Archives For glasses

Sorry about the lack of updates~

Been busy with work, avoided Mamamoo/Yu Aoi spamming, and caught up with Netflix shows (some). I finished the last season of Master of None, which was as good as the first season; except for an episode or two. My favorite was definitely Religion, coz I can inverse-relate. My family is not religious, but I live in a mostly-Catholic society and attended a Christian-Franciscan school. Anyway! That’s off-topic~

I also just finished watching the latest season of Orange is the New Black, and though it’s probably the weakest season of the lot, I realized that Laura Prepon in plain dark hair, minimum make-up, and black rim glasses does it. No black slightly curled, not blonde, not even red head Laura Prepon. So it’s like, Alex does it.

When Piper told Alex “I thought you might wanna go back to your sexy librarian look.” And Alex smirked. Yeah! LOL

Me: Celebrity endorsements don’t work.
Also me: I’m obsessed with JiNS glasses now. Thank you, Yu-chan [1][2].

You can also buy non-prescription :O That would make it less stressful to get them shipped across continent, and then just get the prescription at your local oculist.

When I went to Japan (OMG, last year. It’s already been a year TnT), I ended up getting a pair of JiNS Air Frame glasses because— 1. Yu-chan. 2. When I tried them on, they didn’t fall. LOL I don’t have a high nose bridge, so my western glasses usually end up at the tip of my nose, and they’re so heavy!! SO HEAVY! I always got a deep mark on the sides of my nose. Air Frame glasses suit me so well.

So~~~ I found out there’s a JiNS store in San Francisco (and three other stores in California— so many Asians xD), so I could totally get a pair when I visit my aunt! It also seems like they have an online store. They only ship within the US, so I suppose I could send my glasses to my aunt’s~ BUT LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUS THINGS!

I’m obsessed with it right now.

Round glasses don’t suit the shape of my face, though. hahahahaha

I also don’t change glasses style because it’s expensive, but~~~ wishlist.

There was a surge on Yu Aoi searches today, so I was browsing what I was missing~

First~ there’s a new batch of CMs for JINS glasses that were released in early May and on May 31st. This Making Of clip is from the last batch of commercials.


The JINS YouTube channel has released most of the videos.


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I. Love.

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I’m all over these! I’m telling you xD

SIRE Glasses

Take it away, electro plankton~

… each frame is made of 7 thin layers of water buffalo horn exquisitely hand crafted and polished. The horn fibers run in opposite directions for strength and flexibility. No idea how much they cost but there are 3 standard frames and 3 corrective versions.

On an off-topic matter.
I haven’t decided whether to Live blog the Emmys tonight.
We’ll have to wait and see…