Gou begins this Sunday!! And it’s supposed to be a 70min. episode.
Please, that clip of Juri possibly crying… and possibly pulling at each other’s cheeks, I’m going to be crying and laughing with this… just like when Atsuhime aired.
I’ve never seen this video of Bibi during her Super Girl days. And I never knew she sang Gone by NSYNC! She even has a more likable – hint: not nasal – voice than Justin Timberlake. Someone tweet this to him ASAP! xD
I wish she had changed the line about “being a man and be strong” xD but to what?
Then? Then she pulls of the ABC song in blues? Please, WTH.
I’m also making a YouTube playlist titled “Why Zhou Bichang is Awesome” LOL And you see the 2nd clip on that list? The duo with Priscilla Chan – that’s the same song she sang on this clip up here in the contest.
But I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some Japanese cellphone that could do that same thing translating on the spot, but in Kanji. Now take that and tell me that’s not amazing? xD
The New York Times’ got around 1min. clips of actors acting titled Fourteen Actors Acting. From Tilda Swinton to Chloe Moretz going through James Franco and passing through Michael Douglas, all the way to Jennifer Lawrence with a tinge of Noomi Rapace.
And… I want to say it looks great, because I love black and white – but really?
I know a bunch of people were watching the American Music Awards on Sunday – does anyone care about the AMA once we grow older? I actually complained there was no broadcast, when there actually was… I just didn’t know there was, because I guess I didn’t care.
Also I rarely have the TV on in anything other than CNN, NHK, or CCTV LOL
Anyway, the New Kids on the Block and the BackStreet Boys performed together – which they’ve done before, only the video leaked that time was just a bunch of women screaming. So this one is an actual broadcast performance bringing oh so many memories.
They sang a mash-up (Glee fan-mode on) of Hanging Tough with Everybody, which then turned into I Want it that Way, which turned into Step by Step with The Right Stuff, and they finished off with Larger than Life.
Please, I was a teenage girl once – I know every single track name from any pop song of any pop idol prior to 2002. I know the choreography to those music videos. LOL
But now? Now I work on YAM, and I’m all about WORLDWIDE stuff.
Not really the best of captures, but we’ll take what we can with YouTube removing stuff. Once again, YouTube users~~~ contact me in order to figure out how to keep the videos online. Your upload credits will be kept.
Thanks hirokisakurajima for the upload~
OMG, Yu-chan plays the piano!!!
I had read about that, but never actually believed it… you know, it is the internet.
By the way, her last Ongaku appearance… which was uploaded by rocking user aoinohoho is gone because YouTube deleted the account – understandable. Aoinohoho, if you still visit the site would love to get hold of those videos.
Which leads me to a rant. Seriously Japan broadcasters, REALLY? As if you’re going to release interviews for sale. Even the likes of Letterman, and all those night shows have clips online. What’s up with that!?
The initial shot works perfect, despite some problems with the camera zooming out. Moreover, the cuts when everyone shows up dancing work to show the whole stage, and closer shots for all the jumping.
The song is catchy, and the performance is different enough from the rest of the performances of the night to be memorable, and perfect to stand out. I hope Vimeo doesn’t delete it because it’s the only good version I’ve found.