Catching up here too!
Can’t really tell how well I did for music, so let’s get going~
Catching up here too!
Can’t really tell how well I did for music, so let’s get going~
I ran into this video, which is a fan-made video without label that made me think it was almost a real video, if I hadn’t seen the original video from which the Yu Aoi footage comes from. LOL
Ikimono-gakari‘s Sakura ~2007 version~ (single was released in 2006).
[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”405″]
I really like the song, so I will check out their discography~
I’m an MJ fan, I really am. I bought my copy of HIStory when I was around 10 — the first ever album I received as a birthday gift from my parents — and I’ve been fascinated as a kid since I saw him vanished as golden sand on the Remember the Time music video.
I was a bit hesitant to watch this because I knew tickets had been on pre-sale for a month, and I’m not the type to compete for tickets. After all, they did advertise “for two weeks only.” I checked schedule online only to find the 11pm shows listed ONLY, so I was pissed. I thought that they were not showing this for two weeks only, but also showing it on midnight shows ONLY, so I went to the theater to watch District 9 instead… to find out there were other times for This Is It — so I watched both.
If we talk about big dorks, Crowd Lu is a huge dork, and his new album comes out next month, the first single Oh Yeah is out. SO FUN. So catchy. I hope the whole album is like this, so I feel like getting it.
Crowd Lu’s first album 100 Ways for Living was a huge hit.
I swear Billy Joe’s head keeps getting bigger.
This song was one of the few that I liked from the album~
Say what?
She’s got a new album! And it was released not long ago, and a lot of famous people showed their support for the release!! Including Andy Lau, Eason Chan, Nic Tse and Stefanie Sun~~~
This is the video for the first single, Gui Lai (Return)
must get my hands on that album~
and I demand a collaboration with Celtic Woman, Meav or Sarah Brightman~~~ LOL
At the moment I’m listening to a Rap/Hip-Hop Mixtape in Chinese [download link here], but here’s the thing about Rap. It does nothing for me if I can’t understand it. I don’t understand Chinese (Mandarin or Chinese or Hakka or Shanghainese or Taiwanese, etc), so while I’m listening to this mixtape, I can’t connect — this doesn’t happen in other genres. At least doesn’t happen to me. I can still find a way to connect to the music.
Then there’s the whole “I don’t like Rap or Hip-Hop,” it’s not like I hate the genre — I don’t — it’s just too much bitches and hoes for me to sit down and listen. If I go through the over 300 artists in my iPod (over 600 albums), I can only find Eminem, Lauryn Hill, Dr. Dre and Sal ‘N Pepa (though just one or two tracks by the last two). What does that say about me? I really like Lauryn Hill’s album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill… I also listen to Erykah Badu, The Fugees and I also own a Wyclef album xD I tried listening to Kanye and Lil Wayne, but couldn’t stand them…
Anyway, I ran into this blog (now, not active) that talks a little bit about Hip-Hop in China — DonTing08 — The blog contains some interesting posts on the music scene, the song of the week and Hip-Hop culture. In one of the posts, the author gives her thoughts on an article on the New York Times titled “Now Hip-Hop, Too, Is Made in China.” In a response, the author quotes;
Concerning the current state of Chinese hip hop in the mainstream I agree with Brendan. Jay Chou’s appearance on CCTV’s 新年晚会 sums it up quite nicely. It’s garbage and so is most of the underground hip hop. Why? Because most Chinese hip hop fans only listen to the music of a rap record but are oblivious to the lyrical content, which does not allow them to understand hip hop culture comprehensively. Naturally a Chinese kid, who does not speak English and tries to make a rap song that sounds just like the one he just heard at MIX (Beijing’s most popular hip hop club) will say “Make it rain” without knowing that the phrase entails poring dollar bills on a stripper.
and then writes;
The audience has no understanding of the development of Hip Hop and the music industry in general to appreciate the significance of pop-rap and Jay Chou as compared to In3. The paragraphs on In3 and Jay Chou are also too sparse. Also, unlike the article suggests, I’ve read nothing to suggest that Jay Chou considers himself to be a rapper now and I do not think Jay Chou and In3 fans are mutually exclusive.
I also hardly think that Jay Chou considers himself a rapper, and any of his fans that consider him a rapper should think about it a little more. I think Jay Chou’s strength lies in his Zhongguo Feng style songs, at least for me. I don’t really care about his more R&B tracks that are supposed to be danceable.
However, I do enjoy LeeHom’s music. I never would have imagined that Hip-Hop and Rap could combine with Beijing Opera. LOL I really dig the whole combination, and it’s the main reason I listen to him. I doubt I would if he were just doing straight Hip-Hop, or straight R&B.
On an unrelated topic, but similar nonetheless~ wonders about female rappers on the post titled Women rappers stay under the radar. And yeah, you hardly see any female rappers out there… at least on the radio or MTV. You only need to see what’s the target market for Hip-Hop (or any genre) music nowadays — young people. Rappers sing about bitches, hoes and bling because rappers are the new rock stars. Teenage boys grow up wanting to get their own entourage and have their own bitches and hoes. Everything in the music industry has become banal… Rock, Rap, Pop and Punk~~~ no one is safe. LOL
Anyway, you can’t have a female rapper singing about bitches and hoes, so the industry just doesn’t bother with it. Rap music is overly macho, while the Pop music scene suffers from the gayness of it all. You get dozens of females solo pop stars, over-sexualized lolitas in skimpy innocent outfits, while the guys are just as easily labeled with the “GAY” tag.
Music is an effed up business.
Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Madonna is letting the Gleeks sing her song catalog. What that means? Possibly an episode full of Madonna tracks~ But it’s not the first time Ryan Murphy is featuring Madonna~~~
I had read a rumor that Madonna (and Gwyneth — split from the same cell as Mary Cherry) were fans of Popular. LOL Could that be true? Because that’d be awesomeness~~~
Ladies! We’ve got our Smokin’ Gun~~~ xD
Must be that hole in my heart that left my years of Britney Spears listening. LOL
So I began watching Family Outing, at the request of Diana who slips those “you must watch Family Outing” or “the other day in Family Outing…” or those FB messages stating how funny Family Outing was — so I watched Family Outing with my dad today after a rough debate day.
And ZOMG, Lee Hyori?? Are you the answer to the Britney hole in my heart? xD
True, U Go Girl is pretty much average (but pretty much catchy, so isn’t that what it’s all about?), and well *cough cough* that video is uhm… pretty much what a lot of guys dream about. As far as live performances go? I’ve seen 2 — and NO, that “smooch” with TOP wasn’t really a smooch — but she seemed pretty average in both, in my opinion.
I really really like her on Family Outing though. I can’t believe (or can?) that she’s 30, and in such a much better state than so many other pop princesses on my side of the world. Maybe they should be taking note? She’s sassy, and pretty bossy — LOL, she scares me — but I also luv her for it xD And I think she looks so much better casual (sweatpants and baggy clothing) than over-made up like she is on her videos, even though she is pretty rocking on that hybrid music-video/commercial thing after the break~~~
Continue Reading…
I don’t know any of the winners, except for Coldplay’s Strawberry String which won Video of the Year… which is kinda bumming because video doesn’t seem to be released yet, so WTF. I did like some of the videos though… or sometimes just the songs, but I was expecting something else, I think.
Moray McLaren – We Got Time