Archives For Moving Media

Experiment Awards 2009

February 28, 2009 — 11 Comments

Just for experiment purpose ONLY. Picking nominees during award season is a tough job, considering the people in charge have to sit through hundreds of films in a certain period of time to just pick them… then they probably have to see them once again to refresh their memories and pick a winner.

Even like that, there’s still people upset about not nominated and nominated films… right? You know who you are~~ Stop complaining and do something.

Amy's Experiment Awards 2009

That’s why I wanted to do some experimenting… have our own awards. Well, no~ we don’t have the money to have famous people… or to have a proper ceremony, or to make our own awards to hand out physically. Actually, we have nothing but our will to watch films, comment and try to get others to watch those films, but that will be enough~~ I think.

These would be the rules for films:

  1. All films, regardless of language, are eligible
  2. Only movies listed on IMDb on the year of the award, or released between February January to December in any city of any country around the world are eligible.
  3. Films with a very limited release, and/or problems with distribution will likely have points for them and might be eligible for the next two years.
  4. Since all the nominated films could be foreign, there will be no “Best Foreign Film” award.
  5. Sorry. No documentaries or shorts at the moment.

Rules for the voters:

  1. To be able to nominate the films you watch throughout February to December, you must AT LEAST watch one movie a week. That means at least 48 movies that year. Of course you can watch all 48 films in December instead, but that’d be rushing it, no?
  2. Each voter must do their nomination (5 nominees per category) list by the first week of January (January 7th, duh).
  3. Official nominations will be announced three days later on January 10th.
  4. Voters will be able to choose their winners from January 11th to January 28th, allowing them to re-watch their nominations and/or watch the nominated films they couldn’t watch before.
  5. Winners will be announced by the end of the month on January 31st.

Hmm… I think I covered most of all. If I have forgotten to deal with something, let me know on a comment or an e-mail. Also, if you’re interested in becoming a voter, make sure you do the same… e-mail, comment… anything. The more, the better the experiment will run, right?

Meh~ screencapped my other ones as well…

LivingSocial: Books

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I know you’re there… the Sholly posts keep getting hits, and they are only 2nd to that Child Actors post I made a while back. LOL’

So stop the lurkin’ already, and comment a little…

We just saw Ep06, and we’re just two weeks away from finishing this exasperating season, but hey! You saw that photo of Molly, right? The one Shane was developing… you loved it, right? ‘Coz everytime there’s a glimps of Clementine Ford in one of the latest episodes, Sholly searches spike a little. As do Katherine Moennig and Clementine searches~~

Some may think that cheating is catching up to Shane, and that’s what made her sick. I, on the other hand, think Jenny is wack. She totally did something to Shane, hahaha. And if she didn’t, well… that ‘good’ gesture she did by giving Shane the Photo Studio – that totally smells to ‘strings attached’. And Shane’s totally trapped.

Screencaps after the break.

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Oh, Hugh… what happened to thee~~

But that’s another subject~~ It’s not like I despised Beyonce, and the Disney people on ‘my’ stage. I didn’t like them, that’s all. LOL’

It’s not like their Moulin Rouge number was totally unnecesary, instead they should have performed the Original Songs separately… and NOT have John Legend trying to butt in Jai Ho. On that subject, the drums… VERY COOL.

Natalie Portman… hot. + Ben Stiller doing Joaquin Phoenix??? Just OH!-Some~~~

Natalie Portman and Ben Stiller - Oscar 2009

What else is cool (though mildly surprising…) – JAPAN WINNING, not ONE BUT TWO!!! For Best Short Film Animated – which was great – but also getting FOREIGN FILM, when I so totally thought Waltz with Bashir would win. Okuribito (Departures) took back home Foreign Film~~ I totally FLIPPED.

Other cool moments… Best Actress. GOSH! Sophia Loren… Shirley MacLaine… Marion Cotillard (My Marion, OUR Marion), Halle Berry and Nicole Kidman. AND! Kate Winslet winning! Introduced by Marion! And Sophia Loren with her accent… introducing the fab+++ Meryl! I’d die for an intro of any of those two.

Actually, that was my favorite category of the night, haha. I’m glad for Best Actor… and Supporting Actress~~~ Penelope!! I have to update an old post on Oscar Studded Films~~~

And Tina Fey!! She was funny~~ as James Franco was.

I think I did pretty good on predictions (20/24) … I hope no one did better than me in the contest I entered hahaha.

Slumdog took 8, while Button took 3, Milk 2, Dark Knight 2 – the rest, if not mistaken took 1. xD

Winners and more photos below the break~~

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Here you go~

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Will be blogging when Red Carpet begins… even though I’m not that good at it. But check back on this spot for Red Carpet moments, and Winners as they are announced.

Also, I was invited to be ‘panelist’ at ITG, so head over there for a LIVE blog of the Award show itself.

Moments and winners, will be posted as they happen after the break

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Me @ J-MELO Site

February 22, 2009 — Leave a comment

xD – Just found me, while looking for times at the NHK Premium website – yes, ‘coz I still haven’t figured out if I will be able to see Yu talk about that book I mentioned posts behind… – not sure it will air in NHK Premium. What I did find, however, the times that Top Runner airs~~~

Wednesdays 6am GMT-5 – if you recall… Top Runner had Yu a while back. Check back on it here.

But yeah, on the J-MELO business… I emailed them once to thank them for the Miyavi introduction, as well as the Kobukuro one~~ And being the geek that I am, I sent a picture coz there was a field~ xD – I wonder if they ever read my email on the air… hahaha.

Me at the J-MELO website gallery~

Spirit Awards 2009!

February 21, 2009 — 3 Comments

1.30hrs to the broadcast, but you can head… over  the Film Independent’s Spirit Award website, to see the LIVE blue carpet.

Indie Spirits in my Room

My TV, the Picture in Picture (PIP), and my computer set to Indie Spirits this afternoon~~~

Well, I hope you’ve been watching- only 10 minutes to go… Melissa Leo was the cutest on the interview. The most fun there, actually… Ellen Page was there! Penelope Cruz… Richard Jenkins! James Franco, Mickey Rourke~~~ They also talked about Milk, and all about how they thought of rushing the opening of the film against Prop 8.

This is actually quite an interesting live event, a LOT of talk about films and projects… and minimum glamour and dress talk. I mean, how many times should we hear “who are you wearing?” – Refreshing~~~ other than the missed interviews, even though Film Independent SHOULD get primary spot on the carpet, so no one can skip them~~~ and other weird camera movements…

Kudos to them for the LIVE Event online~~ and hooray for NO RESTRICTIONS!!

I think you can head back to their site just after the broadcast to watch the ceremony, and stuff.

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Woah… my Japanese reading is most improved hahaha. I still suck at it, but not as badly. At least I sort of ‘get it’. Still can’t get the times though… is it 24hr time instead of PM, AM?

Yu Aoi will be in the show/segment… whatever it is talking about her favorite book. 10min!! 8am – 13hr = 6pm?

BS2 2月23日(月)8:00~8:10
BSハイビジョン 2月23日 8:45~8:55/2月28日(土)7:45~8:35


So, to catch those 10min you will have to tune in NHK on Sunday at 6pm GMT-5 – Then what’s BS HighVision? Another channel? Confused. haha.

My Favorite Book, Japan’s 100 Favorite Books is listing a 100 people (including Yu’s)’s favorite books. Yu’s choice of book is Michio Hoshino’s essay 旅をする木 – if you can write Japanese (dunno if non-Japanese entries will be accepted), you can send them your favorite book!

I dunno if I will be able to catch this… conflicts with my Oscar watch!

First… I will let Mary Cherry do her own introduction.

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Roh-rock me Amadeus!

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