Archives For Rants

via Kawaii Joyuu

I guess the poll was for the release of Raiou… which was a bust. The film opened at #8, and has since then dropped out of the Top10. Where are the Masaki Okada fans when you truly need them?

From the Top10, 5 are dramas (Osen, Dr. Koto, Ryomaden, Tiger & Dragon, Unubore Deka) and two of those are recent. Considering her Ryomaden guest star has officially ended this Sunday, it boosted it to the Top5.

*goes rabid fan* Seriously, people! Honey & Clover over Hana & Alice??? O_O

This question should be, “which is the most popular Yu Aoi role?” For a “more proper” rank or a better guide on what you should be checking out — in case you’re a new fan — Check this Yu Aoi Ranked.

Also, Poll time!

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Is anyone else having issues with sending messages on Facebook groups? You know that “Message All Members” option. I mean, if I am a member of a group, I know I am subjected to any message the group administrator might want to send me… and yes, that includes links.

Now, if Facebook is a social network… and Groups are a cyber-social way of people who have something in common to share links, comments, news, etc. – why would Facebook block websites? And why our websites? Who is the one flagging my/our URLs? Because it wasn’t only my address on that message I was trying to send.

So in the message, I was trying to pimp YAM’s two new official Facebook officers – Erick over at who’s now the Facebook Second-in-Command, and Linzer Dinzer who’s now added to the Facebook Officer list. Plus, our fave Film hangouts who are on Facebook groups and pages~~~ As well as our latest Cinencuentro article in Spanish and English.


But couldn’t sent, because Facebook blocked websites. So I changed all the links to links, fail again! Deleted the links to the Facebook groups, fail again! Deleted mine! Fail again. Changed Cinencuentro’s to the Facebook URL shortener, fail again! It wasn’t until I deleted ALL the links, that it let me send the message – which in the end is pointless, right? I mean, what’s a bunch of names if there’s no links?

It happened to me once before with YAM Magazine’s URL, so I used the “report this error” link on the Facebook Error Message, but I haven’t been contacted by Facebook, and I’ve read of people still waiting after six months… SIX Months!!!

So I’m asking you this – what to do? should I avoid links? and write things like amy-wong dot com?

Owly Images

Also… on a side note- I was browsing the The WB’s Popular group’s photos, and ended up looking at this photo of April Tuna played by Adria Dawn doing the Star Trek sign, and ended up with a link to Dawn’s actual Facebook profile. Facebook creepy, or not?

I’ve run out of material to post. I was working on part 1 of a post, that still needs a part 2. While also working on coding for YAM… which I didn’t do today. Haven’t had time to watch anything, listen to anything… or even finish the book I was reading.

Oh, yeah – I haven’t posted that I’ve been reading Handling the Undead – and finally, the reliving are doing something. Also… have I told you I’ve been going to bed at 6am everyday? Sighs…

Having said that, I got an email from the Spirit Awards – hope to get screeners early next year, though I would really like to get the screeners now. xD Looking forward to the nominees =D

I hate coding. Surprise!

I need someone to code for me xD

I’m trying to figure out what plugins to add, and decide what I need to code myself. It’s just… headache. In the end, I just began adding the categories and some of the tags we will be using, as well as creating accounts for the YAM team! xD

obviously, I deleted the names, usernames and email addresses for protection. But as you can see… there’s all us… there’s me, there’s our Ghost Writer, and we’ve got a bunch of more ghosts that have no pictures – and there’s LinzerDinzer.

Okay… did anyone else had troubles getting the feed? I was using my Chrome, and switched to Firefox… and even dared to open the crummy Explorer. I checked if my plugins were updated (they were), and I even downloaded the newest version of Java – which I usually avoid.

Still, all I got was the red loading.

I know it’s not only me, because I saw a ton of messages, but I wonder why it was such a bust. I mean, a lot of other people do live streams fine. Last night I had a fine experience at NPR and the Jonsi concert. Why do Vevo and YouTube need to make such a fuzz with technology?

I gave up after trying to get the feed for 30min. 30 MIN!!!!!

According to this Aiya They Didn’t post, Elva Hsiao’s latest single Rang Ai Fei Qi Lai (Let Love Fly) music video was deemed PG-12 in Taiwan, and banned in Singapore — understandable being a Muslim state and all — due to it’s gay “themes”.

The video comes in two versions, the Ice Version and the Rainbow Version – but no! The Rainbow Version is not the one deemed… er, inappropriate. It’s the Ice Version. Because it’s got the “gays” people holding hands! Eek! No, seriously guys… ironically, the gayest suggestive Rainbow version with tons of guys semi-nakedness frolicking in a pool filled with peen- er, I mean foam and some straight couple kissing just got passed Muslim censors.

If I were a censor, I would have gone with the hand-holding and avoid the gay pool with foam. But to each his own – that’s just me and my mind is in the gutter.

As for the song, and the actual Ice Version. I… don’t really like the song, but it’s so damn catchy – actually listened to it more than 5 times already. Plus, I guess it’s got a good message of love for everyone! And the video is kinda classy for a gay/lesbian pop music video.

I already pimped this to AfterEllen and AfterElton – I hope they pick up xD

My friend sent this over to me, Crap Logo Yourself~

So I made a new YAM Mag logo! Yeah… right~~~

Also! MySpace getting a new logo?

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Didn’t love the Britney episode. Heather Morris can dance, but not dance and sing. My fears were confirmed – Brittany’s on-liner awesomeness is too much to handle on one episode. I couldn’t even laugh that her name is Brittany S. Pearce. And despite her having a great performance on Slave 4 U — inlcuding VMA 2001’s Birmanian python, yup I watched a lot of Discovery Kids as a kid — I just didn’t care.

Actually, Brittany and DentistStamos was just… so awkward. LOL Same with Me Against the Music.

My fave of the night was Toxic at the assembly because it was the only song included in the storyline without drug-inducing the characters… and Artie’s Stronger – sound-wise – it was the most like the original song. But yay! Emma and Terry are back!

I didn’t find any particular quotable quote, but here’s the line that reminded me of the WB’s Popular with April Tuna, Emory Dick. I’m pretty sure Ryan Murphy is the only man on American television that’s constantly using the word “frottage” on national/international tv.

Becky: Hey, Coach! The Glee Club is doing Britney Spears for the assembly, I just found out.
Sue: Becky, you’re on Red Alert. If you see any awkward teenage frottage perform that citizen’s arrest we practice.

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Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, adaptation of the novel by Gabrielle Zevin of the same name, or Dareka ga Watashi ni KISU o Shita (literally translated to I Kissed Someone) is the Japanese adaptation of said American book starring popular Japanese actors/idols Horikita Maki as the lead Naomi Sukuse (in the book Naomi Porter) who falls down the stairs, hits her head and loses the memories she’s recollected for the past 4 years, including her best friend Mirai Hasegawa (in the book Will) played by idol Yuya Tegoshi from boy band NEWS, and her American boyfriend Ace Zuckerman played by Anton Yelchin.

Gasp! Say what? Americans and Japanese young actors together in a Japanese film of an American book? Yes, that’s right. Because Teenage Amnesiac also includes actor Kenichi Matsuyama (recently seen in Norwegian Wood), and none other than the young Emma Roberts. So yeah, the roles have inverted. And how do American fans of the book feel about their beloved book being made in Japanese? Well, a lot of them aren’t happy about it… or at least, they weren’t happy about it. Talks about how “pointless” it is to change the setting, or how not “into Japanese” they could be. Even though the one involved in the making of this was the book’s author herself, and it was probably done because the book was such a hit in the country.

Sure, it’s just internet talk. However, it reflects the sentiment of *insert nationality* whose film/books of their home country get remade/adapted in America/etc. not-a-language it’s supposed to be. So we do understand your sentiments, and here’s to hoping you guys understand when it happens the other way round again and again… and again.

As for the film… well, suffice to say that I feel too old to be watching this. Kenichi Matsuyama should feel too old for this too. Maybe if I were 10 years younger – OMG, I’m that old – I could have maybe connected more. No scratch that, I felt like the characters were Mary Sue’s or Marty Stus… or whatever the male form of a Mary Sue is. Surprisingly, in a bad way, Anton Yelchin is a bit of a jerk in here. He’s literally your typical American jock… only he plays tennis. LOL Poor Naomi’s lost her memory, and all he can think of is getting laid for Prom?

Naomi’s other suitors are the Martys Stus, one playing the best friend from the yearbook commission. Mirai is dorky, well-natured, cares for Naomi… and well, that’s just telling you straight in your face that he’s the one. Then there’s the dark brooding opponent Yuji (Matsuyama) who rides a motorbike, works at a projection house where he watches foreign art house films, photographs Naomi for a play, and actively pursues her as she ends her relationship with Yelchin’s character. Yuji is what you know it’s bad but you still want to see what’s going on with him. In a dark indie film, Naomi would have pursued Yuji and ended up badly. In a fairly mainstream drama, she’d pursued Yuji and ended up fixing him. This is a romantic drama for teenagers, so you’d do the math.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Horikita Maki in anything else, but she seems like an average lead in here. And Emma Roberts is terribly underused in this.


Also can you believe Yelchin is the youngest in the cast? Gosh these Asians genes. Wait till we turn 60~

What’s Up, Cinematical?

September 22, 2010 — 1 Comment

Why the change?

Does anyone know?