Archives For Celebrity

Well, to be honest~ it’s not really an interview. More like a blurb, but still- nice to see her.

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Hey, Britney~

Let your body loseeeee control~~~

I wasn’t aware Britney had enough videos to fill a Top10. LOL

We can be sooooooooooooooo superficial from time to time ;D

Read it and pimp it~


It seems like I haven’t blogged about Yu Aoi for a while. I certainly haven’t checked her website, so I’m a little out of the loop.

The title on this post may be a little misleading. I don’t know whether Yu is in India, but the cover for GINZA Magazine for the July edition seems to indicate something similar… or maybe it will just be “India style”. Who knows~

See the bottom title on the left?

Aoi Yu, something about color no INDO he.

While checking Yu’s website, I also found out that WOWOW will be showing a broadcast of Minami he~ it would be super awesome if someone took the time to record that and upload it so we could watch — even without subs. LOL

Minami he – WOWOW
July 8th, 11:30pm

Yup, that’s it.

what have you guys been up to lately?

Needle heels should be banned from choreographed music videos.
on Meisa Kuroki dancing with heels.

I’ll eat my words by the end of this post, don’t worry.

As you all know, I’m a late K-pop bloomer. Since everyone around me seems to be into Kpop, I don’t keep an eye on it because I don’t feel like I need to… I just wait for my friends to tell me what to watch. LOL

It is in my search for Glee + Kpop posts (because I want to see how much audience would be into it… not many), I ended up on the video posted on a celebrity gossip website, that shall remain nameless, of After School’s Let’s Step Up MV.

They described it as Glee Korean style — which is not. As you know I love Celtic music, hence I also have a fascination with Riverdance, and tap dance. Let’s Step Up blew my mind. LOL Are you kidding me? Glossy pop music mixed with tap, mixed with Riverdance? I love it.

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Welcome to my personal contribution to YAM Magazine’s LGBT Blogathon.

In this particular post we will be talking about Taiwanese boiband MISSTER, which I have already talked about on this MISSTER 101 post I did a while back.

Unlike the rest of the world, who have shunned dancing boybands (and girl groups) for more “rocking” affairs or idols who can’t dance at all, Asia is still a place where such groups have flourished for the past decade. The pop music industry is alive and well there, over-saturating our ears with danceable sugary pop tunes sung by idols that look so polished that it hurts.

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The performance starts at nearly 1.20m.

Look, I really REALLY love her song Love Warrior, and I have surprisingly warmed up a lot to Nightmare, but this performance left me a bit empty. It sounded so much like the album version that, you know – it’s no good.

I don’t know many of her fans, but I would like people to tell me this is not her usual stuff and that it was TGC’s fault.

I haven’t watched CNN… for at least a month, since I’ve been focusing my news-watching on local news for politics, so I didn’t know A-Mei was going to be on Talk Asia… or I would have been flipping before.

I totally despise Anjali Rao, though.

Her face, her voice, the way she speaks irks me so much, it makes me want to punch her sometimes. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. LOL It’s one of those things when the aura of people rub you the wrong way.


A-Mei on Talk Asia~~~

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Needle heels should be banned from choreographed music videos.

Having said that, damn. You know, say what you say KKK-ers — but when races mix correctly, it turns out hot. Meisa Kuroki is one hot mixed-race lady… but she can’t dance to save her life. I’ve never seen Meisa with normal shoes dancing, so I can’t say how she dances normally… but I remember her stint with Flamenco, and she got no swing.

But she’s got a good vibe…

I want to root for her.

But as with LOL, I keep bursting out laughing with this. Even though I kinda liked her Spanish-y guitar intro. I also liked how they did the one eye with different color thing.

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”334″]

I still think she needs to get together with Hyori for a collab ;D

Oh, man~

Can you believe it? It’s been three years since. I had a good Yu Aoi weekend. I watched Raiou once again, and it just struck me how Yu-chan is growing up on screen. Those who see the movie know what I’m talking about. LOL

Anyway, I decided to update Yu’s Wikipedia bio (remember this from 2 years ago?) – but I’m not posting it there because I’m lazy and I hate Wikipedia format, so if you want to take info… take it and paste it there.

I also wanted to make a PDF out of it hahaha, but of course – I haven’t had time for that. I wanted to do a layout… with photos, and stuff. Make it pretty like a book. xD But oh well…

Anyhoo~ here goes~

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