Archives For Clips

I don’t remember when I first watched this clip, but I remember I saw just a bit of it — the first two lines — on CCTV. Maybe it was during the 10th anniversary of the Macao Handover, but I remember the little girl singing.. it was just that, and then they cut away. At that time, I spoke no word of Mandarin (or Cantonese, or any dialect),my mother was watching with me as she listened to it and translated. She turned and told me “you know my name is not Macau, that is not my name.” — A sudden rush of emotions came over me.

I have no idea why that line was so powerful to me, I literally had to go to my room because I felt a little dust bugging me and my tears forming.

There’s another version here, just in case. And the audio on

That was then. I have no idea what got me tonight — must be The Flowers of War business, I always get like this when I read a lot of negative press against China since the Olympics LOL. Anyway, I went on a hunt for that song because I didn’t know what it was called, and my mother didn’t grow up in China singing it so she had no idea it was a popular children’s song.

Called the Song of the Seven Sons – Aomen (七子之歌-澳门)… apparently there’s a Taiwan version as well, but it’s not as hip [1]. I thought there might be 7 versions of the song for different regions that were part of China or something xD

Anyway, a really GOOD translation of the lyrics is hard to find, but I managed to find a good one without doing any translating work (because I’m so lazy like that) but a lot of googling. Chinese, pinyin and translations after the break!

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I don’t get to watch Nigella on tv any longer, mainly because I’m not stuck to it — and when I am, it’s only on the news channel. But I used to watch her show as often as I caught it running.

I had always thought Nigella had a way with words because she had an MA in language and, as such, knew the right way of talking to get you interested. LOL and then my friend told me she didn’t watch her show because she felt Nigella was flirting with her through it all xD

I guess I got caught in between all the flirting.

Anyway, Nigella is the guest editor for this month’s (?) Stylist Magazine, so all their frontpage at the moment is covered with Nigella content ranging from videos, recipes, tips and things~ and with that a lusciously dirty cover with Nigella’s face covered with salted caramel.

Her post on her love affair with salted caramel is also a good read, with loads of good dirty quotes. Like “I don’t want merely to experience pleasure, I want to wallow in it – gloriously and gratefully – while it lasts.” or:

Not since the first ever infant suckled at its mother’s breast had a food – it felt – had so much instant impact. If I’d been in a cartoon, my eyes would have bulged, stars would have emanated from my head, and I would have been licking my saliva-spurting lips wolfishly.

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This would be pretty crazy, but how does this work? xD

Seriously, time is flying.

We probably need someone to translate – cough, queue Nina xD

Does anyone know if a fansub group is taking this? And… are you guys watching this?

I’m just guessing this is Sony’s fault because Dixie Chicks are signed under Columbia which is part of Sony, which makes it part of this whole SME Content region restriction issue. The Dixie Chicks Vevo channel is half locked for me, and I hate it. I’m sorry for the Dixie Chicks, but I fucking hate their channel.

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Does this mean that Blind Spot is going to become a single? Because that was one of my favorite songs in the album, which you would know if you had already read my review of Black.Choice.White — which obviously wasn’t my choice of English translation but Gold Typhoon’s.

I think Black.Choice.White seems too simplistic as a translation — I mean… there’s the black with the Hei, and then they choose white even though Ming can’t be really translated to that. My chosen translation was Dark.Select.Clear which I suppose was playing with the Good/Bad concept with the Dark part being the bad, and Clear as a way of dissipation of the dark. It’s not fully bright, you see? xD

But then again, I’ve been called delusional before.

After a few weeks since my last forum comments on IMDb, which I only visit for rating films and shows and almost never hang out at the boards any longer, I ended up looking at my comment history and found a post on the Shirley Holmes board…

Of course I ended up searching for “shirley holmes” on YouTube… lo and behold!

Meredith Henderson is living in L.A. and is a gamer~~~ I did not expect that, ever. She’s a full-on gaming dork too, getting excited over Comic Con and all. I didn’t understand half the things she talked about because I don’t game, but loads of my friends do.

I also ended up finding a copy of Espanol Latino Shirley Holmes! El Caso de la Bruja Wannabe with — of course — Shelley Duvall of The Shining. xD Espanol Latino dubs are hard to come by in full episodes, even though I have the first seasons of Shirley Holmes on tape with that dub. I wish I could come by the last season.

I have been waiting patiently for a number of years for a DVD release of that show.

Also buy right away… or you’ll end up with over-priced copies of them like Are You Afraid of the Dark xD which are around $100-$300 dollars per season (7 in total). But… if you have no issues in paying around $2k for a show on DVD, be my guest… LOL

This is actually a really cool concept.

You would obviously have to know about high resolution pictures and paper quality, but it’d be really awesome. I don’t know many people who have a printer specifically for printing photos, though.

I feel terribly sad that this had to happen this way~

It’s not like I sat through the VMA this year (the very first year that I chose not to, without counting the years I had no access to MTV), but having Jersey Shore introducing me nominees was too much for me to take… in the end, I tuned out and went for dinner.

When I found out that MTV was going to do a Britney Spears tribute, I thought to myself “why?” because, well — for starters, Britney’s not dead. Plus, Britney’s been on the music stage for barely 10 years… and out of those ten years, only five had been actually unquestionably successful.

So it pained me to have to see Britney accepting this because it means it’s just never gonna happen again. No, people. Do not expect Britney ever to recover her former glory, because it ain’t going to happen. But what’s worse is Britney (and her camp) accepting this poorly put together tribute… but who do we blame?

It’s not like the music industry has being able to produce anyone to follow Britney’s footsteps — failing to produce someone who can at least lipsync and kickass dance like Britney used to be able to. So what does MTV do? Get no-name little girls to dance to a speed-up Britney mashup. Each of her tracks gets reduced to a 15sec. blurb in which the girls duplicate Britney’s ‘famous’ moves — it’s just chaos.

And what does MTV do? They make Britney introduce Beyonce.

That just… doesn’t make sense at all.

Britney, you used to deserve so much better. Specially from MTV.

I recently was watching the Latino dubbing of Bones, when I heard Bones’ espanol latino speaking and racking my brain as to where I had heard her voice, until it hit me — Cordelia Chase (from Buffy) was speaking Bones dialog. I was in shocked at the personality clash of that as my brain turned to mush from all that pop culture.

I ended up in Doblaje Wiki, in which I discovered Clemen Larumbe was doing the voice. It’s an amazing thing Latino dubbing.. of course, it used to be better because dubbing took longer before, and now you’re on a tight schedule as to not keep fans waiting. In my search of Latino dubbing, I found out that Laura Torres (who voiced KidGoku on Dragon Ball, Tommy Pickle on Rugrats, Daria, Gabrielle on Xena, Catherine on CSI) had also voiced Kat (the 2nd Pink Ranger)… which made me look for other Power Rangers related news.

Then it hit me even harder: Amy Jo Johnson (the original Pink Ranger — from the American version) is turning forty-freaking-one this year. I was downright depressed at how old I am.

I’m not so ashamed to say that I watched Power Rangers until Zordon was gone — because I’m a loyal fan, I even watched a few of the eps after that. But to me, Power Rangers was truly ended when Zordon’s capsule was destroyed… which takes me back all the way to Power Rangers in Space.

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