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If you know me, you probably wouldn’t think that I’d be a fan of Milk@Coffee, why? Because Milk@Coffee is happy poppy simple music. My friends think it sounds like children’s music. Obviously, they have that certain vibe because the female part of this duo, Kiki, sounds like a little kid singing, and the music in itself sounds very playful and catchy. However, looking into the songs, they reveal a certain maturity.

Of course you’ve got catchy favorites like Wo Bu Shi Rock n’ Roll (I’m not Rock n’ Roll), the wacky Curry Coffee, or Burn! Little Universe, and Yi Qi Lai (Together). However, there’s also songs like The Older the Lonelier – you gotta admit that’s a really REALLY sad title – or Accustomed to Loneliness. How about the most off-beat of their songs? The Zhongguo Feng-styled (traditional Chinese sounding) Die Lian Hua.

In this new single titled No Time — the album will be out by September… in a mayor label, so Milk@Coffee is no longer indie –, they seemed to have struck a balance with that maturity and the catchy. Yes, No Time sounds like a kid’s song, but it talks about a thing kids will never mind until they grow up a bit. How many of you keep telling the people you know that you don’t have enough time to do something. It’s a tale as old as… well, time.

The begins with a minute of various celebrities saying what they lack time for.  “I am __” they say, “I have no time for ____”.  These neglected activities include listening to music, dating, losing weight, studying abroad, visiting relatives,  having kids, and so many other commonplace ones that every listener should hear one they too pushed back at one point. The spoken introduction ends abruptly with Laure Shang saying: “My name is Shang Wenjie. I have no time to record whatever this is for you”.

via Cfensi.

Say hi back to Lauryn Hill.

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You’re probably tired of me talking about Hana & Alice. It feels like I have posted this before somewhere, but since I can’t find it with a simple google search… I’m posting xD

To quote myself;

Just for the sake of being consistent… I was in the mood for the music of Hana & Alice, which I have come to love after multiple views. I also got the urge to listen to the music for Hyakuman-en’s OST but can’t find anything, so if you know where I can listen to it… let me know.

Anyway, as I was saying~~~ Hana & Alice Soundtrack, it’s so quiet… yet wonderful. Wo Ai Ni breaks my heart. One of the best Yu Aoi film scenes you’ll EVER see~~~ Here are three tracks I found at IMEEM. The rest after the break.

Shunji Iwai is a SOB xD without knowing about music, he composes this score. How’s that for justice?? LOL Now, every time I hear or read Wo Ai Ni (I Love You in Mandarin), I’m reminded of the movie. The way she tells her dad “Papa, Wo Ai Ni” and her dad says “Zai Jian” – OMG, so so sad. Poor Alice. Don’t worry, let’s eat Tokoroten together xD I don’t think I’m into the taste of seaweed in my pudding, but I can eat something else… I’m sure. xD

Ahhh too many posters – a few highlights.

First, the poster for Burlesque beats the Teaser poster for it. Because I like Hot Pink on high contrast black and white. So I’m biased… Plus, I don’t think the trailer looks that bad.

Cher&Christina Aguilera - Burlesque Movie Poster #2

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The CM was taped using a high speed camera and only used 2 seconds of it to produce the whole CM. The CM shows Aoi Yu eating the chips with her mouth opened wide and gnawing it in very slow motion.

“I feel a little embarrassed,” said Aoi Yu with a smile. She also said that she loved Calbee’s Pizza flavoured potato chips and has been eating it as a child.

via Japan Now.

Well, that is embarrassing, to be honest. Imagine someone taking a photo of you as you close your eyes to chew on your food — I’ve done that, to my mom buahahahaha — now imagine someone shooting you on high-speed camera for just 2 seconds to probably make a 15sec commercial. Embarrassing! xD

– updated Aug 31st –

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Awww, just to remember Michael Jackson.

They Don’t Care About Us is one of my favorite MJ songs. HIStory was my first MJ album ever, which I got for my 10th birthday — but that’s a story you should know by now [1]. The choreography is killer.

I miss choreography like this. You know what dancing on a show is now? Butt-jiggles and booby-shaking. No one is moving their feet when they dance now! At least singers… I watch So You Think You Can Dance – *legasp!* Yes, I watch some reality tv shows, I’m afraid. xD

I actually had a lot of fun watching the beginning of the show, and seeing all those new winners… at least in the comedy categories… like Jim Parsons winning Best Comedy Actor – more than well-deserved – Eric Stonestreet for Best Comedic Supporting and easily one of the best thing out of Modern Family – which also won Best Comedy, ahead of Glee… who ended up winning Jane Lynch for Best Supporting, and Ryan Murphy for directing — I’m imagining Murphy won Best Comedy for his work on The WB’s Popular, Mmmmkay?

In the Drama categories, I was a little less satisfied… but since Drama is my thing, they are worthy winners – I’m sure. Though, Michael C. Hall winning for Dexter in Best Actor would have made my month. GAWD! I’m still waiting for Dexter to win some mayor award like Best Drama. After the first season, the fourth season was the best. How I wished they had won.

But okay, ’nuff of winners. [see the list here] Fallon, I must admit… wasn’t as hate-inducing as he is. I actually laughed in some bits of the ceremony. But then I got tired again xD I actually stopped watching the last 30min, until Mad Men and Modern Family were announced as the Best of TV last season.

But here you go~ I’m sure it will be gone by the morning xD

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Aug 30

Anomalous Material’s Top25s

Anomalous Material is taking some time to list their Top25 Actors and Top25 Actresses under 35. We don’t know how often they will make the postings, so you’ll have to keep an eye on them ;P

In the meantime~~~

and as a bonus, Top 35 Acting Performances of the Decade ;P

And just to refresh your memory, I also did my lists… but since I’m so picky on being precise~~~ my lists have unconventional long names like 20 Actors Between 20-25 to Watch until They’re 30, and 20 Actors Between 25-30 to Watch until They’re 35.

Let’s hope we have cross-over picks xD we already do.

I took some time to fill up my YouTube Wayne Isham Playlist. Now it contains over 50 videos directed by Isham, but I’ve omitted some — namely most Metallica videos because they don’t let me watch their content, so screw them.

If you missed my write-up on Isham’s work, here you go~

[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=””]

Here’s the link to the list, and don’t forget to “HEART” this post and/or comment on what videos could be added, or other music video directors for future Music Video Director posts xD

I was thinking of adding a new set of posts highlighting good casting on films. It’s not about picking the greatest actor for a part… I mean, picking Meryl Streep for any role is not really “good casting”, it’s just that Meryl is that good — and to quote Cam on Modern Family… Meryl Streep can be Batman and be the right choice. Those are just things that simply are.

But this is more about picking the right actors to make an on-screen family, or actors that look the part for historical figures, or casting actors to play characters in different periods of their lives… and the likes.

So here we are with the troublesome film Die Päpstin, or Pope Joan — whatever your thoughts they may be on the film. How Telenovela it was, or how Pope Joan aged, but no one else did. LOL The most striking thing on the film, besides actress  Johanna Wokalek’s face as she was getting her Pope-powder on, was the resemblance between Johanna (the character) aged 10-14 played by Lotte Flack, and grown-up Johanna played by Wokalek.

With casting by Anja Dihrberg and Toby Whale.

My mom thought they were real-life sisters xD