Archives For 2009

Sexy Schoolgirls~

August 12, 2009 — 1 Comment

Oh, you love them. I know you do. LOL

It didn’t start with Britney, but I’m gonna pick on her just because I don’t want to search and post common photos of Denise Richards back in her Wild Things days. LOL

Britney Spears - Baby One More Time

There’s an article, by a dude that talks about this… again. Is it misogynistic? Regular fantasy? Wrong, right? Where do you draw the line? Continue Reading…

More busy… busier~

August 11, 2009 — 2 Comments

no news? No news worth spazzing, fuming, fangirling…

loads of design stuffs to do, though.
slides, web… pdf~~~
YAM is coming!!

Teen Choice Awards were on Sunday or something…
Pole-dancing Cyrus… that’s what parents support now?
Ugh, my poor cousin. I hope she’s not turning out like that…
I wonder what my uncle thinks of Cyrus pole-dancing abilities~~~

People keep sucking.

Got Nothin’!

August 10, 2009 — Leave a comment

For you to chew on… considering I posted a lot of stuff over the weekend,
so check back on those… including:

Also, I know I’ve stopped on the Yu Aoi Film Discussions, but I really thought more people would have discussed Tekkon. However, I will continue with that after I re-watch my new HK copy of Hito no SEKKUSU.

And!!! (multiple exclamation!!!) I was also thinking of changing the site a little bit.
In case there’s any suggestions, drop them here.

A new interview with Bibi came out… yesterday!
Or actually… two days ago considering they’re like 14hrs ahead of me~

Bibi Zhou @ Rong Chen Blog

Very cute interview, where they look back a bit on her singing…
Bibi’s mom is also there! And she’s got dimples!!! LOL
And Bibi doing celebrity impersonations~~~ xD – She is very good, if she weren’t singing, she’ll be doing that, I bet. Also pointing out the difference between herself singing, and doing impersonations.

Sorry, no subs… but still fun to watch.

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Here it is!

Once again,
another sneak peek at Juri on the Ivan Simeon collection~

Juri Ueno - Myth and Realities by Ivan Simeon

Kobukuro + Yu Aoi CM

August 8, 2009 — 1 Comment

For those of you who didn’t know, Kobukuro has just released a brand new album (CALLING), which I’m not necessarily loving… but that’s a tough job to pull considering how awesome ALL SINGLES BEST was as a compilation.


SPAZZ! There’s a new article over at with a couple of
photos of Yu on the CM for the new album…
also with a new interview.

Yu Aoi - Kobukuro CM

Continue Reading…

More Heath! Take a look at the music video he was working on.
The video has humans and whales on inverted roles…
cruel, but sorta funny. I’ve got a dark sense of humor.

I told you one was coming!
I didn’t know what to expect from Doctor Parnassus to be honest,
but Gilliam seems to deliver another horrorific tale here
can’t wait to see it.

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

Weekend Shorts

August 7, 2009 — Leave a comment

Reuters is reporting that Jay Chou has been cast as Kato (previously played by Bruce Lee on the series) on the new movie adaptation of the Green Hornet written and played by none other than Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express, Funny People) – really? LOL

I said it! Asian invasion!!! xD

The Lima Film Festival began today!

VMA Nominees Announced!
Normally, I would’ve done a different post for this, but I’ve lost my interest on MTV.
Can’t blame me, can you?

Womanizer… video of the year? – oh the sadness. Alongside Spears~~~ Eminem with We Made You, Beyonce with Single Ladies, Kanye and Lady Gaga. – REALLY??? I should really make a Look Back on 2008 Videos, I mean… there should be better, MUCH BETTER music videos than those.

Lady Gaga for the win, even though I didn’t really dig any of it. <- that’s a prediction.

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