I confess, I saw “McDull, the Alumni” because I saw a clip of Bibi, and thought it was hilarious. My first thoughts? To tell you the truth, the film is really really REALLY weird. Firstly because it starts out with some peeing contest bathroom humor – because it’s supposed to be a “double feature” but whatever~
If you actually skip that part, the film is better.
Then they tell you the story of George Washington, played by McDull and his mom. George Washington liked to chop stuff, so one day he chopped the soy chicken!!! Guilty he went to his mom and told her “Mah, I chopped the chicken.” His mother in return told him that what he had chopped wasn’t chicken, but duck. LOL ~ Turns out, McDull is a series… and this is what happens when you just watch the films. LOL
McDull, the Alumni is the third film in a series of McDull stories~~~ starting with My Life as a McDull, and followed by McDull Prince de la Bun. LOL But of the three, Alumni is the one that has to do less with McDull. Moreover, a 4th McDull film titled McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten is set to open in Hong Kong in two weeks time (though apparently it already opened in Mainland China).
McDull… or Mak Dau (in Cantonese) is the main character. Mak Dau is a little pig with a dark spot on his right eye. On the day of his birth, his mother wished for him to be intelligent… no, no~~ a businessman – no, no~~ how about as handsome as Chow Yun Fat or Tony Leung? xD But in the end, she only wishes her son would be lucky in life.
So that’s how McDull starts the journey of a pretty unremarkable life. He’s not the most handsome, he’s not bright, but he gets by~~~ dreaming, trying, failing, and trying once again.
On Alumni, McDull does a crossover with real life, as the Spring Blossom Kindergarten is celebrating it’s almost 50th anniversary, in which they will be celebrating almost 50 years of educating almost 50 years worth of graduate students who have now become pillars of society.

Awwww, aren’t they cute?
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