Archives For Photographs

Yu Meets Right On~

September 14, 2012 — 1 Comment

So Yu-chan has short hair for reals! She sports her new look in the new commercial for Right On and everyone is tweeting the hashtag #yumeetsrighton (if you’re interested in checking it out).

Yu is also all over the 2012 Fall/Winter catalog for the company xD, and she’ll also be sporting this new look in the cover issue of November 2012 of Mina Magazine.

The Right On YouTube channel also has a brief “interview” with Yu, as well as a short Making Of the CM. You can also browse their website~

Soooooo, story of my life. The Shunji Iwai Vampire interview was supposed to begin at 9pm, which means I decided to stay up all the way into 7am my timezone to catch the interview… the problem was I fell asleep well into the 30min. mark with Iwai-san arriving  just a few minutes later.

So I missed the whole thing. LOL

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Oh, does anyone know where this is from?

While the regular edition of l’Officiel has Katy Perry on the cover, l’Officiel China — which is celebrating 32 years of something — has Gong Li on the cover. There’s an accompanying piece (in Chinese) if you’re interested [link].

Also, I found a new photographer! Very excited when I googled his name and ended up looking at some very awesome fashion shoots and celebrity portraits. Sadly his Weibo isn’t so active :( His name is Feng Hai (冯海), in case you need his name in Chinese characters xD


Anyway, Gong Li is always class. She looks stunning, and the styling of the photograph is great as well, but since my Chinese is so poor, I haven’t been able to find the info I want. ~~~

Of course, it’s Yu’s birthday, (She is 27 now!!!) and my Weibo timeline was flooded with Yu-chan photos all this time wishing her a happy birthday. xD

Anyway, one of the pics was this one of Yu with her Canon-sisters Yamada Yu and Kaho, birthday cake, candles, and all.

Isn’t Weibo the BEST?


It’s all about money, of course. The International Olympic Committee wants to retain all the control of its brand — who can blame them? — and to retain its control online, it took the social media control from the London Olympic committee, unlike what happened back at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

To Olympics lovers’ surprise, the Vancouver Olympic Committee was allowed free social media range, which they put to good use with online apps, tweeting athletes interacting with fans, the whole shebang [1]. I don’t actually care about online apps (nor Vancouver’s nor London’s), and I don’t care if athletes tweet. My only interest in the Olympics is watching the games and finding photographs xD

Cool photo, huh?

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Guh, Li Bingbing~~~ I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE ALMOST 40. I am… pure shock. I am pure shock that your Hollywood debut is about to be, and you’re nearly 40. Fabulous at 40, indeed.

This is Li Bingbing in a series of photoshoots for Comfort, Vogue, Cosmo, Elle, Hotspot, l”Officiel, In Style, and one photo I can’t identify with Li Bingbing with the jacket, lips on her t-shirt and suspenders. Anyone know where that comes from?

Ye Shi Wen! xD

How can people think that of her? She probably plays around at the dinner table if you sit her next to someone her age… just like my cousins. LOL

For the people saying it… it’s really NOT about the money spent, though that helps, of course. And since I haven’t re-watched the Sydney or Athens ceremonies, I’m not ranking them in this list (yet) — I’ll consider them ranking them if I find a download file. xD

In any case, I’m ranking the Olympics as I’ve enjoyed them and with some of the people’s commentaries trying to avoid all the political comments, so I’m really judging the Opening Ceremonies on broadcast artistic merits ONLY — these means how the show was seen on TV since I haven’t seen any ceremony live.

I’m also adding the information on each of their budgets to let you know that it’s not (always) about the money.

So here’s the on-going list. I hope it goes on and on for years to come!

Sochi, Russia!!! Where will you land in 2014!!?? *Updated*

Rio, Brasil!!! Where will you land in 2016??? *Updated*

Pyeongchang, South Korea! Where will you land in 2018???

Tokyo, Japan 2020~~~ Beijing, China 2022???
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I have a weakness for the diving competition during the Olympics — alongside table tennis gymnastics, volleyball… and actually, I love to watch everything. xD

So since Guo Jingjing retired last year, I’m gonna be missing her this year at the Olympics. I was very curious to check out who will be in this year’s teams to make up for her absence. And CCTV showed Guo Jingjing’s amazingness today after the opening ceremony, so I began to miss her, coz she’s just so awesome T_T

So we’ve got a picspam xD