Archives For Music

Hyori-unnie’s Vol. 4 album H-Logic [okay…]

Here comes the first single… a Latin-emo arthouse styled song/video.
Doesn’t it make you think old Latin song? Like OLD school Latin song.

And there’s a creepy clown… so arthouse.
And black balloons… totally Le Ballon Rouge xD

thanks Julz for the heads up~

Asian Music Round-up

March 28, 2010 — 12 Comments

27 Asian Music Albums OWNED. [One, Mirotic… thanks Julz~]

That’s like 50 regular Western music albums in price… just so you know.

Over 240 Asian Music Albums HEARD…

it’s been 2 busy years of Asian Entertainment…
and I can’t seem to stop~

musicians and idols~ I can’t hate any of them…
and they’re making me broke xD

HMV JP takes top marks on shipping.
It only took 2 days! TWO days for my order to arrive~~~

It took Salyu 3 years to release her 3rd studio album, but it’s not like we were deprived of new music. In fact, Maiden Voyage contains many of the singles that Salyu had release these past years [6, if I count correctly]. You could say this could be a compilation of sorts, but it surprisingly works nicely as an album.

The album art gives you the visuals of flying… almost in a dream-like fashion — I mean, Salyu IS floating on a mattress and/or pillows, right? These visuals work really well with the overall themes and overall energy of the songs (yes, I actually grabbed the song book and followed the bouncing ball).

It also looks like Salyu is experimenting with her own music by finally stepping onto the writers chair, and even working on the music herself. Of course, she’s not doing it alone but with the help of Takeshi Kobayashi who has been there since the days of Lily Chou Chou. The collaborations between Kobayashi and Salyu are what we have come to get used to as far as Salyu’s sound is.

Interestingly enough, Salyu’s song (written and composed as least with the help of Tatsuya Kokufu) L.A.F.S (which stands for Love at First Sight) reminded me a little bit of what Salyu used to sound as Lily. Somewhat off-beat melodies, with really simple lyrics, but really moody.

Overall, the album really flows well and feels like a whole, except maybe for the oddball BIRTHDAY, which threw me off… in a really good way. The song, written by Salyu and composed again by Kokufu, sounded like Shiina Ringo and Bjork had a lovechild, if that were EVER possible.

I’ve taken to Salyu’s music because it’s soothing, as well as quite slow and easier to follow with a songbook. Salyu is really quite good to practice your reading and pronunciation. However on BIRTHDAY, she slurs her words and sounds completely different. I’m looking forward to more of that sound in the future. Hopefully.

As for the concert DVD. Well, it’s totally worth the price you pay for this limited edition with DVD ~

Screencap galore after the break~

Continue Reading…

Discover Opera Live

March 21, 2010 — 2 Comments

If you love opera, you’ll love this… and if you’re new to opera, you should still like it. I mean, look at those luscious drawings. And the drama! Opera is embracing the new technology =D

“Available on demand from March 23rd” :O

Check out the website (speakers on) over at

Moody xD
but why 4:3 standard?

Gorgeous visuals.


I meant to post this sooner, but the version going round was the one on YouTube, which got me a region restriction [SUCKERS!]. Anyway, here’s the new material from Gorillaz which features none other than Bruce Willis.

I’ve never been a huge Gorillaz fan, but I gotta admit that they’re pretty visual. I don’t see this as more than a regular good looking video though.

I sure wish the song was about Chocolate, but it’s just a song how “our love” is like chocolate. However, the video is really cool with cookies and ingredients animated =D

I hope they didn’t just throw away all those cookies after the shoot.

OK Go does Pythagora Switch (PITAGORA SUICCHI) on steroids… and other enhancing performing substances. Released on March 1st this year… single from the album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, the video was directed by James Frost.

But seriously, guys. This isn’t about the music, it’s all about the video. Possibly our contender for Breakthrough video of 2010~~~ I wonder if there will be any more awesome videos???

OMG, that Crowd Lu plush toy is the cutest thing!