Archives For Television


I am in desperate search of the following former YouTube user: buffycaz

If you have any idea who he/she is, the whereabouts, contact info… or anything. Let me know!

And, if you are buffycaz – MY GOD! I have been dying since your YouTube account got removed, and the video “bunnies!” got deleted. CRUSHED. Do you happen to have that video of Anya featuring Ballroom Blitz by Sweet? I would love you forever if you send me the video.

So I guess I’m not the only one who happens to say “my favorite actress is…” and then I get a big “WHO?” because people just don’t have any idea who I’m talking about. It happens to me quite a lot recently… not so much with Mr. Finnegan, who happens to know every goddamn name in the film industry, lol – actually, in his case, it happens the other way around. My big excuse is “I’m in Peru, we haven’t heard about it yet.” lol

Anyway, so I just thought I would share some of the actresses I’m watching on the big/small screen… or mainly the ones that come to mind right away. So let’s begin! Continue Reading…

El terrible Duraznito.

Peaches from Rocko’s Modern Life

nuff said.

I still love you

August 8, 2007 — Leave a comment

still love you

Okay, so I was watching an episode of Desperate Housewives on Sony (Entertainment Television), which had no Bree – AT ALL. The episode sucked so badly, I felt sorry for it. Seriously, the best character of the show is Bree hands down, without Marcia Cross, DH will drop down on ratings. So, in the light of this crappy episode, I wanted to make a list of my favorite TV characters, in no particular order~

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Miss Universe 2007

May 28, 2007 — 3 Comments

What’s up with a Dallas sportsman, the Heroes guy, and all those judges in the panel for Miss Universe, lol.

I wonder which countries could be in top 15, if you had to vote without knowing the country of the candidates. Just… you know – throwing this out there, so it can be considered for the next one. xD – seriously, if you get a panel of judges who are American, they are probably going to vote for the US – and the hosting country will always get to at least top 5.

But, oh no! Imagine not knowing who the heck is the hosting country candidate… maybe she will not even be top 15. Now that’d be an interesting thing to watch.

So, Top 10 was announced, and no Europeans were in it. Noticing all the contestants, you could notice all countries have chosen clear skin, and the most noticeable was almond-shaped eyes, over big eyes… very Asian-like shapes, without being just lines. You could noticed that even in South American contestants. Europe, on the other hand, seemed to send contestants that were not that ‘exotic’ looking. It was odd. The first thing I thought was ‘Europe has not redefined their beauty’ – While there’s been a huge increase in Asian contestants… the funny thing was that I could hardly notice any difference between Japan and Korea… and even Thailand that made it to the Top 15.

Perhaps its my Western eye that can’t quite make the difference, or perhaps it’s because Asian countries have made their standards and are closely following them.

Okay, my theory is rubbish, at least the hosting country one. No Mexico in Top 5, and there’s too much booing right now, and I’ve got no idea why. My question to Venezuela – lol, what’s your opinion of what’s happening in your country right about… now? xD – – – Seriously, these questions are retarded. What would you choose, a wild spontaneous man, or a goody one? Superpowers, wtf? How about asking some really hard moral/ethical/logical thinkers like what’s your position on same sex marriage, what is your definition of family? – And… was Miss USA being booed? Lol, seriously – Miss USA shouldn’t have been there. Tripping over during competition should automatically kick you out.

Best moments:

  • Miss Japan on the country/candidate introduction.
  • Miss Korea saying she enjoyed photography, and the archive footage showing her taking herself a digital photo… Korean style.
  • Miss USA falling. The unexpected expected~~ xD

Lol, shit – Miss Japan won. That’s cool. Well, I called it!! Asian-like eyes… clear skin. She was ‘the one’ (lol, sorry… Matrix just began) – she was the one when she said “hola Mexico!” – oh you all knew it. That sealed the deal. You gotta admit.



Oh! I call it! Just a few seconds after transmission~~ this is a HEADLINE! xD

Shirley Holmes

May 10, 2007 — 1 Comment

For those of you who don’t know, The Adventures of Shirley Holmes was a show for kids that dealt with Shirley, the great-niece of famous detective, Sherlock Holmes. She was a bright and curious young girl with some emotional and social issues, that are triggered by the mysterious disappearance of her mother, Dr. Joanna Holmes, in Rwanda.

We follow Shirley, three or four years into her mom’s disappearance, when she finally meets Bo Sawchuk, a bad-boy-turned-friend and Watson-like companion to Shirley. Together they solve mysteries dealing with insurance fraud, kidnappings, alien abductions, illegal immigrants, conspiracies, and deception – just to name a few… all ending in young Shirley learning something about herself, and other people.

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April 29 – saw The Lost Tomb of Jesus. Pretty boring and general stuff, but good to know I guess… just for general knowledge. The Church just makes such a big deal about it, it just attracts more attention. Worth a watch if you catch it zapping your TV, not worth a wait… Actually, it would make sense to have Jesus ascending to Heaven, and leaving his body <- metaphoric for dying and moving on. But, bleh. No flamers, please.

Next on the list. Spiderman 3- it came out May 3rd! I gloat because *official release date* is May 4th. Anyway, nothing really AWESOME, like some people say. Effects were good, fight scenes were entertaining, and I even got a bit dizzy on one, but 70% of the film was bleh. First, I don’t like Mary Jane much… movie 1 ok, movie 2 not so ok… now, just plain annoying. Gwen was just a bit of a bimbo, and I liked her more than I did MJ. *PLUS* – Bryce Dallas Howard looks weird as a blond blond. She’s too white, lol.

And what is up with Emo Spiderman? He gets Venom infected and he suddenly changes his hairstyle? Lol. Reminds me of the EVIL GOTH MUTANTS from X3. Not all people that dress in black and have messy hair style are EVIL. Oh, Venom~ Venom is cool, when you DON’T consider that Eddie Brock was a wimpy photographer… didn’t like the character. Sandman didn’t look as GREAT as Venom, but I guess his character was ok. And Harry… oh, Harry~ he was okay, I guess.

Biggest turn-off: Peter “John Travolta” Parker.

Best part: Jameson lines, and last final battle… when we finally see Venom.

My Dæmon

April 25, 2007 — Leave a comment

My Dæmon is an Ocelot that looks like a domestic cat. His name is Gabriel. Golden Compass looks like such an awesome film. Can’t wait for Mrs. Coulter and Serafina Pekkala x’D

Okay, I’m sleepy. It’s 5 a.m. but I won’t be able to sleep if I think of forgetting about this when I wake up. Tuesdays mark “new CDs and DVDs” day, I should know, I was the one going on a shopping trip every Tuesday to get my favorite music and movies in Canada. Don’t do it here in Peru, mainly because there is not “new merchandise” day that I know of, and things just don’t get here in time.

Anyway, for anyone – I am the ideal consumer. If I like your product, I will likely buy it. However, products have been sucking lately… also because I hate thinking Blu-ray discs and HD are on the market now, so studios are not releasing two-discs DVDs anymore.

But let’s talk about music as a more general example. Continue Reading…