawabata. The book, very much like Kyoto, is about nothing at all… in fact, this is just a compilation of stories put together.

The first one, which gives the name to the book is one of the few interesting ones, as well as Diario de mi Decimosexto Año that tells some of the moments of Kawabata’s dying grandfather. Some other stories I liked were La Princesa del Palacio Dragón, El Camino de Monedas, and Una Oración en Lengua Materna.

Despite that, the just over 200-page book seemed to be a very long and slow book, compared to the reading time it took me to finish Kyoto. If you are a fan of Yasunari Kawabata’s writing about a time and a place and the people, you might enjoy this compilation of stories. If you’re looking for an introduction to him, or an epic tale about Japan… you might want to skip this one.

Message in a Post-it!

November 22, 2008 — 2 Comments

Look what I found. ^^

Messages in Post-its

I love post-its~ I ran out of them two weeks ago, and bought another brand coz they didn’t have 3M ones, but they don’t stick. So post-its MUST BE 3M. When I was at school I used to leave post-its in my friends’ computers, and they left them on mine too. ^^

Amy wants a post-it project now! Would you write/send/leave a post-it message for her? xD

We’re Smart, We’re Witty~

November 22, 2008 — 3 Comments

… , and we’ve got asses that rock! – as Mary Cherry would say.

What else rocks? This new theme… me likey, so it’s staying. Staying just in time for the painting of the apartment, so house’s a mess. Really… REALLY a mess~

Bedroom Mess xD

Okay... not much difference to the regular thing, ha! But it is a mess...

Same thing goes for the living room… I think you can tell more with that one. xP

Living Room Mess

All the little things have been not-neatly stuffed on the tables and sofas...