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This 2006 film directed by Naoto Kumazawa had Shunji Iwai as producer and ghost-writer. It stars Hayato Ichihara as Tomoya, a young man working as staff in a television studio, who finds out his friend Aoi Sato (Juri Ueno) dies in an airplane crash.

Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance… all mashed up together.
Starring: Hayato Ichihara, Juri Ueno, Yu Aoi
Duration: Almost 2hrs.

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I noticed some of you have been looking for the soundtrack for Osen, I’ve blogged more about this soundtrack than other JDramas, so I thought it fair to get a sample for you to listen! The OST contains 22 tracks, not including the song of the intro (Odore, by Micro) or the closing song (Koi Uta, by Tackey & Tsubasa), but it IS a good Original Soundtrack with pieces by Yugo Kanno.

So I got 6 of my favorite tracks, and put them together with the opening and closing songs… for Osen’s MixTape!! xD

  1. Micro – Odore! – “Dance!”
  2. Yugo Kanno – Osen Main Theme
  3. Yugo Kanno – Tema wo Oshimazu – Effort is Valuable
  4. Yugo Kanno – Omotenashi no Kokoro – Heart’s Hospitality
  5. Yugo Kanno – Honmono wo Mirume – Discerning Eye for the Genuine
  6. Yugo Kanno – Noren wo Mamoru – Protect Reputation
  7. Yugo Kanno – Osen Main Theme (Ballad)
  8. Tackey & Tsubasa – Koi Uta – “Love Song”

I know, my sucky last post that begun as a notification of less buying, turned into reporting that Anna Tsuchiya will (or was) on this week’s TalkAsia. If my calculations were correct, it aired today at 8AM, when I wasn’t really up yet… so I’ll be catching it tomorrow at 8PM instead.

If I don’t get to catch it, I will try to see it online… just like I miss Jay Chou, I thought maybe some of you were looking for some missed editions… so I’m posting the TalkAsia with Jay Chou, Bi (Rain) and Lee-Hom Wang that I found…

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I will have to buckle up, and not buy movies and music. No money! Market’s are crashing… and keep on crashing, LOL’ All I can do is cross my finger so there’s a new job tomorrow. NE!?


Anna Tsuchiya will be on Talk Asia (CNN)~ LOL – Gosh! Who can understand me! Amy!!! Buckel up, NO MONEY!
Wednesday, Oct 8: 13.00
Thursday, Oct 9: 03.00 (I’ll be watching this on Thursday at 8pm)
Saturday, Oct 11: 14.30
Monday, Oct 13: 02.00

Last, last… last? Time, I missed Jay Chou… I ended up watching it on YouTube. But there’s nothing like catching it on TV…

Talk Asia should do one on Juri Ueno or Yu Aoi, non? HA!

SORRY for the topic change, blame the commercial on TV.

Late Music for the Month!

October 8, 2008 — 5 Comments

Oops! Took longer to post about the music of the month this time because I wanted to go through most of the music I had on my “to listen” list. Finally did, JUST this second!

So without further ado, the list

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It’s time for a new “Films that Changed your Life Forever” post! If you check the link to my “Favorites,” you will notice that the film I’m about to talk to is the ONLY animated film that has made its way to my Top10. I am surprised myself, but here is my story…

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Amy seems to be quite the TuneSocial application user on Facebook… if you’ve no idea what is this, it’s an application that sort of works as a ‘virtual’ CD shelf… you can add the albums you own, or the one’s you’ve heard, etc…

I was browsing through ‘my collection’ and noticed that I’ve never given a 5/5 score to any of the albums on my collection, HA! Talk about picky, eh? I also noticed a few glitches, but won’t report because in order to do so, I’ve got to open an account with THEM. DUMB! The main glitch is that when I wanted to find out which CDs had the best rating, and wanted to organize the albums by rating, some of the albums didn’t show up… so in order to verify my list, I had to go through the +600 albums on my list. SUCKY!

Anyway, over the +600 albums… only 30 reach the 4.5 mark. ONLY 30!! Over +200 reach the 4/5 – so AM pretty confident about my choices of stars per albums and artists…

So here it is! Amy’s Top Rated TuneSocial Albums! Continue Reading…

Oh man… I just watched an episode of The X-Files, spanish-dubbed… it took me back! LOL’ It’s the dubbed I grew up watching… not that I was an avid X-File viewer, but I did from time to time. I still remember the episode where there was a ‘chupacabra’ – CHUPACABRA!!! I love how they say it in English, SO PHUNNY. xD ~you know, like that episode on Charmed where Piper says it~ Anyway!

Moving on… today, on channel Space, they were showing an episode with the guy who played Dr. Romano on ER… he was some cancer-man, and needed cancer to survive. He had gotten his head chopped off from a car accident at the beginning of the ep, and grew it back up! xD – Also featuring on that episode, there was the actress I’ve seen on an episode of Shirley Holmes… HA! If I recall correctly she was ‘Barbie’ with a B, or something like that… xD Season 3, episode The Case of the Real Fake. LOL’

Anyway, the episode was kinda creepy still… all kinda bad effects and all. Aww… I miss TV like that. xD – You know, TV with old school effects, makeup… I think I deserve a dose of good ol’ The Storyteller, with Jim Henson~ NE?

Bibi Chow – WOW

October 5, 2008 — 3 Comments

So I was looking around the web for lyrics of WOW, the 2nd part of the 2-disc album by Bibi Chow, because I was listening to it last night, and on my search for it I ended up finding my own posts wondering about Bibi’s music. How lame is that? So I’ve decided to put that finding to good use and work on the lyrics of the album~ and if people seem to be interested in it, I might work on NOW (the 1st part of the 2-disc album) and her other lyrics…

Okay, so because I don’t speak or understand Chinese, please don’t ask for a translation… it takes enough time (20min if it’s easy) to figure out the right pinyin. Also, no automated-web translation postings… if you think of posting a translation in the comments, I hope it’s a translation job done by a person, otherwise it won’t get approved.

If you are posting the lyrics, please proper credit is appreciated, as well as a link back.

And if you’ve got corrections, please point them out… some of the songs are too fast for my ear… Here’s the link to the CHINESE lyrics.

  1. WOW [added Oct. 5th 2008 – credit]
  2. Quan Nian Wu Xiu – No Rest for the Whole Year [added Oct. 8th 2008 – credit]
  3. Fan Fu – Repeat [added Oct. 8th 2008 – credit]
  4. Wei Le Ren Shi Ni – Just to Meet You [added Oct. 12th 2008 – credit]
  5. Sha Mo Ye Zhao Dao Bali – The Desert Can Also Find Paris [added Oct. 12th 2008 – credit]
  6. Sha Gua de Tian Cai – Silly Genius [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  7. Mao de Mao Xian – Cat’s Adventure [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  8. Zen Yang – How [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  9. Oh Yes!! [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]
  10. Han – Sweat [added Oct. 13th 2008 – credit]

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Ten Steps…

October 4, 2008 — Leave a comment

The upload of the day! xD Marit sure does know how to tease listeners…

Just listened to it a minute ago… a bit later than I intended (it showed already 200 plays), but I was listening to the soundtrack of Kiraware Matsuko no Issho (Memories of Matsuko) – Man, that film gets me each time in the final “Okaeri”. Even the OST makes me mush inside…

Anyway, back on Ten Steps… of the 4 tracks released already, this is by far the more country-ish that I’ve listened I think. At first, I thought I was hearing a Dixie Chicks intro xD – But Marit’s got a talent for sounding sweet about not so sweet things… ha! “I’m about to break your heart,” she says… but she’s so chirpy! It’s scary x’D