Archives For actress

How This Blog Works~

June 10, 2008 — 1 Comment

Just a little bit on how this blog works. I haven’t properly blog, about me or my work… other than the occasional rant, you could say this is a very subjective variety blog. The topics are usually varied, but I get fanatical from time to time… mainly because there’s no one to talk with…

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I have been watching one of the latest Japanese Dramas (JDrama), Last Friends… or RASUTO FURENZU as its read Katakana name. It is the first Asian drama I have seen (Chinese, Korean… or any other) – and despite the fact that I have seen my fair amount of Asian films, or listened to music in an Asiatic language. Last Friends is my first EVER Asian Soap… or as I call it, my AsiaNovela.

Last Thursday, we saw the fifth episode… so I have been roughly watching this weekly for the past month, and I can’t wait for more! Continue Reading…

I began watching a new old set of tapes (for archiving purposes), and I managed to go through 2 tapes… so that was like 9 hours… in 3 or 4, lol. Anyway, During the viewing, I saw a few clips where Carly Pope was featured, like 25 Hottest Stars Under 25 (by Teen People) which she shared with Brendan Fehr (from Rosswell). Were these two together??? And also, Carly was on 2000’s Nickelodeon’s Kid Choice Awards alongside Leslie Bibb, and some dude from Nickelodeon. Carly had crazy hair back then, lol… and she seemed very catty-friendly with the dude. I thought that was weird because I didn’t remember that at all.

Anyhoo… I got melancholic about seeing her work on time, because she’s been doing a lot Canadian indie films that I don’t get to see. She made Young People Fucking in 2007, and according to someone on the boards it was gonna be a limited release on April 18 this year, but haven’t heard anything about it. I mean, it took me 3 years to get to watch Eighteen and Everyone… and when I was still in Vancouver I was lucky enough to watch Hamster Cage at the movies (Fifth Avenue Cinema ROCKS) and I even got to see Larry Kent (the director of the film) after the film… how awesome is that? Vancouver was great for Carly Pope viewing because I also got to watch a  rough cut version of Break a Leg Rosie, which was a surprise because I was not expecting to see Carly at all!

Just a few days ago, I saw a re-run of Dirt on tv, and Carly was there playing Garbo. Hotness. I still have mixed feelings about the show, but being a big Greta Garbo fan… and a big Carly Pope fan, it all makes me giddy to the point of no return~~ And I think it’s fantastic that she’s taking classes, and continuing her studies… and according to her Wikipedia, she IS fluent in French, Italian and Spanish. Though, you never know… it might be the whole same issue there is with how many languages Natalie Portman is fluent in, LOL’

Anyway, I leave you with a lengthy interview that Curve Magazine did to Carly on 2007, I’m guessing. Great read, WORD.

Way before (film) award season began, I came up with a For Your Consideration campaign for Marion Cotillard, who ended up winning! *woot woot* – the funny thing about the whole thing was that the graphics I made only listed three awards, the Academy Award, the BAFTA and the Golden Globe. Yes, she didn’t actually get the Golden Globe for drama, but she got the one in the Comedy/Musical, to the disbelief of some Ellen Page fans (I’m an Ellen Page fan, but… come on, get real. lol’) – Anyway, I had totally forgotten about the SAG and SHE LOST THAT ONE! Now I’m better prepared.

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We Love Bree!

March 9, 2008 — 4 Comments

Let’s start off with a quote from

Bree Van De Kamp has a deeper role: She is Wisteria Lane’s beacon of perfection — the exquisitely starched pleat in a wash-and-wear world — and God love her, it’s the only thing keeping her sane.

We didn’t always love Bree, so correct in her deportment she made Miss Manners look sloppy.

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Juliette Binoche - hc916After obsessing just a bit with watching Dan in Real Life, HBO showed a re-run of Chocolat. I love the movie, mainly because of the Chocolate-y goodness… I can just smell the chocolate coming from the TV. LOL’ Anyway, after that, I was on the boards at IMDB and run into a transcript of a recent interview with Juliette Binoche. Since it’s posted on the forum, you would need to have an IMDB account – so I’m posting here…

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There were some good bits in some of the speeches for the SAG! Here are some of my faves~


My grandparents were actors in a time when actors were not allowed to be buried on sacred land, because they were homosexuals and prostitutes. So, it’s been a long way to come here, and that’s something we the actors should apply to ourselves.


If you’ve seen me on the show with Alec Baldwin, then you know it’s sort of like watching Fred Astaire dance with a hat rack. And after a while, you’re like, “Oh, that hat rack is pretty good, too.”


Hello, Mic.


Heath Ledger gave it to me. [applause] In “Monster’s Ball,” that character that he created, it seemed to be almost like an unformed being, retreating from themselves, retreating from his father, from his life, even retreating from us, and yet we wanted to follow him, and yet we’re scared to follow him almost. It was unique. And then, of course, in “Brokeback Mountain,” he was unique, he was perfect. [applause] And that scene in the trailer at the end of the film is as moving as anything that I think I’ve ever seen. And I’d like to dedicate this to Heath Ledger. So, thank you very much. Thank you so much.


And if I’ve forgotten anybody, well, it’s just that I’m still in character.

SAG Winners Announced!

January 27, 2008 — Leave a comment

The Screen Actors Guild award winners are in! Please throw me a film bone, SAG announcers!

Supporting Actor Film
Javier Bardem

Supporting Actress Film
Ruby Dee (oh bam! snap!!)

Lead Actor Film
Daniel Day-Lewis

Lead Actress Film
Julie Christie (no!!! teary eyed for Marion)

Outstanding Cast Film
No Country for Old Men

Full list of winners here (with speeches)!

I’m so sad for Marion not winning, though Christie’s performance was moving… I’m still supporting Marion for the Oscar. LOL’ Come on! They showed the “Marcel! Marcel!” clip… that is like the best clip in the film, one of the longest scenes on the film and one of Marion’s finest!

The nominations for the Screen Actors Guild are in! Marion got a nod, woohoo!

Other nominations include, Ryan Gosling, Javier Bardem, Ellen Page, Julie Christie, etc.

Having Gosling for a SAG nod and not Johnny ups his chances for a GG win, non?

For a complete list of nominees, go here.

So… people knowing me would know a while back I saw The Greta Garbo Collection, which I loved! Especially watching Queen Christina and Camille! Though my surprise came when I saw Grand Hotel, and was taken away from Garbo’s famous line of “I want to be alone” by the sharply-delivered-lines of Joan Crawford. Now, I’m done watching my Joan Crawford Collection.

I loved watching it, especially The Women and Mildred Pierce… and Possessed… and yeah, most of it, really! On the side, I also saw Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? – Man! That film is freaky~~~ All recommended!

So, yeah~ back on the topic. Why am I fascinated by these two seemingly different actresses? One gave up almost everything in her life for her much wanted privacy… and never really got it because paparazzi still followed her around. The other lived to be a star, and took it as it came… even the bad publicity, and still held her head high!

My respect to both of them. Nowadays, it is so hard to find stars like them. Most of them just complain about the paparazzi, and talk about their wanting privacy… but never really truly wanting it. Nights of wild partying, drugs and fights… and don’t forget the crotch shots! You’ve never seen Hollywood so unglamorous… such a shame.

I am of the opinion that we should get rid of Hollywood Ebola soon before it’s too late.