Enough, I’m tired of the western media nitpicking.
Rant ahead~~~~~
Time to blog the secret pinyin tool!
About two months ago, I found the nifties Japanese tool… an add-on called Rikaichan. Well, last night, when I was trying to look for the lyrics for the Olympic Song and ended up finding nothing~~ I searched for a tool that works just like Rikaichan, but for Chinese.
It’s called Perapera-kun by Justin Kovalchuk, and works just exactly like Rikaichan~~~ And it’s so easy to get! You only head over to the Firefox site (just click on the link over there), and add it. Of course, hoping that you are using Firefox~~~ And if you’re not, what the heck are you waiting for??? You don’t even need to add any dictionaries, but it works fine… I haven’t tried it with names or hard articles, but it’s still a helpful tool… I wonder how good it is with names~~~
Do You Know Your Asians?
Lainey does not have a grandma named Mrs. Wong.
See, even us Asians can’t tell their Asians apart. As I said in the last post, it was the 16th anniversary of the restaurant. We went to eat meat… loads of meat, which was also bad for my jaw.
Anyway, it was a big ass table, so I sat next to my cousin. We got to talking about school, music, economy, eco solutions, and stupid people, among other topics, like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. I told them it was getting harder to tell each apart because everyone is getting a slicker style. However, my cousin was proud to admit that he could tell them apart, which I refused to believe~~
I asked him once again, Continue Reading…
Happy Chinese New Year!
And welcome the year of the rat~
… of languages!
Ok, here’s my story. Japanese is pretty awesome, but let’s get real. Any Asian language that I will ever try to learn, will eventually come to a sudden halt with the different writing… Continue Reading…
God, I can’t take much of Hollywood’s new trend on remaking films. Seriously, it’s getting ridiculous!
Ok, so let’s take a look at a list of remakes from other countries…
Why don’t we start from the Oscar-winning, The Departed, remake of the Chinese Infernal Affairs?
How about some remakes from French films, like Original Sin, Taxi, Unfaithful, Wicker Park – all made between 2000-present. The Italian-based Swept Away, or The Last Kiss… and let’s not forget the newest Hollywood trend to remake every bloody Asian film that was EVER successful – The Eye, which apparently Jessica Alba is starring. Or the Japanese-based Dark Water, The Grudge, Pulse, The Ring, Shall We Dance? Or how about the Korean ones, The Lake House, or the new ones like Oldboy, Tale of Two Sisters, and even My Sassy Girl… probably starring Elisha Cuthbert.
Seriously, this just pissed me off by rumors of Lindsay Lohan being wanted for a remake of the film Jeux d’Enfants – aka Love Me If You Dare – starring the awesome Marion Cotilliard. I mean, the film was done what in 2002-2003, and they already want a remake? For real, if you’re gonna start making remakes from all foreign films that were ever a bit successful, why not make a remake of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I’m sure that movie will translate really well for American audiences, and let’s not forget to make a remake of Amelie, and while you’re at it why not make Life is Beautiful in English too! Yeah, and those rumors about making Battle Royale… those are great too! How about making the American version of Amores Perros, or Y Tu Mama Tambien? I mean, you’ve already made Abre los Ojos, even casting Penelope Cruz in the same goddamn role! Why not make every Almodovar film in an American version.
And man… more remakes and remakes. I mean, I don’t really have a problem with watching a remake, I probably watch the film and watch the original. But it’s the fact that most films or most films that seem worth-it are remakes of something, and it seriously makes me wonder where are we going…
These are just a few of the remakes released between 2000-2007: