Archives For Motion

I loved watching Departures. I thought it was quite poetic in its handling of oposing themes as life and death~~ good and bad… and a great balance between it’s light comedy and its drama. Plus, Kimiko Yo appears… she cracks me up sometimes *points at fried chicken* xD And Ryoko Hirosue also appears… both of them appear with Yu. I love playing 6 Degrees of Separation in the Japanese entertainment industry… xD

Why is this tagged as ‘oscar history’? Well, this is the first Japanese film to officially win Best Foreign Film since it was first given away~~~

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Sooooo, Eminem’s Back.

Back again. Tell your friends. ~~ Thoughts? Not really that catchy, but it is kind of funny. Noticed how he pokes fun at loads of tabloids’ fave celebrities? Also… Joseph Khan! He’s worked with Britney, as you might well know.

Anyway, I found the lyrics, though they don’t seem to be right. John Mayer must be in cloud 9 with being mentioned in the song, and Sarah Palin *snorts* that bit was funny… – I do feel kind… of… sorry for Jessica Simpson. But seriously, Eminem could’ve poked fun at other ‘celebrities’ other than Rock Star dude, and the Kardashian chick. It makes it seem a bit outdated.

*sighs* pop culture isn’t what it used to be. Have you noticed it now changes every other week? Every other week there’s another dumbass celebrity on Twitter posting photos of their wives’ asses and then asking for privacy. Long gone are the days of true movie icons… shame.

Yu Aoi - FanMade Video - KenKen - YesterdayI almost never (almost sure) post fanvideos… especially if they just center on a real person, you know? I’m pretty sure I’ve never posted one… usually they make me eye-roll. It’s a whole other thing with shipping (not real people)~~ I can get a little nutz over shipping videos… though many suffer from what I’m about to describe below.

This video, however, I thought it was pretty good… like not Windows Movie Maker related. The music too, kinda reminded me a little of Kobukuro. xD

I’m pretty sure it’s all software/plugin related… and it’s really just a cool slide presentation, but still… like this screencap – looks good. Those bits at the beginning, very simple… very clean, and not showing Yu’s face. Mystery! xD

I really wish more fanmade stuff were like this, as 90% of everything out there is just put together with crappy-ripped/cam videos or widescreen footage stretch out like it’s fullscreen. Keep the aspect ratio, people!!! And then there are the ‘slides fanmade videos’ that just show photos one fading after the other… Come on, this video certainly could’ve gone the corny way~~~ being the video with a shot of Yu’s cute face next to the name on Comic Sans. O.O COMIC SANS!!! [why exactly designers hate comic sans] [7 examples of inappropriate use of comic sans] –

So here you  go… follow this link to watch the video.

Multiple post night! Or day… actually, I’m supposed to be writing about Yamato… but that could wait even though I’m gonna keep this for later posting.

I just got an urge to watch French & Saunders xD Soooooo sooooo phunny.

Check the rest of clips after the break, =P

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I was nutz over the poster I saw a while ago, coz it was oh so pretty. And now! Ooh la~~~~ Trailer!!!

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″] has ranked Natalie as one of their best Sesame Street appearances xD Yes, the one with the elephant… cute as a button. I always thought Sesame Street (aka. Plaza Sesamo) was a pretty good kid’s show… and I always thought Elmo was cute, plus! he doesn’t speak like a stupid Teletubbie. “nuff said.

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… well more like making you remember. LOL I think I might have perhaps talked about this on previous Why the 90’s Ruled or Not editions. But here it goes,

You LUV it, right? The video, LOL –  you’re free to go after the break to keep on reading… travel through time!!! xD

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WOWOW + Juri!!!! Exciting!!

As you know, I LOVED WOWOW’s Camouflage with Yu Aoi. *hearts* So the prospect of a WOWOW project with Juri (before she goes off to Europe to film more Nodame – Julz, this is your cue) is NUTZ. The current working title apparently is:
GI~TA~ KE~SU no Onna –> A Girl with a Guitar Case, but you know that could change just like Camouflage switched titles.

As you know, I liked Hito no SEKKUSU (Don’t Laugh at my Romance) and Hyakuman-en (One Million Yen Girl) which had WOWOW attached… of course that might had to do with Yu Aoi as well ~ but these prospects are the same. ^^


There’s a trailer out for Juri’s North India Documentary with NHK on the Jiji no e Tegami project, or Grandfather’s Letters… which in case you didn’t know~~~ Juri has a song for… (just like she has Onara Taisou for Nodame).

The documentary will be on NHK March 20th (Friday) from 8pm to 9.29pm (LOL, 29? haha… sorry). Set your clocks, and I will set my own time… 6am??? GOSH~

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For more some photos and graphics, head over to Juri’s LJ community.

Oh, we LOVE it when YouTube has region restrictions, no?

BritneyTV - YouTube - Region Restriction

You’d think Britney Spears fans around the world, and not only located in the US would try to watch her videos on YouTube. I would get the ‘age restriction’ – but come on! who hasn’t lied into those signup forms before, right? – But hey! Not only I can’t watch Britney videos from BritneyTV… I also found a lot of other music videos (eg. Cobrastyle by Robyn) that I couldn’t watch because of this. As if!

Anyway, I had just found out Britney released her new video (third, I think) – If You Seek Amy… which I thought was the best track on Circus… not because my name is featured, but because it’s actually kind of smart and sassy. The video SUCKS though… she hasn’t made a good video since she stopped having general shots of choreography. You can’t deny the close shots and quick edits while ‘dancing’ is to hide the fact that she’s not moving much.

Here’s the video,
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The trailer for Coco Avant Chanel, about the life of Coco Chanel starring Audrey Tautou has hit the net a few days ago. Me wants to see~~~ I need a little French push at the moment with so much Asian in my life.

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Looks good, non? I’m surprised Lainey is not over all of this by now. LOL’ I thought she;d be, btu oh well~~