Archives For funny

The 40min. segment from FujiTV’s Tunnels Thanks to Everybody that aired the day before the opening of Raiou… is actually pretty fun. Plus, Yu Aoi talking about food.

A popular segment in which Tunnels and guests take turns trying to guess the food the opponent hates the most.

We need translation for this one xD

Loads of interesting facts, it seems… like Yu owning a shaved-ice machine.

And Yu tearing up when laughing. Does anyone get that when they laugh?

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Ahhh, there’s no better way to feel old than having kids say or do things to make you feel old. Yesterday, in fact, I was hanging out with my cousin and a kid asked him whether in “his days” there was Wii.


This clip also reminds me of The Past Decade According to Kids.

Sorry, no subs… but pretty self-explanatory.

RIP Leslie Nielsen

November 29, 2010 — Leave a comment

Don’t want to be disrespectful, but I think it’s fitting.

You know, I never ever met him without looking like that. Leslie Nielsen just froze in time for me with his white hair and that face.

I was watching my newly-purchased copy of Strait-Jacket with my father, having a blast — seriously, that movie is a hoot! Can’t really wait to take a look at the extras, and see Ms. Crawford with that ax.

But then, almost at the end of the film when Crawford is wrapping up, my dad goes on and says “Look, it’s Mario Vargas Llosa!” Freezing the image, we burst out laughing.

do you see it? I mean this photo of Crawford in the film isn’t really it. You must see her with her not-a-wig hair from where she is normal. It’s uncanny.

Hi, VEVO… and Sony Music Entertainment – like I’ve said time and time again… You Suck.

What’s the point of a “video premiere” online if you’re gonna be blocking content by region? And it’s not like we can’t view the video from Pink’s official website, right? I mean, to put it in words~~~

Pretty much anyone outside the US, can’t see Pink’s Raise Your Glass video. Not helping with view counts, let me tell you. And it’s not like it’s Pink’s fault. I’ts not the artists fault… it’s the record company… and VEVO for teasing — making us belief that when clicking the link, we will be able to see, but giving us that “blocked content” message instead.

Sony, stop sucking the fun of the internet.

Anyway… about the video? I like Dave Meyers, he’s fun. He works fun times with Pink, but I don’t love the video. Sure, I’ve replayed it more than five times already since it premiered, but that’s mainly because I want to sing along to the song.

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Sincerely, this has been Glee’s best episode of the 2nd season so far. We learned a bit from the characters, and the music didn’t take over. There was plenty of funny moments. However, I’m lazy – so this might be my last Glee Quote of the Week. Picking a quote each week is turning into “oh I don’t know what to pick” so it actually takes a lot more time than it did before.

With this post, I want to get off the hook in case I find it difficult next week.

Julie Andrews needs to be Kurt’s grandma, or auntie after his fierce number of Victor/Victoria. And talking about “aunties” – Tina, ain’t nothing wrong with dim sum. Or chicken feet. The Asian in me really wanted to use the chicken feet quote… because I can’t imagine salad with chicken feet. LOL

Having said that. What a gay episode. Rachel and Kurt are meant to be fag-hag and main-gay together. Brittany did Lady and the Tramp, but she had no one. Artie’s being a bitch. But the biggest bitch of all is Santana. The difference is that I like bitch Santana, and I think Artie’s just being a jerk. He’s all like “poor me, you took advantage of me”. Suck it, Wheels!

BitchSantana may be a major bitch, but still ain’t bitch enough to battle the biggest bitch of all. Santana meet Nicole Julian – I think you’re both known as Satan in your respective universes.

There was also cheerleader make-out scene. O_o

I’m like a lizard. I need something warm beneath me or I can’t digest my food.

I like that she doesn’t take offence in comparing herself with a lizard. xD

Okay, I feel kind of lame saying this but the most quotable Glee quote this week was the title of the episode. I don’t want to say that I didn’t enjoy the episode, I felt it was more like the back-9 that people didn’t seem to like, but I did.

I feel like I’m gonna begin saying things like “Cheesus Christ!” or “You’re scaring the be-cheesus out of me.”

Do I need to use the quotes format?
Grilled Cheesus!

Didn’t love the Britney episode. Heather Morris can dance, but not dance and sing. My fears were confirmed – Brittany’s on-liner awesomeness is too much to handle on one episode. I couldn’t even laugh that her name is Brittany S. Pearce. And despite her having a great performance on Slave 4 U — inlcuding VMA 2001’s Birmanian python, yup I watched a lot of Discovery Kids as a kid — I just didn’t care.

Actually, Brittany and DentistStamos was just… so awkward. LOL Same with Me Against the Music.

My fave of the night was Toxic at the assembly because it was the only song included in the storyline without drug-inducing the characters… and Artie’s Stronger – sound-wise – it was the most like the original song. But yay! Emma and Terry are back!

I didn’t find any particular quotable quote, but here’s the line that reminded me of the WB’s Popular with April Tuna, Emory Dick. I’m pretty sure Ryan Murphy is the only man on American television that’s constantly using the word “frottage” on national/international tv.

Becky: Hey, Coach! The Glee Club is doing Britney Spears for the assembly, I just found out.
Sue: Becky, you’re on Red Alert. If you see any awkward teenage frottage perform that citizen’s arrest we practice.

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They’re here~~~

Okay, I must admit I’m still watching what I began in August, so now with House, Glee and Modern Family, I have no idea where I’m gonna be finding the time to watch all of it. So even if I want to say I missed Glee, I’d be lying. Been to busy. But you know what’s funny? I was trying to write a fanfic in script format featuring Asian music, and this whole first episode… it felt pretty Asian. “I used some Botox for prepping for my Hollywood debut” Filipino singer Charice (playing Sunshine Corazon) actually has a pretty killer voice in that bit when she was beginning to duet-sing Telephone with Rachel.

Asian Camp, and how tight the Asian community is was fun – and Hello, Mike Chang! xD

But the best line of the episode goes to… Brittany. I dunno what’s gonna happen next week with a whole Brittany episode. Might be the toughest week to choose a quote… or it might break Brittany’s enchanting one-liners forever.

And hi, Coach Beiste (B-E-I-S-T-E because it’s French) is totally Ms. Glass aka. Claw.

Will: What’s going on?
Sue: Brittany here has accused Coach Beiste of inappropriate touching. *wink*
Will: What? Brittany, that’s a serious accusation.
Sue: It’s very serious. *wink*

Will: Brittany, what you’re saying could ruin somebody’s life. It’s really important that you tell the truth here.
Brittany: I made it up. Coach Beiste didn’t touch my boobs. Actually, I really… want to touch her boobs.


Though I must admit the ending of Telephone was a close second.

Ahh… this still makes me laughs. Specially the 180/360 degree shot of Juri’s frozen-falling snot and the face of Shihori Kanjiya as she sees the impending snot falling on her. LOL

Where are they now?

Juri was in S.Korea promoting Nodame Cantabile, of course. However, I’m getting excited for her turn on her first NHK Taiga drama — I thought about it today as I watched Ryomaden xD which brings me to… Shihori Kanjiya who was also on Ryomaden… and Yuta Hiraoka who still can be seen on Ryomaden xD