Archives For actress

o-hisashiburi desu, Yu-chan~

It’s really been a long time since the last time I saw you SAW-YOU, thuogh it’s only been a year since Wakamono-tachi. So much time that your hair is no longer short. LOL I still got plenty of movies to catch up with, but it’s good to see you as an Osen-san-meets-Omoto-meets-Mina type of character. I’m not sure how Dr. Rintaro is dealing with the topic of clinical depression, considering how Asians view mental illnesses… but I’m interested in seeing why your character acts the way she does- is it Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)? Or are you just blowing Dr. Hinorin off xD
Also- can’t complain when this thing happened:

dr-rintaro-ep01-yu-aoi-train1 dr-rintaro-ep01-yu-aoi-train2

Many more screencaps and some GIFs below the break~

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I ran into this oldie clip of Chulpan Khamatova reciting an extract of an Andrei Voznesensky (Андрея Вознесенского) poem, shot by Peter Shepotinnik (Петра Шепотинника) titled Lirika (Лирика)- though, I don’t know whether that’s an extract of the Voznesensky’s works of the same title. I couldn’t find a literal extract of the poem online that wasn’t taken from the video.

I did find a transcript of the video.

Ты мне прозвонилась сквозь страшную полночь:
“А ты меня помнишь?”

ну, как позабыть тебя, ангел-звереныш?
“А ты меня помнишь?”

твой голос настаивал, стонущ и тонущ –
“А ты меня помнишь?” “А ты меня помнишь?”
и ухало эхо во тьме телефонищ –
рыдало по-русски, in English, in Polish-
you promise? Astonish…

а ты меня помнишь?

А ты меня помнишь, дорога до Бронниц?
И нос твой, напудренный утренним пончиком?
В ночном самолете отстегнуты помочи –
Вы, кресла, нас помните?

Понять, обмануться, окликнуть по имени:
А ты меня…

Помнишь? Как скорая помощь,
В беспамятном веке запомни одно лишь –
“А ты меня помнишь?”

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For some of her last photoshoots, photographer Chen Man (known for some mad photoshop wiz magic) has been toning down her post processing, and this latest issue of Marie Claire China featuring my bias Zhao Wei is proof. I always think Zhao Wei looks super hot, though.


It’s only a couple of days more, and the movie will finally open [1], but here’s the Rene Liu song that’s promoting the film full of feels~

Ah~ I thought I would do a post compilation of the Chulpan Khamatova TV serials that I’ve been able to find on YouTube. Starting with these two~ Children of the Arbat (Дети Арбата) and Pepel (Пепел). I’ve seen Pepel with Google translated subtitles, but I haven’t seen Arbat yet, as subtitles online are incomplete.


Here we go:

  1. Children of Arbat
  2. Doctor Zhivago – Доктор Живаго [review]
  3. Dostoevsky – Достоевский [review][español]
  4. Pepel

This is my favorite shot of the lot~


source et more pics.

You’d think Hi! Blitz (or any other blog) would post this, but I had to get this from Tabu’s Instagram.

Stylist: Mayyur Girotra [Website][Instagram]
Hair & Make-up: Namrata Soni [Website][Instagram]
Photographs by: Rohan Shrestha [Website][Instagram]

Oh, I’m so looking forward to Isabella Leong’s comeback.


Is anybody out there? *HELLO-HEllo-hello*

You tell them, Janeane.

I’m totally not the demographic for Bravo, but here goes Janeane Garofalo telling it like it is- like my mom told my school 20 years ago when they “required’ her to do parenting lessons for my catechesis. I’m totally bummed she’s no longer on the show.


I apologize for having a job. I’m sorry I make a substantial income to pay for your green-grocer small-batched locally-sourced farm-to-table ethically-butchered hormone-free gluten-intolerant bills, but- here’s the thing; I don’t work, my kids don’t go to school. So if you wanna call and tell me tuition is free, I’d be happy to be here for Story Time, and Arbor Day, and kids court, and snack bar, and talent night, and the Nose-Picking Olympics, and every other bullshit holiday that costs me a fortune. But if you’re not gonna tell me it’s free, then I gotta work, ‘coz I’m a working mother… with a boatload of mouths to feed.

Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce 1×03 – Rule #47: Always Take Advantage of “Me” Time

I’ve mentioned this before [1], Hula Girls was shot in Iwaki prefecture, so when the tsunami and eventual nuclear meltdown affected the zone, the Hula Girls team as well as the dancers lent their support and/or donated money. Now, Yu-chan is lending her time (maybe there’s money too, though I’d like to think this is from the bottom of her heart) to jump-start visits to Iwaki with the campaign Tadaima Iwaki (ただいま! いわき).

It doesn’t matter, I’d watch 1hr. of Yu eating savory things and visiting places if they’d made a movie about it. LOL As naturally charming as ever~ I’ll watch this 30-sec clip instead.
