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Formerly known as “Push,” Precious was the winner of this year’s Sundance Film Festival Audience Award, and the Grand Jury Prize for Best Drama. Based on the novel Push by Sapphire, it tells the story of a teenage girl named Precious living in Harlem…

Movie looks good… PLUS! they say Mariah can act. LOL

Is this a trailer? Doesn’t feel like one 3P

Anyway! Disney’s 2d animation is back! It’s been years since the last 2d animated Disney film (2004 with Home on the Range which wasn’t so good), in fact… this is their first princess-ish animated film since~~~ since Aladdin’s Jasmine in 1992, but that was more like an Aladdin flick… or Beauty & the Beast in 1991, but Belle was not really a princess. LOL So! That leaves us with The Little Mermaid’s Ariel in 1989~~~

Wow, 20 years of my life have just flown by~~~

The Princess and the Frog reminds me of The Rescuers, and All Dogs Go to Heaven – hint fat crocs… and fat crocs who sing, with a hint of Sebastien from The Little Mermaid~~~ ‘LOL. Still wanna watch though~~~

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Hmm… debating on what movie I should write about next. Need some time to ponder~~

In the meantime…

I’ll leave you with this cute CM for Shueisha, with the little kiddo with the bunny ears!!! Wahhhhhh, bunnies!!! I want those bunny ears hahaha. Oh yeah, also… Yu dances. I love it when she dances~~~ xD

Hana & Alice – Arabesque
Hula Girls
Hana & Alice – Not exactly dancing… but Relaxation method!!! LOL

kotoba, kotoba koto no ha
tada kotoba ga narande iru dake nanoni
sore wa namida o kobosaseru
sore wa ikite ikoukanatte kimochi ni saseru
sore wa atataka katari suru tada kotoba ga
narande iru dake nanda kedo
kotoba, kotoba koto no ha
natsu no owari ni sabishiku naru ryuu ga wakatta
kanashi sugite warattari suru ryuu ga wakatta
natsu ichiban, natsuichi
natsu ichiban, natsuichi
watashi wa sekai o tabisuru
kotoba o tsurete
watashi wa watashi o tabisuru
kotoba o tsurete
itsuka deau anata ni
itsuka deau sono toki
anata ni ageru kotoba o sagasou

So… first of all, this was going to be just a Jean Paul Strauss post, but then… you know. I needed a bit of space to clear things up. I know I don’t particularly talk much about Peru in here (especially with my current obsession with Japanese and Asian) – Anyway, I heard this a couple of months ago… just half a tiny clip on television, so I couldn’t do much back then. Luckily, I decided to try my luck again, and surprise!

Vibra Peru is the album by Peruvian Jean Paul Strauss fusing Peruvian rhythms,folk music and the whole shebang, the result I thought was pretty fun (one of those reasons I also enjoyed some of Gianmarco’s productions). But let me just show you instead of writing about it~~~

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Now, I’m pretty sure that’s track12 – Huaynos: (Matarina y Mambo de Machaguay). Why? Well, because I’ve heard Mambo de Machaguay before… I knew it when I was a kid because of a sing-along Libro Coquito book that had the music in one of the tracks (La Grua, if you were interested in it… I must have the goddamn tape somewhere). Then, I went all music discoverer, I recognized the tune on the Indian Carnival song by Yma Sumac (track 7) – I couldn’t really remember what the ‘tune’ is called… if Carnaval Arequipeno, or Cajamarquino… but it was a folk tune.

So I ended up on Wikipedia Spanish, and found that it’s called “Mambo de Machaguay” – what it’s missing? Well, it mentions the version by Los Jaivas from ’76, but fails to mention the 1954 use by Yma Sumac, so I just wanted that out of the way since I’m not a Wikipedia editor/user/contributor…

Here’s the version by Inca Son.

I just saw the new commercial for Chanel N5 featuring Audrey Tautou directed by Amelie fellow-director Jean Pierre Jeunet. I personally think they work great together, visually their work is stunning… and this ad is no exception.

Audrey Tautou - Chanel N5

I think perfume commercials are very pretty to look at, even though I don’t really buy their products hahaha, but I gotta give them props for them. Anyway, the ad made me think of other perfume commercials I have previously enjoyed watching…

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Awww… you know~~ Before I was all Harry Potter Shipping crazed, before I learned what the heck shipping meant… and before I knew there were people in communities supporting these ‘ships’ – I had Harrison John and Sam McPherson.

I’m still hung up on them. I still die for Christopher Gorham – woah… long crush much? it’s been nearly 10 years hahaha – and I still hunt films (and shows) with Carly Pope, but I still catch any project Popular-related~~ xD

But looking back… you see Harrison/Brooke~~~ and listening to the audio commentaries – Ryan Murphy does say that Harrison picks Brooke people – it’s time to face it~~~ After re-watching the show you see they do build them up, but still… there’s still part of me that wanted Harrison and Sam to happen. *sighs*

Then there’s that~~~ Sam’s a lesbian. Say what? I can’t recall THAT being mentioned on the dvds… can’t be certain, but I’ll trust the internet this time around, and say it. Anyway, I remember reading a REALLY great awesome script-format fanfiction posted on Geocities (which, by the way… it’s closing! I feel ancient~~~), and it was sooooo great. It began on Harrison’s choice, and focused on Harrison’s relationship with Brooke (steamy much? if I recall correctly) and also with Sam. Man, I should look that up once again and save it before Geocities is gone~~~

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with these Harrison/Sam videos~~~
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I just found this~~~

The Go! Team’s Huddle Formation WB’s Popular Fan-vid xD

I never realized how much dancing was featured on the show~~ April Tuna and Mary Cherry kill me with theirs though.

Mia Wasikowska

Mia Wasikowska is also Australian (like Tim Pocock, the first Actor Spotting), and is 19 going on 20. You might have seen her on HBO’s In Treatment with Gabriel Byrne, and you can also see her on I Love Sarah Jane (after the post break) directed by Spencer Susser who is set to direct Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Natalie Portman (who is also producing) on the film Hesher.

You will next see her as Elinor Smith on the Hilary Swank Amelia Earhart bio-film Amelia, and next year as Alice on the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland.

She was also named one of Top10 Actors to Watch in 2008 by Variety.

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Ike-chan and Me TrailerNippon Cinema has just posted the trailer released by Kadokawa Pictures~~~ with a brief intro by Yu and…

Ike-chan to Boku, mitte kudasai~~~

Trailer has a whole bunch of new footage to me… unless they’ve been releasing clips through their website, which I’m not aware of. However, Ike-chan still looks out of place, no? Pops out from the picture… doesn’t look as cute as the one on paper… you think?

Head over here for the trailer via Nippon Cinema.

“What is it that you REALLY like to do?”

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I’ll watch anything with these two~~~ xD