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Sounds so wrong in so many levels~~

Last EVER First episode of The L Word~~ You likey? I was dying to see… and I actually saw half of it first, but didn’t have time to finish it all ‘coz I had stuff to do. LOL But that half was enough~

I’m blogging Sholly once again because it’s one of the most popular posts in here~ even more so after this last first episode. Even if Clementine Ford made like a 1 or 2-minute appearance, but that was enough to get the Sholly postings on this blog to spike. WTH~

First things first… why would Phyllis tell Molly that she had ‘a talk’ with Shane? Main pet peeve~~~ SO convenient. Phyllis will NEVER ever confess to Molly that she intervened. So even though I was thrilled to see and hear Molly saying she ‘loves’ Shane… I don’t think it should’ve been on this first episode. Just saying.

Then there’s Jenny… I hate Jenny with a passion. – Not saying I hate Mia, Mia’s great… she’s so good she makes me HATE Jenny. LOL – You should’ve seen me when Jenny put the jacket and the letter away~

I know… not much Sholly airtime on the episode, but we did hear Shane and Molly saying they love each other. Bette even laughed… haha~ And Tina and Bette fighting over who’s to be pitied the most. sounded like an IMDb Shenny/Sholly discussion, only that it doesn’t end as their argument did…

Latest theory? I read an awesome and cheesy funny idea that Jenny is only trying to eff around with Shane’s head to get back at her… Shane finally finds out, confronts her and Jenny offs herself.

There’s also my lame theory that Shane and Jenny get together for real and Shane finds out that she’s in love with Molly for real, Jenny gets depressed and offs herself. But then… since Alice is the one ending up in prison, I dunno how she fits into killing Jenny. Maybe… Alice goes apeshit after Tasha finally gives up on them, blames it on Shane and while trying to kill Shane, she kills Jenny ~~~~~ OR, whatever. LOL.

Travel Sand Scanlation~

January 8, 2009 — 3 Comments

Well, not exactly a scanlation because I’m not thinking about scanning my book. But I was thinking of translatings… or trying to translate Travel Sand to practice my Japanese. Writing, and all… I’ve been transcribing the first chapter, which includes a Hollywood postcard, the letter, and then a bunch of captions on scattered photos.

Of course, with the help of Google Translate (and its funny translations), Rikaichan and the damn Kanji dictionary. This is helping me with my writing as well, because I can’t read all the kanji, so I write them with handwriting input… though sometimes I get it wrong, it’s quite effective.

I was wondering, if any of you… (I know you’re out there because that Travel Sand post has quite a few views) were interested in me posting that. Leave a message.

Just to Spite You~~

January 7, 2009 — Leave a comment

LOL, Canadian Government, xD

Four months ago (maybe five) I had a ticket to see BackStreet Boys at GM Place in Vancouver, but Canada didn’t let me in even though my friend was getting married. So I missed her wedding, missed seeing my friends and I missed BSB. Damn you, Canada.

Anyhoo, later I find that BSB is coming here. Crappy end of the deal? “Mundo Pop” is not a BSB show. CRAPPY. Also in the show is Belanova, which is pretty bleh, and Adammo (??) Who the frak. Oh, yeah~ and tickets are pricey. And there are a LOT of sections. You know, normally should be 2 zones… General and VIP, but NO! We take zones to another whole new level~~~ First, we took it to Super VIP. Yeah, there’s a Super Zone, but that’s not it! Take this concert as an example… there’s General, Preferencial, VIP… Super VIP… Kandavu (the company organizing the concert), and then there’s BSB. Normally, I would’ve chucked the price of the ticket~ Like I did Bjork. xD

I was about to buy a BSB zone, but let’s face it… ++$100 for a ticket is not exactly MY thing. said the one who wouldn’t chuck $60 to see Dixie Chicks. LOL’ – I still buy cds, so I still give away my money. There should be a deal, right? Show receipt of a recent (name of the tour) album and get a discount. xD

BSB en Lima Ticket

Also, Belanova doesn’t seem to fit with BSB… just saying. But I’ve got an open mind, I will let both groups try to impress me. But yeah… I’m paying this just to spite Canadian Gov. LOL otherwise I wouldn’t have chucked that money xD

Celebrate P!nk!

December 19, 2008 — 4 Comments

Yay! I got my Funhouse CD yesterday, and I thought “wow, I’ve got 5 P!nk albums.” I like to call myself (shut up, amy) Pink’s first Peruvian fan… which is not fact. Maybe… just MAYBE, there was someone who knew her and bought her album faster than me.

Pink's 5 CDS

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Atsu-Hime/Naogoro 101

December 15, 2008 — 8 Comments

Long post, spoiling the love part and some politics, so if you don’t wish spoiling, don’t read after the break. Well, you’ve been warned~~

Anyway, I made it! I woke up at 6am just to watch Ep50 of Atsu-Hime in Jap sans subs, hence me not really knowing what was going. But I did okay, I think… Yes, Amy cried. Less than expected though! xD

I saw it twice, actually… on the repeat at 1pm, and took some photos of my crappy tv reception.

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So… you probably should know Marit Larsen’s music video and song for Under the Surface to find this funnier.

Jinseitte Uso Mitai, or Life is like a Lie, is the first 3-episode-chapter of the Yu Aoi WOWOW drama Camouflage (previously known as Aoi Yu x 4 Lies) which aired at the beginning of the year, and it’s already on DVD. Finally saw! WEEEE – I waited… what, 6 months??? And still haven’t finished ‘coz no one is translating, and my translator bailed on me… dunno where he is.

So I re-watched the three episodes last night, though the 3rd episode only had subs in the story and not on the introductions (in which the director and writer explain a bit), and the ending (where the photographer shows and explains the photos taken), so kinda missed some of the episode.


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Let’s try some embedding…

As some of you know, The L Word is making its final showing this coming January (woo! exciting!) – Promo looks good, as in it looks pretty. Not sure about the “killer’s look” – I wonder… will they give me Sholly? I saw the poster, and Shane was licking Jenny… are they trying to throw me an anvil? ARGH, I hate anvils… they bring bad memories to my shipping heart.
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As If Once Again!

November 24, 2008 — Leave a comment

I just found out that Canal I-Sat is showing As If. *goes mad* – I am losing it, ha! Watching Buffy… now As If, it takes me back. If you are a fan (join here), and get the channel… and you didn’t know they were showing it, go watch it!

All of these are on -5 GMT
Monday to Friday
4.30am, 10.30am, 3.30pm

Though, still haven’t confirmed it’s a regular thing. Those times are for this week…

If you knew… why didn’t people tell me about it??

I still wish this was on DVD… would so buy. So… would you sign the petition?

Happy Bewitching!

October 27, 2008 — Leave a comment

Today (I know I’m kinda late…) Alluringly Bewitching* (don’t forget the *) turns TWO (2 years)~~ that’s right. I know it’s a lame website, but it serves its purpose of fanlisting. Would people want it a website? I don’t know. Certainly, Kahlen news have slowed down… visits as well (cause or consequence?) – Anyway, even ANTM searches have slowed down in here…

But we’re here to celebrate Alluringly Bewitching* – Kahlen is to date my favorite ANTM contestant/runner-up/etc ~ and two years ago, I was surprised she didn’t have her own Fanlisting… so I opened one. My second one, I don’t know how some people manage to handle over 20 sometimes~~~

We’ve reached over 250 members in the time it’s been opened. I am still hoping Kahlen writes someday *laughs* … *rolls eyes* – Anyway, on the layout. I love that shot of Anger/Wrath, and it’s probably my favorite photo of all the seasons I’ve watched.

Thoughts? Comments?