Ask Yu-chan 5 questions, what would they be?
Since the If Only picks are already done [but you can still send your 5 picks, if you haven’t], I was thinking on how to keep you engaged… alongside Acerk we discussed a couple of ideas regarding more film work. But I thought this would be more approachable for everyone… since every fan has at least one question they want to ask their idol.
Imagine you win a contest where you get to interview Yu-chan, this will help you get questions ready! LOL Or… imagine some reporter is interviewing Yu-chan, they should totally use this post xD
A couple of rules~
– Send me 1 to 10 questions
– No questions about her private life. [eg. dating]
– Send the questions in English
If you’re interested leave a comment on this post by April 15th the end of April. Your comment must have a valid email address, otherwise I won’t be able to contact you. Or you know, if you have my email you can send your questions up-front.
After everyone sends in their questions, I will put the most asked questions in a list while also picking the most interesting ones [even if they’re asked only once], so make’em good, people!
I would tell you I have something special for the fan with the most original/interesting (set of) question(s), but sadly I don’t have anything. I don’t have a budget to give away anything. D= So you only get the chance to fandom participate… and hopefully some nice journalist will get this and get to ask Yu interesting question on our behalf. xD Because I support the Creative Commons hahaha.