Archives For Photoshoots

Crazy good looking photo by Yu Tsai.

Evan Rachel Wood by Yu Tsai

What’s the deal with Wood? Oh, man… I used to be a big fan during her Once and Again days, I even rented that Little Secrets movie (with David Gallagher whom I had the biggest crush on… and ultimately dated Poor Man’s Angelina Megan Fox *eek!*, and Michael Angarano… who now dates Kristen Stewart (?)) – Anyway, I was a big fan when Thirteen came out… I was in Vancouver and I got to see it in theaters! LOL’ I thought I had seen the best shit ever, xD – I even own it on DVD… and then they came, the Lolita roles~ one after the other, I just got sort of bored of it.

Pretty Persuasion, Upside of Anger, Down in the Valley, Running with Scissors (with Ryan Murphy, Gwyneth and Mary Cherry! LOL) – but I got tired.
And the whole Marilyn Manson business, with the VonTeese look. Tiring.

However, in 2007 she did King of California (with Michael Douglas), The Life Before her Eyes (with Uma) and Across the Universe, which I thought were pretty okay, so I got interested again. Add to that, The Wrestler and I’m sold.

ANYWAY, enough crap talk. Some more photos below the break.

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Tsk, Tsk~ Photoshop…

August 17, 2009 — 2 Comments

I am a geek!
I use Photoshop like crazy.

Nowadays, I take loads more photographs than my student days, but to be honest, I hate re-touching photographs to get rid of wrinkles… or how I like to call them, expression lines.

I love funny faces, big smiles… but then again, I also delete minor things like distracting marks (if it’s too distracting) and choose over-exposed for light purposes, as well as soft light to decrease the hard shadows that make wrinkles pop out~ after all, women don’t like to see their wrinkles

black and white also works wonders~

one of the reasons why I love this photo of Heidi Klum, though this photo of Marion Cotillard is also a good one of a different type~ and just for the sake of crazy good looking faces, here’s Carmen Kass.

and Greta Garbo during her 1945 days~ I’ll love you forever, Greta xD

Anyway, what’s up with this post you say?

Well, photographer Peter Lindbergh speaks a bit about on this article by The New York Times – Smile and “Say No Photoshop” –  and I have some pics to illustrate his views… of not-retouched models! *legasp!*

“My feeling is that for years now it has taken a much too big part in how women are being visually defined today,” Mr. Lindbergh said in an e-mail exchange. “Heartless retouching,” he wrote, “should not be the chosen tool to represent women in the beginning of this century.”

Cindy Crawford by Peter Lindbergh

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Juri Ueno - Shiseido Cosmetics

Wet hair, that is…
minds of the gutter, s’il vous plait~

You can check all hi-res photos over here.

Once again,
another sneak peek at Juri on the Ivan Simeon collection~

Juri Ueno - Myth and Realities by Ivan Simeon

Woah, long time no Yu posting! LOL

I dunno if anyone’s seen this, but it’s a discovery for me.
Je detest lire, et ecrire en francais aussi.
Les accents, je les detest!

Anyway! From H Magazine~~~
Manga mitai ni Ikitai

Something like Comic’06 – Living (or I want to live) like Manga –
or Manga-looking Life. LOL’ Japanese is all about interpretation xD

Tekkonkinkreet is one of my fave Yu projects~

H Magazine - Tekkon

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me too, me too.
though it’s always a love/hate relation with any city I stay in.

I’m headed to bed early tonight. “big” day… er… today.
let’s see how it goes~
in the meantime~~~

Here’s Carly Pope!

Carly Pope by Shea Pollard

What are your fondest memories growing up in the city?
My parents used to always take us down to Granville Island on the weekends.  Kids Only market was my hotspot, no doubt.  We’d also take drives along the Seawall, and I would be nothing short of fascinated with the Girl In a Wetsuit Sculpture sitting out in the sea.  I tried (every time) to convince everyone she was actually the Little Mermaid…my version, anyway.

I actually thought it was a mermaid too. LOL Granville Island pawns.

What’s the most awesome restaurant in Vancouver?
How do you choose?!  Vancouver’s seriously got the most awesome restos.  I’m practically a pundit for anything and everything Japanese. Hapa Izakaya, Kingyo, Miko, Bistro Sakana, Tojo’s (kind of preferred the days of old there though…something more unruffled about their former setup, but I get it), Shijo, Yuji’s, Yoshi’s, Daikichi (for takeout).  Asian fare, though, across the board, makes me a happy girl.

Bolding, mine. ZOMG~ She’s so awesome. xD
I’ve been to Hapa Izakaya once, it was pretty nice. Loads of people. Pretty nice food.
But double ZOMG! Daikichi!!!
I did most my Jap takeout from there since I lived right across the street. xD
I did hang out with the Asian crowd. We went out to eat almost every weekend…

Read the whole interview at Vancouver Is Awesome.

Woahhhh. She left my heart dokidoki~~~

It’s a very VERY old interview Cheung did for the New York Times while promoting Clean at the Toronto International Film Festival (for which she won Best actress at Cannes).

Maggie Cheung by Jean-Baptiste Mondino

In case the whole thing disappears, I’m gonna paste the whole thing here~~~
by the way, I do LURV the photo below the break, same photoshoot as the above…
want a bigger version of the one below!!!

Really, really do read this whole interview, even though it’s quite long. But it will make you adore Maggie Cheung~~~ it will make you love her, even though she doesn’t really want you to. LOL

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Jul 11

More Yu

Yu Aoi - July09 More InterviewOver at the Yu Aoi LJ Comm, there are brand new scans with an interview title “All About Yu Aoi” [insert Lily Chou Chou reference in here]. Scans are okay-ish size for photos… but knida makes it difficult to read or “try to read” as I call it. Plus, they have watermarks that make it even more difficult for me to try to get kanji xD

Sucks to be me.

Anyway, I did manage to get some of the titles and sub headings to get myself an idea of what’s going on here.

It goes something like this…

Likes, dislikes and the Actual Me

All About Yu Aoi

It has to do something with her success as an actress, and… her happy face (???) but yet precocious nature? xD – What’s the deal?  “Now, we all know “All About Yu Aoi””

Pun intended. LOL

Then, I think… they talk a bit about her views on this beautiful world (?), how awesome it is to work with Kyoko Koizumi (referring to the Gakuya play), how awesome (or how it makes her happy?) to have Scone in the mornings. As well as… opinions on Love? (Koi, Ai… Suki and Aisuru) – Ecological issues? ~~~ ?

Something to do with movies and journies and searching? And wait, wait… funny part.

とにかく食べることが大好き (笑)。
Tonikaku taberu koto ga daisuki (wara?).
I generally love to eat (laughs).

LOL. I can get that.

ANYWAY. Any proper translation would be welcomed! ^^

I thought I was being a smartass by calling this a Twitterview, but FRAK! I’m late… this is what happens when you think Twitter is not for you. ANYWAY!

The Juri Ueno LiveJournal community just posted a brief Twitterview – more like a casual chat – with Ivan Simeon who is the photographer for the newest Juri-chan photographic adventure titled
The New Green Deal.

The New Green Deal by Ivan Simeon

As far as I’m concerned, this community ROCKS major Yen. xD – They scan, translate… sub and even conduct Juri-related interviews!!!

And hooray for Happy Accidents!!!

My assistant messed up and the b&w pictures became green! She throwed it away and I fished it out of the bin and thought: Wouawww! That looks great. Than we worked hard to find again the combination which by accident gave this strange colour!

I’ve taken photos when I was studying… ~~~ Now, if only my school days had looked like THAT.

Kyoto Saga Art University

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