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Mia Wasikowska

Mia Wasikowska is also Australian (like Tim Pocock, the first Actor Spotting), and is 19 going on 20. You might have seen her on HBO’s In Treatment with Gabriel Byrne, and you can also see her on I Love Sarah Jane (after the post break) directed by Spencer Susser who is set to direct Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Natalie Portman (who is also producing) on the film Hesher.

You will next see her as Elinor Smith on the Hilary Swank Amelia Earhart bio-film Amelia, and next year as Alice on the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland.

She was also named one of Top10 Actors to Watch in 2008 by Variety.

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Ike-chan and Me TrailerNippon Cinema has just posted the trailer released by Kadokawa Pictures~~~ with a brief intro by Yu and…

Ike-chan to Boku, mitte kudasai~~~

Trailer has a whole bunch of new footage to me… unless they’ve been releasing clips through their website, which I’m not aware of. However, Ike-chan still looks out of place, no? Pops out from the picture… doesn’t look as cute as the one on paper… you think?

Head over here for the trailer via Nippon Cinema.

Did you know MTV had a ‘world’ ish brand now?

MTV Iggy – which always ends up as MT Biggy when I say it. T.T

Is that part of the answer to my demands? Also… why not pimp JPop? Is it because MTV Japan exists?

ALSO, why is BaiLing there… O.ox *sighs*

I managed to see BoA there, as well as Jay Chou… Nicky Lee, Lee-Hom Wang~~ Wondergirls, 2PM? But you know what, why don’t I leave you with a playlist Julyssa herself made for sharing~~~

To sort of close the month~~~ she doesn’t allow embedding, but hopefully you’ll be able to click on this link.

PS: We have a full-month worth of posts!!! xD

“What is it that you REALLY like to do?”

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

I’ll watch anything with these two~~~ xD

I finally got to see Tsumiki no Ie (or La Maison en Petits Cubes)!! This year’s Academy Award-winning animated short~~~ I remember I had only read the synopsis, after watching all the other four nominated shorts, and thought “Wow, that’s a pretty interesting write-up. I’m giving it my vote” and then it WON. Woohoo!

Well, perhaps it was just chance~~ After watching it, I feel it was very deserving. To tell you the truth, I’m a little tired of 3d animation, so watching this was like a breath of fresh air. It’s a quiet little piece that explores the memories of an old man that was forced to ‘bury’ part of his history… I liked it. It made me feel very melancholic~~ NO dialogue… though I’ve read the Japanese version has a voiced-over version (by Masami Nagasawa… which surprised me a little.) – However, I don’t think the piece needs narration~~~

Check out the shorts after the break,
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I have a once-a-week message for some of my Facebook friends, where I share some new music with them. I was bad these past two weeks, and today I remembered~~~

Coeur de Pirate ~~~ I think you can download their album on iTunes (at least Canada) x3


Just found this photos by Michael Roberts of Emily Blunt (you love?) For this May’s issue of Vanity Fair talking all Couture~~ I don’t do those talks, but the photos look AWE-some~~~

Check them out

Michael Roberts - Vanity Fair May'09 - Emily Blunt

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Stupid Random Post!

April 26, 2009 — Leave a comment

This is post 44 of the month!! Hahahaha~~ I’ve matched the months of Feb’09 (end of award season) and Nov’08 (nearly beginning of award season), both with 44 posts a month. xD As you may, or not may have noticed~~~ I have been trying to post once a day (at least) – in order to make it ‘more active’ – but still, only my friends seem to comment, even though there is an increase of visits. *sighs*

Participate, people!

And if you are a fan of Yu Aoi… or hmm, Award Season- subscribe. Up there on the right of the screen… social me.

You’ll get to add me to your Google Reader or Page, or your Yahoo page~~ you’ll help me on web rankings, and you’ll get the latest news (because I’ll be doing all the work) on your RSS reader. And hopefully you’ll be “ad”ing those “clicks” –oh no I didn’t– Yes, I did? I need some money… so those clicks are gold. Hopefully that PR/cherry won’t screw me over~


Well, now I’m pretty tired~

Oh, yeah! I finished working on some photos I took just hours ago~ of Hayabiki. A Japanese/Peruvian… or Nikkei/Nissei group of JPop/JRock. Seems pretty big. I checked their mySpace (won’t link to it ‘coz it’s pretty empty), and they seemed more interested in fusioning Okinawan music with Rock, which I could dig more than Jpop/Jrock~ tsk tsk.

John (the lead singer) is pretty cool though.

Well, this post turned out not so stupid ;)

This is a 2006 Live Action adaptation of the Manga series by Yuki Urushibara, featuring ubiquitous creatures called Mushi, which most humans are incapable of perceiving. However, there are few who possess the ability to see and interact with them, one of them is Ginko who refers to himself as a Mushishi (or Bugmaster), traveling from place to place to research Mushi and help people suffering from problems caused by them.

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I found this… thought it was cute though I can’t really get the questions… O.o

I really need someone to translate… LOL’

— June 30 2009 —
I hard-subbed this with kitty’s translation (which is below the break) alongside a link to the original YouTube video. Hope you like it =D

— June 18 2009 EDIT —

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