Archives For Clips

Considering I didn’t think the Latin Grammy was anything special, I thought I’d give the search for my favorite performance of the Video Music Awards.

The initial shot works perfect, despite some problems with the camera zooming out. Moreover, the cuts when everyone shows up dancing work to show the whole stage, and closer shots for all the jumping.

The song is catchy, and the performance is different enough from the rest of the performances of the night to be memorable, and perfect to stand out. I hope Vimeo doesn’t delete it because it’s the only good version I’ve found.

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Why Kurt Hummel is Important

November 11, 2010 — 5 Comments

This week’s episode of Glee created a bit of a ripple. Some of my friends said “intense” because people were surprised that the football (?) – let’s just call him jock – that he smack one on Kurt. At first I was like Kurt, kinda quiet, but then thought to myself “Oh, okay… I’m not really surprised.”

I went to the ever present IMDb boards to read some of the things people were saying, and was surprised at the amount of people that have begun to hate Kurt… or should I say Kurt’s gay storyline. Okay, I’ll concede in that Glee’s not doing a great balance of the funny, the cheesy and the drama — Popular had a bit of that plus more — but I don’t have a problem with that. I usually like Glee’s cheese, I can handle my drama fine, and I like the funny. But I know what you mean when you guys talk about Glee not being the same.

However, some of the comments left me perplexed with things like “I don’t have a problem with Kurt being gay, but why does his story need to revolve around him being gay?” People saying that Will & Grace was a better representation of homosexuals, and other programs that do the “gay thing” much better.

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It’s an After Effects  shadow puppet show!! xD

Now, I’m not really religious, but I think this type of animation… where they kinda teach you about things – they’re really interesting. It’s sorta on the line of the whole Shakespeare The Animated Tales, or the series for Religions of the World. Kiddos should watch this stuff. Okay, this one’s not as serious… but at least it gives you an idea of what’s Pentecost, right?

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More Jonsi at The Wiltern stuff – missed the first post?

Musica Criolla is a funny business — it’s not really hip. You don’t go to high school and said “you guys, I just bought the awesomest musica criolla album ever.” There’s no musica criolla playing on MTV. Maybe latin pop with hinted musica criolla on latin music channels — like Gianmarco, but NEVER on MTV. And we know that in school, MTV is hip – NOT MTV is not hip.

Then there’s this quality to musica criolla… musica criolla is many types of Peruvian music. There’s festivities music (festejo), then there’s Marinera — which is more the dance, than the actual music. I don’t recall ever hearing the term “Marinera album” but musica criolla has a very distinct quality — it’s better served live. Musica criolla, at least for me, it’s about the performance, the sentiment, the passion~~~

It’s like Tango, we don’t want to listen to an album with music for Tango, we want to see the passion and the performance of tango. It’s the same for me with musica criolla.

There are types of music that sound the best on albums, you can have great albums that are rubbish live because that feeling of the album is lost — that’s why concerts should be handled different to making an album, right? Then there are okayish albums that just go the extra-mile when they’re live.

That’s musica criolla. The albums, the productions — beside lacking in presentation and printing qualities and what-product-stuff-not — they lack that performance quality. They sound good, but they fall flat. But then you see these people perform, and just give their all on that one song and just… blown away.
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A short time-lapse video of Jonsi’s performance xD

You know, up until now – Jonsi’s Go remains one of my fave albums of 2010. Shortly followed by Yuguo’s Those Words I Want to Say to You, but that’s an EP.

You know I’m a numerology buff – bizarre, because I really hate math… or should I say, math was my worse course at school especially in my last two years of high school. But somehow, I like numerology. I think it’s because I don’t need to understand it, I just need to ponder.

We’re not talking about what it really means. We just wonder what it could be…

In theory, the number 10 does not exist – because it turns into a 1. However, also in theory… you could separate it like 1 and 0, thus having two numbers. xD Sure, you can get 10 by summing different numbers like 4 and 6, 3 and 7, or two 5s… right? But all those numbers sum up to 10, and then become 1 once again. Does that mean that the 10 is a whole number? It’s complete? It brings the harmony?

Harmony! xD

The 1 and 0 are opposites – but it’s not like opposites attract. Suck it! We’re talking about opposites, as in Yin and Yang – which in the end are two different halves of one whole.

And talking about Julz and your fanfic thesis – my final had also kinda to do with fandom. LOL

Harmony final!! xD Such an old video pimp ~~~

And you know, YAM Trivia!!!!!

The YAM Website’s opening on 15.12.10, which summing up (1+5+1+2+1) turns to 10, which turns to 1 – a whole! LOL While December 15th 2010 also marks my grandpa’s 5th anniversary of passing. Yup, it all has a meaning, people~~~

Zac is totally playing a Peruvian Cajon, eh?

And Taylor is still so so purty. xD

And Isaac’s grown out of his awkward stage. xD

This is the best type of Hanson.

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Obviously, not so safe for work.

We’re talking about The L Word here. Better safe than sorry.

You really should know that I have nothing to post right now. So this is mandatory posting. What can I say about this? I can’t remember how long it’s been since the end of the show (2 years?), and I can’t remember what it was about. I was watching this video, and I kept saying “oh, yeah… I remember that”.

The more I think about the show, the more I not-so-secretly wished that they could make a Japanese version. LOL And you know Meisa Kuroki has won me over with the ‘tude. I can now totally picture her as Carmen.

Ahh… this still makes me laughs. Specially the 180/360 degree shot of Juri’s frozen-falling snot and the face of Shihori Kanjiya as she sees the impending snot falling on her. LOL

Where are they now?

Juri was in S.Korea promoting Nodame Cantabile, of course. However, I’m getting excited for her turn on her first NHK Taiga drama — I thought about it today as I watched Ryomaden xD which brings me to… Shihori Kanjiya who was also on Ryomaden… and Yuta Hiraoka who still can be seen on Ryomaden xD