Archives For fandom

I have a really special and complicated relationship with Britney Spears. Despite my moving on from fandom in the early millennium, I think… deep in my heart (I know it’s only you, xD) – deep in my heart there’s always going to be a soft spot for Britney. The one side of me that’s always going to get happy when something good happens to her, and the side of me that gets preoccupied when something bad happens.

I think in terms of ‘true’ Britney fans — you can recognize them by how much they love her ballads. Because Britney is not necessarily famous for her powerful vocals, but her long-time fans love Britney and actually miss her ballads — I actually love I Will Be There with those lyrics of… “when you’re feeling low, baby, let me know… and I will be there.

Then there\s Girl in the Mirror — she must’ve sung that song when she was 19 or 20 years old… but there’s an unequivocal innocent… almost too naive character to the song. It’s the kind of inner drama that 15 year old girls used to listen to and have ultimately stopped.

Despite of the technical qualities of this fan video, it’s a very VERY sad and emotional clip. Especially with its beginning with a very young Britney and showing all those clips. It just… it almost breaks my heart… as if I had forsaken her.

Time will take us apart, but I will still love you. I promise.

I generally don’t talk about celebrities’ personal lives — oh, who am I kidding? I love gossip. I used to spend hours reading gossip blogs until I realized how much time I wasted. LOL

It started over the course of these few days when Yu Aoi searches spiked — once again — so I went on my customary search when that happens. And voila~

I don’t think I’ve ever stuck to a specific individual fandom long enough to actually see this kind of thing happen before, so since this is a first of a confirmed relationship from Yu-chan [blog] [1] [screencap], I guess I gotta sorta document it for my future Wiki update [1]. LOL

Yu-chan is in a relationship with actor Suzuki Kosuke. Omedetou! Throw the confetti!

Sorry for the really bad graphic. But I didn’t wanna put one picture next tot he other coz then I would mistake it for a collaboration graphic. xD

After a couple of strongly-rumored-but-ultimately-never-bluntly-confirmed guys, Yu-chan and Suzuki-san have both announced it on their blogs. Nah-huh, can’t get more confirmation than that one. It beats the sneaking around, huh? Good for her.

I had no idea BiBi would be in London (?) — well, in the UK — to do this (Nike Marathon).

But my biggest, most shocking, realization was — Bibi’s hair looks different colors from the side (blond auburn hair or highlights) while it’s all dark on the head on front shot. How is that even possible???? It baffles me to figure out the dynamics… because, at first, I thought it might have been two different people. But no, it’s BiBi alright.

It’s fascinating.

And she looks like she has super SUPER swag. Especially in the snapshot of her with the sunglasses and her touching of her magical hair. Super chill, waiting, while all those white people at the back don’t look at her ‘coz they’re totally oblivious.

Jewels from Weibo. xD

I have no idea where people find these things…

I feel a little like invading her privacy… maybe I shouldn’t post these, huh? What do you think?

I’ve been talking a lot about Popular lately, it feels [1]…

So I was updating yammag lists — especially the actors one — and I usually double-check people’s follows (sometimes to my disappointment ToT – I’m looking at you, Naka Riisa >,<). Anyway, it turns out Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) follows Leslie Bibb, then I checked her follows and found that she was following Tamara Mello.

Things went on, and I decided to make a list of everyone who was on Popular that was on Twitter.

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In the first part of this re-imagination of The L Word in a Jdrama universe, we saw my dreamcast.

 I’m still a little unsure on one of my main details, though, and that’s whether I want Meisa Kuroki as Carmen — the hot Latina who sizzled people’s screens and made Shane go Loco (I’m sorry for the cheesy bad writing, but The L Word deserves this cheese)… or whether she should play Molly — the no-longer-straight law student who wouldn’t fall for Shane’s game, so I’m hoping to be able to make a reasonable mish-mash of the both of them.

Because I only have this one series [1][2].

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I guess it must be the Blogathon week, I just couldn’t shake that feeling that I had to talk about The L Word one way or the other… again. What better way to talk about than combining it with MY FAVORITE topic as of lately~ JDRAMA!

A while back [1], I found a post where a fan talked what Japanese stars they would pick if they ever wanted to remake The L Word in Japan. Of course, I went a step further. I thought about the HOW TOs in the adaptation of a Japanese The L Word… because, well- for starters, Japan in not the USA. Also, I can’t show Showtime content on Japanese television. Not if I want to use my dreamcast~~~


I made this Jdrama character chart because I take this sh!t seriously. LOL

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Part of the YAM Magazine 2012 LGBT Blogathon~

It’s been years… YEARS… since I last saw a full episode of The L Word. It ended when it ended, and I’ve never had the intention to revisit it. However, I do revisit shippy fan videos because they tend to be the best of what was [1][2][3] — then there are not so shippy vids, but character vids [1].

Since I was trying to reconnect with fandom, I was browsing some threads on the battlefield cyber-ground that is the IMDb boards, where I found a thread talking about Max/Moira and how he was the “weakest and least likable” character on the whole show — COME ON, it’s a show with Jenny Schecter, and Max is the least likable? The user went onto describe Max as socially inept, filthy (for shooting illegal hormones), and having “gross love scenes” with Alan Cumming.

Now, I’m pretty sure we can agree that The L Word shat on Max’s transition storyline (pretty much just how Alice put him down many-a-times), and he was probably one of the weakest “starring roles” the show had… even if the show was populated by a number of poorly-written characters. However, I’m here to defend Max and what some people say was “gross” or “not nice” about him.

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with Daniela Sea to the eyes, and she did fairly well with whatever was thrown at her… but that can be said with pretty much anyone in the cast. LOL

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There was a surge on Yu Aoi searches today, so I was browsing what I was missing~

First~ there’s a new batch of CMs for JINS glasses that were released in early May and on May 31st. This Making Of clip is from the last batch of commercials.


The JINS YouTube channel has released most of the videos.


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It’s around that time of the year again — a few days, give or take — it’s been 4 years since I’ve been in Yu Aoi’s fandom! Admittedly, less diligently than before… but surprisingly, still going at it.

You know FOUR is my bad luck number. Bad things happen with that number, so I’m extra crossing my fingers this year. In the meantime… here’s Yu-chan! Being Yu-chan! With some pastries~~~