Archives For French

Esta es la traducción de inglés -> español del artículo que escribí para YAM 003 titulado “Too Foreign for your Own Good. Please Sing in English” en el que hablo de los más recientes lanzamientos de artistas de no habla inglesa estrenando material en el idioma para entrar en el mercado.

Como el artículo es un poco largo, pueden leerlo después del break.

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… though a couple have been demoted half a star. LOL’

Let’s see~~ From nearly 2000 rated films on my Flixster on Facebook application, this are at the top by rating… in no particular order…

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I was horrible last time, and I’m actually pretty horrible at keeping track of the music lately. No idea why though~ Also, I’m pretty sure I might be repeating or missing some albums hahaha ~~ go figure that one too. Annyway, the list after the break!

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The trailer for Coco Avant Chanel, about the life of Coco Chanel starring Audrey Tautou has hit the net a few days ago. Me wants to see~~~ I need a little French push at the moment with so much Asian in my life.

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Looks good, non? I’m surprised Lainey is not over all of this by now. LOL’ I thought she;d be, btu oh well~~

Spirit Awards 2009!

February 21, 2009 — 3 Comments

1.30hrs to the broadcast, but you can head… over  the Film Independent’s Spirit Award website, to see the LIVE blue carpet.

Indie Spirits in my Room

My TV, the Picture in Picture (PIP), and my computer set to Indie Spirits this afternoon~~~

Well, I hope you’ve been watching- only 10 minutes to go… Melissa Leo was the cutest on the interview. The most fun there, actually… Ellen Page was there! Penelope Cruz… Richard Jenkins! James Franco, Mickey Rourke~~~ They also talked about Milk, and all about how they thought of rushing the opening of the film against Prop 8.

This is actually quite an interesting live event, a LOT of talk about films and projects… and minimum glamour and dress talk. I mean, how many times should we hear “who are you wearing?” – Refreshing~~~ other than the missed interviews, even though Film Independent SHOULD get primary spot on the carpet, so no one can skip them~~~ and other weird camera movements…

Kudos to them for the LIVE Event online~~ and hooray for NO RESTRICTIONS!!

I think you can head back to their site just after the broadcast to watch the ceremony, and stuff.

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Last viewed films list before the Indie Spirit, and Oscar this weekend! I think I did pretty okay for a bit more than a month… you think?

How’s YOUR movie watching?

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BAFTA Winners 2009

February 8, 2009 — Leave a comment

Paving the way to Oscar… BAFTA were just handed out~~ My private predictions weren’t too far off, scoring 15/20… considering this is my first BAFTA prediction, I think I did ok~~

Slumdog got 7 out of the 11 nods it had, including Best Film, Director, Adapted Screenplay and Score – Benjamin Button didn’t leave empty handed either (finally!, lol) – It took home 3 out of 11 nods, all in technical categories such as Best Visual Effects, Makeup and Production Design (which is Art Direction).

Kate Winslet pushes forward as the favorite in the  Best Actress for winning for The Reader, Heath… well, like, is that a surprise anymore? I’m sure a lot of America will tune into Oscar night to see Heath winning. And Penelope Cruz pushes forward for an Oscar win as Supporting Actress for her role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona – and well, Mickey Rourke~~~ MAN, that’s a tough one to call. Sean or Mickey?

Animation was a tough category, WALL-E ended up victorious against AWESOME animated films, Persepolis and Waltz with Bashir, which also lost Best Foreign Film against I’ve Loved You So Long (Il y a Longtemps que Je t’Aime)

Read the whole list of winners here.

Feb 4

TOKYO! – in a City Near You!

Just a few months after some Hawaiian residents had a chance to catch TOKYO at the Hawaii International Film Festival, Liberation Entertainment brings TOKYO! to a city near… or at least nearer you this March. Below the break for more info~~

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Bad, bad Amy… I think I’ve seen a couple few films… some re-watches too. Also, I seem to have an alergy today~ CAN’T stop sneezing!!! =o=”

Films (awarded and not…) after the break. For the best of 2008 (made in, or watched) check here.

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GGs are so close!

January 2, 2009 — 2 Comments

Only 9 days left, no? How is your movie watching? I think I did a lot of movie watching over the holidays… only missing a few couples. Some predictions and comments after the break…

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