Archives For Music

I kinda like this music video xD and kinda like the song

Stylish – and I thought it was totally kinda gay until there was a guy. They’re totally fighting then, right? By the end of the video? Because it starts out playing it like they’re both against the guy, almost torturing him — you don’t wanna mess with girls like these — but then by the end, they’re pulling the ropes to get to him?

Also the beginning with the “Happy Birthday” message seemed totally threatening, in that ex-gf sending you hate mail with a message written on her hateful lipstick kind of way. You know? So… which one is it? ‘Coz then, they’re totally hugging. LOL

*brain turns off*

I haven’t watched CNN… for at least a month, since I’ve been focusing my news-watching on local news for politics, so I didn’t know A-Mei was going to be on Talk Asia… or I would have been flipping before.

I totally despise Anjali Rao, though.

Her face, her voice, the way she speaks irks me so much, it makes me want to punch her sometimes. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. LOL It’s one of those things when the aura of people rub you the wrong way.


A-Mei on Talk Asia~~~

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I don’t know how I missed this back in December~

oh well~

This is pretty cool animation.

You can also learn more about the process over at

Needle heels should be banned from choreographed music videos.

Having said that, damn. You know, say what you say KKK-ers — but when races mix correctly, it turns out hot. Meisa Kuroki is one hot mixed-race lady… but she can’t dance to save her life. I’ve never seen Meisa with normal shoes dancing, so I can’t say how she dances normally… but I remember her stint with Flamenco, and she got no swing.

But she’s got a good vibe…

I want to root for her.

But as with LOL, I keep bursting out laughing with this. Even though I kinda liked her Spanish-y guitar intro. I also liked how they did the one eye with different color thing.

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”334″]

I still think she needs to get together with Hyori for a collab ;D

Hmm… not really in the mood of talking (or ranting) now.

I don’t need to say that nothing on The L Word is really “safe for work” right? It’s not like you see much in here, but just to be safe, knowing you won’t get caught watching something… even if just a fanvid, that may look to some people like something else~

I re-watched sporadically the 3 first seasons of the show, and I just got sort of nostalgic about Shane and Carmen. You know I like Shane a lot, I liked Shane with Molly a lot too because of how fluffy their development was. It was different for the character, they had somewhere to go… but they never made it there. Meh, oh well~

So re-watching Shane and Carmen, I had almost forgotten how intense they were. Partly in a good way, but as the end of the third season came upon… it became more and more destructive.

You know that bit when Carmen dreams that Shane is giving Cherie Jaffe their tattoo, and then Carmen reveals she also cheated on her after Shane slept with Cherie? That bit when Shane’s all mad but nonchalant, looks at her and asks her whether she feels better now that they’re even. It was awful in a really good way.

So I guess Coldplay is their perfect fit. LOL

I was just watching CCTV where Sa Dingding showed up. Her Harmony album was one of my faves last year, and revisiting Ha Li Li I thought she’d be perfect for a collaboration with Laure Shang with Love Warrior – which, at this moment, is one of my fave tracks of 2011.

I made a poll on Weibo (first one ever!).

Worldwide Anthems~

May 1, 2011

This post took a really long time… it’s been on my to-do post-it for a while~ I even have a post-it with the songs that I wanted to include, and the ones I could ask people about.

So check out the list on YAM Magazine ;D

How did I not know about this MV until today? LOL It was released in 2003!

I was going through some of the posts that had lost its YouTube video links, and one of them was this Yu Aoi and MVs posts, and I ended up seeing this video on Tudou, which took forever to load. I wasn’t sure it was a real MV, so I looked it up, and voila! Seems legit~

Song is okay too! LOL

I just finally burnt Zhong Ping Huang’s (黄­中平) name in my head.

Because of A-Mei’s latest MV.

Having realized that he’s made my favorite Faye Wong video, I just spent all night “curating” a list of 77 MVs of some of the music videos he’s directed since 1997… but only of the artists I follow… otherwise the list is just endless~

Most of the time, his style is described as just about style, emotion and composition. Though, I have seen a few of those that have something resembling a plot.

Faye Wong – Bu Liu/ Nothing Left

I think that video captures what I essentially love about Faye Wong.

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My purty iTunes Library~

April 22, 2011 — 4 Comments

I’m a dork, you can’t deny it.

I’m a dork, and I’m proud of my -mostly- tidied up iTunes library.

As with my CDs, and my DVDs… a little bit of books, and mostly with computer files, I like to know where my things are. Of course, iTunes makes it way easy to keep things organized with their “copy to folder” and “keep things organized” options, but then we’ve got album covers, song names, artists names… and music can get a little messy.

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