Archives For helena bonham carter

It’s YAM Time #5!

August 15, 2009 — 8 Comments

Cheap Mambo #5 mention xD

Anyway~~ Here it is!!!
After much liver disease~~~

with Yu on the cover!
Happy early Bday, Yu~


In it, you’ll read more about Harry Potter 6 (against much of anyone’s Harmonian hearts, lol), Transformers 2, Moon (yeah, that last line kills me), and Public Enemies~ Snap! There’s also DBSK concert review, SNSD (which I always get a typo), Bibi, Seo Taiji, Clazziquai, Popular and more~~~

Head over here to download~~~

*passes out*
this just in (okay, maybe a few hrs. ago) via InsidetheGold

To just break off a little of all the Japanese films on the front page~~ xD

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland - Red Queen

First, I must tell you. These are fantastic, and now I’m just dying to see it. Even more so than when I wrote my brief article on horrorific films~~~ Bonham Carter looks abso-bloody-lutely crazy  good on that with the big head… the eyebrows or lack thereof, the lips, the hair… and that look, man!

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland - Mad Hatter

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland - White Queen

is it just me, or is Johnny looking very Elijah Wood right there??? LOL


Does that say enough to you? Really, read the editor’s note. Lots of things on this new issue… new problems, new films, new music…

Reviews of films from the blockbuster season… Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Up~~~ Brothers Bloom. Short film reviews, concert reviews… of Kiss in Lima. Music reviews of The Sounds, Green Day, Shiina Ringo… a bunch of K-pop courtesy of Julz~~~ off you go to Japan!!! WOOOOO – there’s Life on Mars, House M.D. and my more “professional” review of Yu Aoi’s Portugirl.


Head over here.