Archives For Motion

I thought I might have bought my last Shiina bluray last time, but I guess not? It does look like I might add Shiina Ringo & The Others Dwell: The Air Pocket Zone (椎名林檎と彼奴等の居る真空地帯) [HMV JP] to my collection because I cannot resist.

Well, it’s been a long time. But I’m not letting October be the month of no posts, so here’s a little something~

Since my return to Kpop, I’ve become a lot more lethargic (plus, working overnight), so I’ve been trying to find that time again to run and exercise. Ranveer Singh, been the Master of Hype, has the two best songs to get ya pumping; and the crew at Exodus Artistry have a mix of both songs that’s the perfect workout!

Verve Magazine has a wonderful cover this month featuring Tabu — shot by Bikramjit Bose [Website][Instagram], because the promotions for Andhadhun [Trailer][1][2] are on full steam. I hope someone gets to scan it, ‘coz lol where to get a single issue.

Why Tabu Prefers Flying Solo.

Rajeev Masand also just posted a +40min. interview with Tabu, and has her overview her 10 favorite roles in her +80-film filmography. Her long-time favorite roles make it, of course. It makes for a great Beginner’s Guide to Tabu, except I’m not a big fan of Biwi No. 2 lol — Don’t judge me, I laughed so much more to Saajan Chale Sasural xD, and I was quite lukewarm with Cheeni Kum.

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Damn, Japan. You got too much time in your hands xD

Everyone’s a big Pythagora Switch fan~ and Asahi Kasei has taken promoting their plastic wrap and ziploc bags to Pythagora levels with this commercial.

Complete title is まいにちを、たいせつに~キッチンのからくりじかけムービー~全篇

Original upload was located at

Feelings. Feelings were had. Despite this divide of video/screen, I felt that. Faye’s that good. Imagine being there sitting in the PhantaCity studio watching a video of Faye Wong singing Dreams (梦中人) and, all of a sudden, Faye appears on the stage, right there, in front of your eyes. Woah. Shivers down my spine.

Truly a legend.

Damn you, Solar, you making me cry for picking that song for Solar Gamsung. LOL

Like- the song on its own is super sad, but it works well with its video… but the Japanese version? Literally, Nada Sou Sou. xD With the Shamisen, and the goddamn subs in Spanish. ToT

Makes me miss my dad so much.

Me acostumbré a rezarle a la primera estrella, al atardecer miro al cielo y con el corazón lleno te busco. En la tristeza y la alegría, pienso en esa sonrisa; si desde donde te encuentras, me puedes ver, yo viviré creyendo que seguro nos encontraremos algún día.

Amy the celebrity-endorsements-don’t-work-on-me is back XD and must reveal that now I drink much more caffeine than before (I blame Turkish coffee) and I’ve been drinking Soju. Damn it, Korea. And I begin talking about drinks because Yu-chan has a brand new sponsor in Asahi for their Asahi Mogitate (アサヒもぎたて) campaign. “Mogitate” means “fresh-picked,” and it’s the name of their new ‘ready-to-drink’ (RTD) product— Chuuhai aimed at women. The err… Drinks Association in Australia (?) has a really explanatory post on Asahi’s road to design the perfect RTD that women (and men) want to buy.

I didn’t know the beer market in Japan had been shrinking. This is first news to me. Recommended watch: The Birth of Sake. Also, you gotta read about the Japanese whisky market and prices. Japan and their collectors’ stuff.

Chuuhai, on the other hand~~~

I do wonder if Yu-chan still sponsors Kirin xD

Here’s the most recent one titled Mogitate and Summer Veggies Curry (もぎたてと夏野菜カレー)

There’s also a Making Of xD

The first one out back in early May is called Mogitate and Young Bamboo Shoots (もぎたてと白子たけのこ) after the break~

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I’ve never learned so much about chocolate texture and color xD Even though my love for it doesn’t stretch to wanting to try a $550 bar. lol

I did get curious about Guittard chocolates, though.

I must confess that I like cheap cocoa powder, though. xD

I honestly don’t have the time to keep up with variety shows on a regular basis, but this showed up on my YT recommendations and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch Leehom on a duet with Han Hong. It gave me goosebumps. I love Shangri-la (心中的日月) on its own original version, but this arrangement for Come Sing with Me (我想和你唱) just gave me the chills.

Han Hong’s voice goes so well with Leehom’s. ToT

Also, DAMN~ I used to not give much for Hebe’s voice, but girl has continued surprising me all decade. I don’t remember her being much of a vocalist, but I’m shooketh with her performance of Angel Devil (魔鬼中的天使). I wonder if she found Julio Iglesias’ not-so-secret microphone stash.

Leehom also got better. Maybe they’re all getting better sound engineers.

I like mentioned back in April [1], Yu-chan is featured on Hoshikuzu Scat’s (星屑スキャット) most recent music video directed by Birds Without Names director Shiraishi Kazuya~ The song, titled Shinjuku Chanson (新宿シャンソン), is featured on Kesho-shitsu (化粧室), the first album of the drag queen group, and was written by multi-talented illustrator-actor-writer Lily Franky.

‘Tis a thing of beauty~