When visiting IMDb, you’re reminded that Jennifer Beals is turning 51. 51! The last time I saw her on TV was in her small role in Castle (which my mother loves), and I have to admit that I hadn’t follow through any of the actresses post-The L Word. And to be honest, I was much too preoccupied with Shane and her love life to care much for Bette.
But alas~ TCM Latin America has been running Flashdance quite a bit, on top of the numerous references to the movie this year (eg. Cuban Fury, Happy New Year), so I clicked on Beals name wondering what she’s been up to, and was eventually directed to this video of the Flashdance screening celebrating 30 years of the movie. I was shocked, she looked freaking amazing. Like- I’m even jealous of how good she looks in there. She even looks better on that clip than this photo from the event~

Most people need expensive lights to be well-lit and make you look like a million bucks. Jennifer Beals looks like ten million bucks in that poorly-lit shot for the fansite. I also wasn’t aware that she and my bias Olivia Thirlby had made a movie together. Now I have to find it.