Archives For actress

CBS’s new medical transplant drama (?) Three Rivers~
hmm… dunno, don’t really have much interest on Network TV as of lately,
but any reason to see Katherine Moenning in scrubs~~~

good on my book… and good on your book too, right?

first, must admit. The character promo shot looks not like her.
blame Photoshop~~~ good thing? the promo episode still, pretty hot.
LOL, almost like Shane cleaned up her act and became a Dr. @_@

Three Rivers - Still

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me too, me too.
though it’s always a love/hate relation with any city I stay in.

I’m headed to bed early tonight. “big” day… er… today.
let’s see how it goes~
in the meantime~~~

Here’s Carly Pope!

Carly Pope by Shea Pollard

What are your fondest memories growing up in the city?
My parents used to always take us down to Granville Island on the weekends.  Kids Only market was my hotspot, no doubt.  We’d also take drives along the Seawall, and I would be nothing short of fascinated with the Girl In a Wetsuit Sculpture sitting out in the sea.  I tried (every time) to convince everyone she was actually the Little Mermaid…my version, anyway.

I actually thought it was a mermaid too. LOL Granville Island pawns.

What’s the most awesome restaurant in Vancouver?
How do you choose?!  Vancouver’s seriously got the most awesome restos.  I’m practically a pundit for anything and everything Japanese. Hapa Izakaya, Kingyo, Miko, Bistro Sakana, Tojo’s (kind of preferred the days of old there though…something more unruffled about their former setup, but I get it), Shijo, Yuji’s, Yoshi’s, Daikichi (for takeout).  Asian fare, though, across the board, makes me a happy girl.

Bolding, mine. ZOMG~ She’s so awesome. xD
I’ve been to Hapa Izakaya once, it was pretty nice. Loads of people. Pretty nice food.
But double ZOMG! Daikichi!!!
I did most my Jap takeout from there since I lived right across the street. xD
I did hang out with the Asian crowd. We went out to eat almost every weekend…

Read the whole interview at Vancouver Is Awesome.

Funny stuffs with Christina Applegate, Mary-Louise Parker
Amy Poehler, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Sarah Silverman and Jane Krakowski

minus Toni Collette.

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First things first~~

I found another Yu Aoi article that talks about her role on Ikechan and voice-acting. It seems to quote a bit on this previous interview, but there also seems to be a bit of extra info, can’t be sure since I just skimmed-Google-translate it. We are in need of proper translations for this and the previous articles (trust me, you don’t want to rely on my Japanese LOL).

I also ran into this piece of info. I know it’s late, LOL’

Gakuya - Dressing Room - Poster

It’s a stage drama/play/theater piece… whatever your choice of noun is, called Gakuya – or as it translates Dressing Room – alongside Kyoko Koizumi, Nozomi Muraoka, and Eri Watanabe. It ran from May 10th to June 14th (again, sorry for the tardiness xD) – any Japanese fans seen it?? It would be awesome to get comments on that… or even a synopsis xD

Gakuya - Dressing Room - Cast

— July 1st EDIT —

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While there’s on-going filming in Europe, there’s more news about Juri’s brand new WOWOW drama titled Ueno Juri and the Five Bags – though I wonder if there will be a title change or addition~~

Juri Ueno and the Five Bags

WOWOW is quickly positioning on my to-watch list (now, if only they decided to release their subbed dramas and films) – and on the vein of series like Camouflage, which I still haven’t watched subbed – comes this mini-series (since it’s only 5-episodes long) telling the story of 5 different characters and directed by 5 different directors, including Nobuhiro Yamashita (Linda Linda Linda, Camouflage), Michael Arias (Tekkonkinkreet) and Takuma Takasaki (Honokaa Boy).

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Dr. Koto's Clinic

I began watching Dr. Koto’s Clinic – well, kind of for obvious reasons – Anyhoo~ I decided to begin watching from the very beginning. To tell you the truth, I was about to give up watching the whole show (first season) once or twice… but the little kids and the whole blood donating episode kept me going. Takehiro-kun was sooooo cute. LOL’ (and he was also on Yoshitsune xD)

I was teary, once or twice… I’m a sap, people should know by now. I love crying, but it’s got to be a good cry~~~ my favorite episode was the one with Aki-ojii – even though the episode titles were… well, a little blunt. It was a great episode dealing with death in a pretty realistic way. I was tired of so many successful operations to be frank.

Acting was pretty good, though there were times I couldn’t stand some characters (including Dr. Koto/Goto (Hidetaka Yoshioka) himself, lol), but that’s hardly an acting problem, and more of a character thing – I loved Ayaka (Kou Shibasaki), though. Especially when she begins realizing she’s falling for the doctor. She’s pretty hilarious, and at the same time she can break your heart. Like when Rika (Ayumi Ito) comes back, and Ayaka tells Dr. Koto how the both of them used to make boys cry. LOL’

All characters had their moment though, so I’m looking forward to the Specials… as well as Season 2.

Anyway, why Harmony, you would wonder? It’s because I can’t seem to get away from my first official ship. No matter what the series is, what the movie is… it always gets a Harmony comparison.
I love it and hate it.

Ayaka is a balancing force to Dr. Koto, while Saki knows who Goto is as a doctor, he has to prove himself with Ayaka to show her the real him, and she gets to see this of him. She’s not fuzzing over the Dr. who’s come to the island, but she’s flustered for the caring and kind man he is. Ayaka is always by Goto’s side, even when everyone believed the news article, Ayaka stood by him (alongside Wada-san) – can’t get more Trio than that. LOL

She takes a hit when Saki comes to visit, and all the guys fuzz about this doctor with short hair that looks like a model or an air-hostess… and even a bigger blow when people start saying Dr. Koto might marry Saki because they have a kid together. LOL’ Oh the rumors! xD Poor Ayaka, people think she stands no chance against Saki, she is after all just a plain island nurse, but she hangs in there. And that one scene almost by the end, when Ayaka realizes Goto is in the boat, and then he sees her – UGH, it’s exactly like that walking down the stairs and all I see is you thing. *sighs* but Koto’s totally daft, and she’s just content he’s back.

Fan-made video! And new video posting testing!! LOL

First, a little about the video.

I began this… when this episode (Lucky Thirteen) aired back in Oct. 2008 – so it’s been sitting on my computer forever. I worked on it one weekend, and sort of left it there – until this weekend. I’ve begun working on another music video (on a less fan-made side) and thought I should at least finish this one.

I found Thirteen (I refuse to call her Dr. Hadley or Remy LOL) interesting from the beginning. It was a certain spark, and well… Olivia Wilde is pretty hot – which my friend Mob would be glad to agree on. And I also have to say that I’ve always found Foreman boring, so Foreteen makes me roll my eyes.

That aside… the song is by Hanson from The Walk, and it immediately brought images of Thirteen and her out-of-control behavior, so I just had to do it.

On a rant side… YouTube has removed already 2 of my fan-made videos, and I’m expecting them to remove the ones that are left, so I’m now forced to not use it. So please help out by linking back to this site =D

Carey Mulligan

That is a photo of Carey Mulligan looking a bit different, but a pretty cool photograph. Who’s Carey Mulligan, you say? Well, I first spotted her as Elsie on My Boy Jack (starring Daniel Radcliffe), but truth be told~ I couldn’t pay much attention to it until her scenes came up.

Where else have you seen her? She was also Kitty on Pride & Prejudice (the one with Keira), and Doctor Who as Sally Sparrow. And she seems to be having a pretty busy 2009~~~ with The Greatest (with Susan Sarandon), Public Enemies (with Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard~~~ Ooh la!), Brothers (with Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Natalie Portman~~~ another Ooh la!), and An Education (by writer Nick Hornby) – in fact, I was checking out The Awards Circuit, and turns out they have her listed for this film as a Best Actress Nomination until now!

Now that’s pretty impressive.

Next-next up for her? Never Let Me Go (by Kazuo Ishiguro… with Keira, and Sally Hawkins) and The Electric Slide (with Ewan McGregor).

Ooh la~~~

but plays a great drunk. LOL – Okay, maybe she does a little if I read right the interview aoinohoho sent me.

Actually, this clip I found made me want to watch Tiger & Dragon. xD

should I?

Hmm… think it’s like National Geographic in the theater, and Isabella Rossellini in the shape of various different animals. Really… literally.

Green Porno - Isabella Rossellini

Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porno series (which I wasn’t aware of) has just released it’s 2nd season. You can watch the first and second season through the Sundance Channel, here.

I particularly thought series2 was better, so that’s actually an improvement! Now, if only classes at school were that visually interesting~~~ *laughs*