Archives For big vocal chops

Ahhhh, Failte!! – sorry, too lazy to type accents.

You know, before I started posting so much about Asian stuffs~~~ I was pretty obsessed with Celtic Woman and Meav – coinciding with my 6-month mark. I left “fandom” and began my Asian ramblings. But you know, I always complain there’s so many idols in my Asian radar… not enough vocalists, or dancers. When I thought of vocalists, I often think about Celtic Woman, because… man, those women could sing.

I don’t think many people would actually look at me and say, ahhh see… Amy is a Celtic Woman fan. I don’t look the part, and I certainly don’t follow other Celtic music groups. I was in old downtown Lima, where they sell a lot of fake goods from clothing to music and films – don’t worry, I went there for Chinese food, not buying fake goods – and in one of the music stands, they had Celtic Woman music. I told my dad, because I thought it was surprising. He told me that a local channel had been broadcasting Celtic Woman concerts, and that my dad’s friend had taken a liking for the women. In the end, I gave him a copy of Meav’s Silver Sea album. LOL

I wouldn’t mind Meav coming for a concert xD

Ahhh… that Dulaman performance has so much sex appeal. LOL

You’ll have to excuse my Japanese. Is the English translation “The Most Beautiful Me”? Okay, I had a listen to most of Nakashima’s discography, after I was totally team Nana xD She strikes me as a emotionless-goth sometimes, and then the other times she strikes me as a total emo. However, I kinda dig her music.

She sounds great on Ichiban Kirei na, and somehow with my understanding of the lyrics… they seemed kinda poetic. I mean, the kind of lyrics that I like from Asian songs in general. Like having to sing about “that time in winter” and stuff like that. I like it when songs talk about the seasons and the elements, hahaha.

I think this song is the theme for Unubore Deka.

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Unlike Bjork, I feel Salyu is approachable, or it must be that politeness that plagues Japanese language as a whole… anyway, Salyu seems nicer than she appears with those crazy eyes. You know? When she’s singing in this performance of Glide, which by the way is one of those songs that don’t get performed enough for being part of the Lily Chou Chou repertoire, instead of Salyu’s. Because Salyu IS Lily.

Listening to her is one of those experiences, imagine it LIVE~ O.o

You just get to watch it as a YouTube stream, while I enjoy it on my 5.1 Surround sound dvd – and Bill… well, he gets to see Salyu live. I’ll stick to Bjork… unless Salyu decides to come here. Wink wink nudge nudge.

If this clip doesn’t get you to listen to other Salyu songs, I dunno what will.

This one’s for Bill~ thanks for the AI recommendation ;P

I have finally fallen in love with the song. It took a while~ Now, that Hitori janai kara/watashi ga kimi o mamoru kara kills me. The song is just so… uplifting. I think it might go great together with Christina Aguilera’s Beautiful. Once you hear it, you have to stand up and sing it out loud.

Here’s the okay-ish English lyrics.

I really like her FEAT AI album!
and her PASSION song kills me when she sings “Mira, mira / Watashi o mite”

I am beautiful… in every single way. Yeah, words won’t… bring me down~~~

I’m all over this. I usually love Diane Warren’s cheese… I mean, she did write I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing — the song most Aerosmith fans hate… but you know, it’s a great song. Especially to sing-not in Karaoke. LOL It’s the feeling. Liv Tyler is losing her dad to the asteroid! Please, cry! xD

I Miss U Missing Me is the first English song by Zhou Bichang… and Diane Warren’s first for an Asian artist (?) Has she written any other songs for anybody not from America or Europe? OMG, please let that be. xD

This one so needs to be the 2nd single.
This one > The Chinese/English version.
一滴淚的距離 (Yi Di Lei de Ju Li) – A Tear in the Distance

This can totally fit into the story between Grace and Alex, Julz~~~
This is so Alex -> Grace xD

Anyway~~~ Look!

BiBi performing I Miss U Missing Me
same presentation, different spot.

She’s a bit off, and the spiky jacket throws you off.
*sighs* I Miss BiBi in BiBi’s chic-geek style.

HMV JP takes top marks on shipping.
It only took 2 days! TWO days for my order to arrive~~~

It took Salyu 3 years to release her 3rd studio album, but it’s not like we were deprived of new music. In fact, Maiden Voyage contains many of the singles that Salyu had release these past years [6, if I count correctly]. You could say this could be a compilation of sorts, but it surprisingly works nicely as an album.

The album art gives you the visuals of flying… almost in a dream-like fashion — I mean, Salyu IS floating on a mattress and/or pillows, right? These visuals work really well with the overall themes and overall energy of the songs (yes, I actually grabbed the song book and followed the bouncing ball).

It also looks like Salyu is experimenting with her own music by finally stepping onto the writers chair, and even working on the music herself. Of course, she’s not doing it alone but with the help of Takeshi Kobayashi who has been there since the days of Lily Chou Chou. The collaborations between Kobayashi and Salyu are what we have come to get used to as far as Salyu’s sound is.

Interestingly enough, Salyu’s song (written and composed as least with the help of Tatsuya Kokufu) L.A.F.S (which stands for Love at First Sight) reminded me a little bit of what Salyu used to sound as Lily. Somewhat off-beat melodies, with really simple lyrics, but really moody.

Overall, the album really flows well and feels like a whole, except maybe for the oddball BIRTHDAY, which threw me off… in a really good way. The song, written by Salyu and composed again by Kokufu, sounded like Shiina Ringo and Bjork had a lovechild, if that were EVER possible.

I’ve taken to Salyu’s music because it’s soothing, as well as quite slow and easier to follow with a songbook. Salyu is really quite good to practice your reading and pronunciation. However on BIRTHDAY, she slurs her words and sounds completely different. I’m looking forward to more of that sound in the future. Hopefully.

As for the concert DVD. Well, it’s totally worth the price you pay for this limited edition with DVD ~

Screencap galore after the break~

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I have just fallen in love with a new song. Better yet!
Lyrics live up to the expectation.
Take a look at Sodagreen from their 2007 album
Incomparable Beauty. Beautiful lyrics and instrumentation on the song.

And this is Little Love Song.

FYI, singer is a guy. But here he is doing a pretty rocking version of Toxic. LOL Now imagine him singing and 2001 Britney Spears performing to that music. Would be sweet.

I love LOVE Incomparable Beauty. *sighs*

Say what?

She’s got a new album! And it was released not long ago, and a lot of famous people showed their support for the release!! Including Andy Lau, Eason Chan, Nic Tse and Stefanie Sun~~~

This is the video for the first single, Gui Lai (Return)

must get my hands on that album~

and I demand a collaboration with Celtic Woman, Meav or Sarah Brightman~~~ LOL

I know I’ve tagged this with “new talent” and “new music” when in fact it’s not.

First, a little about Han Hong – according to Chinese Wiki – She’s won the award for the Most Popular Female Singer, as well as the Best Female Artist Award (in mainland China). That means she’s critically acclaimed, and popular among the public – which doesn’t happen often on this side of the world. LOL

Her voice is often compared (by the fans) to Sarah Brightman for her unique style… music and lyrics. – and everyone loves Brightman… she was even on the Beijing Olympics Opening.

Now, a little on my story. I first noticed her at the Beijing Paralympic Opening Ceremony – with Andy Lau singing Flying with the Dream – but I didn’t have much luck getting her name or clips back then, so I kinda forgot about it until the day I was watching those music concerts on CCTV back in April and she appeared on stage. My mom thought what an amazing voice! While I added I had seen her in the Paralympic Ceremony… totally forgetting she’s also featured on the Beijing Welcomes You music video (thank you, whoever did those annotations! It’s hard to keep track of so many singers…) – Anyway, that day… I ended up discovering Chris Lee instead of Han Hong… but the wait is OVER!

Since the beginning, I’ve always thought she had an amazing voice, but the video above moved me so much. It gave me shivers, and almost brought tears to my eyes. No, really. It’s THIS video in particular… this performance. She’s an amazing vocalist! I would love to see her perform with Sarah Brightman herself, or maybe even the lovely women of Celtic Woman – or Meav *tsk tsk*

I’m not completely sold on her videos – like on most vocalist I follow – but her live performances are so much more worth it. Here are some of her other performances…

Qinghai Tibetan Plains

So this totally slipped my mind! I got the re-issue of Breathe!!! The Lily Chou Chou album from the Lily film by Shunji Iwai. The first time you see the film is so SO difficult~~ it’s such a hard theme, and characters you just want to slap around. I was a kid not long ago, and I felt so disconnected from THAT reality… yet, the film. You go back to it, and absorb it. The visuals, the music… it’s heartbreak.

Salyu, her voice~~ I fell in love with the soundtrack. The album is an experience all on its own… perhaps more than Salyu’s other albums. It’s the film, it’s because the album is strongly connected to that reality that it works so well… perhaps, a bit poetic. It’s THAT magical. At least to me, and to all the people that had bought the first issue of the album~~~ and maybe the reason WHY it was re-released.

I just want to know, from the people that bought the first run of copies… is it the same as the re-issue? Or has something changed? Hence, the re-issue credits in the album (including a re-design credit) ~ your thoughts?

Lily Chou Chou - Salyu - Kokyu