Archives For Motion

*tingles* The newest look at Burton’s version of Alice.
Does it give you the chills?

By the way, have you checked SyFy’s miniseries version of Alice?
You will fall in love with Hatter. So… hawt. He will ask you to go
back to your world with him, and you just gotta say yes.

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

Another Crowd Lu song to make you smile =D

That version makes me smile so much, with the hugging yourself dance LOL. However, if you wanna know what the song says in English you should check out this video here.

Greedy Boy tells the story of a boy (?) who eats everything without stopping… kind of a gruesome ending~~~ and a new cycle begins! Those jumping scenes reminded me of Tekkon.

Animation is rocking on this one~ Big cheers to Kim Young Ha.

I actually had read about this before, and wasn’t gonna make a big deal about it, but CM is kinda funny especially listening to Tarantino speak Japanese. xD “Tara-chan desu!” – the concept is easy to follow.

He’s all I’m Tara-chan, and then goes all gibberish. Then his wife calls and tells him to come back home. LOL

I doubt I will catch any more music videos by now, so here is my random list of best music videos in very random categories, because that’s what I do best, I think.

I’m writing as I go, so if I don’t make any sense. Forgive.

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Found these ;P I think most of us know that Hana & Alice was expanded from the Kit Kat Anniversary CMs. xD Some cute moments here and there… if you haven’t seen the film, what are you waiting for?

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Itoh Tube and Yu Aoi?

December 4, 2009 — 2 Comments

I have no idea abut this, but I ran into this story from Walkerplus~

As most fans know, Yu Aoi is represented by Itoh Company — whatever their actual reputation is — and here comes a story with the title “Itoh Tube leaking Voyeuristic Videos of Popular Actresses!?” WHAT? I hope that by “Voyeuristic” in Kanji, they mean “insightful” otherwise… WHAT? LOL

From what I could gather… meaning from what makes sense on the Google Translate. It seems like Itoh Company is re-vamping their YouTube Account (because prior to these random releases, their channel was rubbish) by creating a sort of a series featuring their signed artists… including Yu. It seems like those VH1 “Diary of…” where they followed x singer/group while they were preparing a concert, etc. It’s supposed to be going into the life of x idol while they go about their business and personal life… I think.

Here’s Yu’s Itoh Tube space. There’s two videos at the moment — one of Yu’s Itoh Channel intro and her own intro *minna-san, aoi yuu desu* xD and a short Making of the latest dancing Kirin CM. I only understood, “It’s been a while since you last dance” or something like that.

I’m impressed at how she manages to change her voice when talking and sponsoring. One seems very serious and even very grown-up, and then she goes on her “work voice” totally high and chirpy. Like two different people. LOL

What you think?

This feels like an acid trip.

Some people say that car commercials are not actually to get people to buy the cars, but to reassure them that they made the right choice. I thought that was actually kinda nice.

But this commercial doesn’t compare how nice this Let It Shine Honda ad is. Like seriously, you have to watch it THERE on THAT link specifically. I’m not kidding you. I feel butterflies when I watch it.

Work hard! Sam Raimi is watching you.