Archives For new music

I’m not really familiar with SunnyHil, but my curiosity was peaked when I caught a teaser for Midnight Circus that had BEG member Ga-In, just about the time when they released the video for Midnight Circus~

I dug it… kind of a mix of music that wasn’t exactly Kpop… it had something — I was caught inadvertently saying “midnight cir-CUS!” once or twice. And the video is class… really moody… almost a bit cabaret-y punk-y, but not really that… it wasn’t the Dresden Dolls, but it was interesting Kpop. xD

So I was really surprised with their MV for Pray — which once again peaked my curiosity with the teaser. There’s a certain sci-fi horror feel to it… combined with this creature that looked a bit like an orc combined with a little bit of Sloth from The Goonies.

It’s just an outstanding music video overall — such a despicable (yet so familiar) storyline! A ‘monster’ lured in with affection that’s suddenly betrayed by the people that he thought care for him. Amazing.

I just gotta say this is sooooooooooooo cool.

I actually like the Chinese/Taiwan music industry because so many of their artists combine classical music elements. In the case of 2CELLOS, it’s the other way around! It’s pretty kick ass.

More info here.

This is pretty good stuff…

First contender of Breakthrough MV of 2011~

You can get more info on Cold Mailman over YAM Magazine ;P

I kinda like this music video xD and kinda like the song

Stylish – and I thought it was totally kinda gay until there was a guy. They’re totally fighting then, right? By the end of the video? Because it starts out playing it like they’re both against the guy, almost torturing him — you don’t wanna mess with girls like these — but then by the end, they’re pulling the ropes to get to him?

Also the beginning with the “Happy Birthday” message seemed totally threatening, in that ex-gf sending you hate mail with a message written on her hateful lipstick kind of way. You know? So… which one is it? ‘Coz then, they’re totally hugging. LOL

*brain turns off*

How did I not know about this MV until today? LOL It was released in 2003!

I was going through some of the posts that had lost its YouTube video links, and one of them was this Yu Aoi and MVs posts, and I ended up seeing this video on Tudou, which took forever to load. I wasn’t sure it was a real MV, so I looked it up, and voila! Seems legit~

Song is okay too! LOL

Dear, Bang Bang Tang members~

I stalk your douban page from time to time, even if I don’t really read Chinese characters. I heard your music once featuring on CNN’s CNNGo programming, and I was hooked.

Anyway… enough with the fan message. xD

I am aware Bang Bang Tang — not the Taiwan boyband — just get together when they feel like playing, and actually study… or I guess already have jobs. I know the indie music scene is really tough… imagine such a huge market like China.

I wish someone who sign them already. Anyone, even an international indie label. Sighs. You know, instead of debuting a new girl group a week, they should fund BBT’s album.

Suffering fan,
amy xD

Here. I leave you with the video for  Bang Bang Tang (棒棒糖) – 我最爱缺陷男 (Wo Zui Ai Que Xian Nan) – My Favorite Male Defects, which was included in my Top-Rated Songs of 2010, even though it’s not a 2010 song. Only one exception to that rule. xD

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After DBSK pretty rocking dance tune of Keep your Head Down, the guys decided to release — alongside a repackaged version of their album — the single for Before U Go with a music video styled as a slick action crime drama. The regular 5min. version of the video is actually pretty interesting, because it’s packed with some fighting, and some sort of story that we can follow.

It’s like the teaser of a quality Korean drama. LOL

And then… they decided to release the long-form video. I like to talk about it when MVs get turned to short films. So we must talk about it. Yes, the long version is still pretty slick, but there’s one BIG problem.

The remaining DBSK guys Yunho and Changming end up the 16min run of the MV looking like lousy one-dimensional goodies, while the baddie is an anti-hero. I actually felt a lot worse for him than the “good” guys. What’s up with that?

MissTer 101

March 8, 2011 — 8 Comments

There’s a pretty personality-insightful making-of article in regards of Taiwan’s first and brand-new Boi-band, who in their second single Super Lover are urging a pretty lady to not give up on love.

I think I’ve finally figured out who is who. Ha!

First, there’s leader Jin Tai (the one with the glasses). Then there’s Qiu Qiu the former dance instructor (top third on the left), Milk is the one with the blueish tones on her hair, Chris (? Zi Lun?) (the one with the humping face), and finally Chiao (Qiao) the one with the blond hair.

And I’ve already picked my favorite. LOL

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Ahh fandom… NSFW fandom.

Shane and Molly have Asian fans! It figures~ I wonder if some pairings are more popular in each region just because of cultural preferences. The fact that Shane wanted to become a better person… more studious, more knowledgeable for Molly is what sold me on the pairing. I also think it’s a very Asian thing xD

Plus, they’re hot… but Shane and Carmen was hot– but too much drama.

I liked they used a song by a Taiwanese singer called Joanna Wang. She reminds me of the style of those easy listening tracks by Kendal Payne, or those tracks used so often in Grey’s Anatomy xD And the ending of the video, so sad.

This is the best I’m going to get from Lily. A new song.

For those of you who don’t know, Lily Chou Chou is the fictional singer portrayed in Shunji Iwai’s film All About Lily Chou Chou. Lily was played by Salyu on the film, and there was an album released under that artist name. This is the only new material ever since the film was released… and it’s even rare to get to hear the Lily songs in a Salyu concert.

If you haven’t watched All About Lily Chou Chou, it is a rough experience.

Visitor Uzaigaijin kept me posted on the status of her concert ticket, and she messaged me saying she got one! So she will be writing a review of Lily Chou Chou’s concert this week for YAM Magazine. ;P

I’m excited and jealous. xD