If Only… Kamikaze Girls

February 11, 2010 — 5 Comments

Continuing with the If Only… Yu Aoi Edition.
We’re almost done with these, so if you haven’t
participated, you can message me. I’ll email you with details.

by Acerk

2. Kamikaze Girls

Synopsis: Momoko is an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. Ordinary, that is, if you define ordinary as wearing elaborate Lolita dresses from the Rococo period in 18th Century France. A complete fish out of water in her rural and sleepy Japanese town, where everyone buys their clothes (and everything else) at the same store and no one understands her, Momoko’s life is one of sugared sweets and frilly treats.

Desperate to make some money to pay for her expensive indulgence, Momoko tries selling bootleg Ver*ace and Uni*ersal Studios clothes left over from her Dad’s yakuza (gangster) days. However, when punk girl and self-styled ‘Yanki’ Ichiko comes calling, her days as ‘ordinary’ are most certainly numbered.

Director: Tetsuya Nakashima
Main Cast: Kyoko Fukada, Anna Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki Miyasako
Replacing Actress: Kyoko Fukada
Role: Momoko Ryugasaki

This is actually the movie I feel Yu would be best suited for. If you want proof that Yu could do comedy, just watch ‘Turtles Swim Faster Than Expected’ or ‘Hana & Alice’. For me, Yu is a perfect fit for a Tetsuya Nakashima film and I’m a little surprised that she hasn’t been cast in one yet. And who doesn’t think Yu would look good in Lolita attire?

Funny story….I actually bought the DVD of Memories of Matsuko because IMDB.com has Yu credited in the cast for the film. I never found her appearance, but Memories of Matsuko has become one of my favorite films and I’ve been craving a Yu Aoi/Tetsuya Nakashima collaboration ever since!


Even though it doesn’t do the visuals justice, you can watch Kamikaze Girls on YouTube. I’m surprised it’s been up this long… when usually they keep deleting stuff.

5 responses to If Only… Kamikaze Girls

  1. Didn’t we met on the boards wondering where Yu was on Matsuko?

    I recently watched the copy I ordered of Kamikaze Girls (the Viz R1 version, totally skip it. It’s not on 16.9, but on letterbox with black bars), and I pictured Yu on the role of Momoko. I would have liked to see that last scene played out as Yu being a total badass.

  2. Yeah I think we did.

    I agree, that last scene played out with Yu would have been great to watch!

    I also like the scene where Momoko decides to save Ichigo from the gang and she hops on the scooter/motorcycle but she doesn’t know how to start it. That scene was hilarious! I could totally see Yu giving that “what do I do now” reaction.

  3. Noooo! I like Yu too, but I couldn’t replace Kyoko. She’s so cute!

  4. She’s so cute, but wouldn’t it have been interesting? LOL
    like an alternate universe where Yu played Momoko. xD

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