Archives For Rants

You know those times when Facebook changes and people go all “WTF is wrong with Facebook?” because they usually make atrocious changes that we end up getting accustomed to. I don’t think I can say the same with YouTube (or Google, for that matter).

I kinda like the YouTube facelift that goes alongside the facelift that Google got its Reader, Mail and other stuff. However, one think does bother me…

You can’t eliminate stuff from your subscription timeline! Remember there used to be an ‘x’ with each video, so you could make it go away. Well, I used that a lot to keep up with what I already watch or things I wasn’t interested in. Then, when things were cleared, you could “load more” and move on.

Now? Now I have to load more and more, and I get a subscription timeline of tons of videos. I makes it almost impossible to keep up, because you can also see the favorite/add to playlist/etc activity!

It was about six months ago (I don’t know why it took so long to cause controversy) when this Latin American Snickers CM featuring ex-RBD Anahi hit the waves.

In it, Anahi is doing her usual extreme biking when she falls and starts complaining about it. Her male friends call her Carlos and tell her that whenever he’s hungry he’s “acting like a girl.” “That’s not what your girlfriend said,” as she eats the snicker.

Anahi turns into Carlos.

I was never able to swallow that commercial, and every time it was on tv — even though it should be tough to run into it without watching much tv — I ended up changing channels with an “UGH”

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I feel terribly sad that this had to happen this way~

It’s not like I sat through the VMA this year (the very first year that I chose not to, without counting the years I had no access to MTV), but having Jersey Shore introducing me nominees was too much for me to take… in the end, I tuned out and went for dinner.

When I found out that MTV was going to do a Britney Spears tribute, I thought to myself “why?” because, well — for starters, Britney’s not dead. Plus, Britney’s been on the music stage for barely 10 years… and out of those ten years, only five had been actually unquestionably successful.

So it pained me to have to see Britney accepting this because it means it’s just never gonna happen again. No, people. Do not expect Britney ever to recover her former glory, because it ain’t going to happen. But what’s worse is Britney (and her camp) accepting this poorly put together tribute… but who do we blame?

It’s not like the music industry has being able to produce anyone to follow Britney’s footsteps — failing to produce someone who can at least lipsync and kickass dance like Britney used to be able to. So what does MTV do? Get no-name little girls to dance to a speed-up Britney mashup. Each of her tracks gets reduced to a 15sec. blurb in which the girls duplicate Britney’s ‘famous’ moves — it’s just chaos.

And what does MTV do? They make Britney introduce Beyonce.

That just… doesn’t make sense at all.

Britney, you used to deserve so much better. Specially from MTV.

After DBSK pretty rocking dance tune of Keep your Head Down, the guys decided to release — alongside a repackaged version of their album — the single for Before U Go with a music video styled as a slick action crime drama. The regular 5min. version of the video is actually pretty interesting, because it’s packed with some fighting, and some sort of story that we can follow.

It’s like the teaser of a quality Korean drama. LOL

And then… they decided to release the long-form video. I like to talk about it when MVs get turned to short films. So we must talk about it. Yes, the long version is still pretty slick, but there’s one BIG problem.

The remaining DBSK guys Yunho and Changming end up the 16min run of the MV looking like lousy one-dimensional goodies, while the baddie is an anti-hero. I actually felt a lot worse for him than the “good” guys. What’s up with that?

Most fans outside Japan haven’t even been able to watch Raiou… let alone Yogashiten Coin de Rue, yet here comes the news that Hollywood might be preparing  their version already?

via Tokyohive

I’m trying not to have a biased, but remake news are getting ridiculous. At least wait a year before a remake, Hollywood. Coin de Rue hasn’e even been out for more than a month, and you do this. WHY?! xD You know allllllll those talks about how Hollywood is not original anymore? Well, this type of news ain’t making it any better.

Has any of you seen Coin de Rue?

What do you think of this?

Who would Yu Aoi fans cast in her role… since, you know, she doesn’t speak English. xD

Weibo Fail

February 26, 2011 — 3 Comments

So I was browsing around to see if I should setup a Weibo (aka. China’s microblogging a la Twitter), and I was fine. I was able to open an account, and got an email for confirmation. The problem began later.

I was supposed to pick a nickname, and setup my profile… but there was an issue. I thought it must be me not reading characters, so I google it up and ended up with this Tutorial on how to setup a Weibo account (to follow CNBLUE, ha!).

And it seems like the “Location” option tab — which is the first rectangle in my screencap — is set automatically, but in mine shows nothing! Then, I don’t have the confirmation code either! So I can’t move on from that setup page!

To make matters worse, servers in China are sooooo freaking slow. What’s up with that China? You’re awesome and all, but the slow internet, and slow response for people outside China of Chinese sites is kinda sad. =(

New Google Translate Features

February 15, 2011 — 6 Comments

Listening and watching… and trying to keep up with Asian entertainment means that I use Google Translate often. This is why I think these are new features. I knew Google Translate could read out loud English… and German, but this is the first time that I’m aware it can read Japanese, Mandarin and Korean too.

Of course I chose BiBi’s Just to Meet You song to test, because that’s one of the songs that I butcher whenever it plays on my iPod. And it not only “translates,” but now you can also read it phonetically…

and you can listen to it read it out loud. O_O

Three very important things about this:

1. This is amazing… if you’re starting out a language.

2. A lot of sites that dedicate themselves to pinyin, romaji and Korean romanization just got their work cut down… or have some serious competition. With this, anyone can post lyrics…

3. This just made a whole new generation of lazy.

Fangirling gone~

January 18, 2011 — 9 Comments

It’s over, I think it is.

Pretty much, I think. Don’t want to let that go because it’s been such long time, but ugh. It’s been wavering for the past year… from interviews, statements, etc. Enough is enough.

I’m giving you an ultimatum. I’m holding on to this until the end of February… out of respect. Pity being my bday month, but you know why it is. I don’t think it will ever be the same between us, but I’m a good sport. I can always forgive, but you really must show me how it’s going to work.

I always admired you in a way, tried my best to respect your private life. When that incident happened, I felt bad… I never liked reporters anyway, and my crush on your rumored boyfriend was gone because of it… because how could he, right? Yeah, maybe you should have known better.

Now, you’re flaunting your business? Admittedly, I was impressed with the timing… but I never thought it would have been for this. I want to turn a blind eye to this because that’s what I’ve been doing… but I can’t do that any longer. I’m sorry. I wish I were a better fan…

Hoping the best for you.


So says the girl that wrote an essay on Numerology and a certain Harry Potter subject. *cough* LOL Anyway… moving on! You know I’ve got fandoms… I’ve gotten into shipping fandoms, but never got as “bad” as those HP days.

I was browsing the web, and ended up in LiveJournal — the place where all fandoms seem to end — and I found Rachel/Quinn shippers? How did that happen? Well, you need not to wonder. They will explain to you episode by episode… in a rather very detailed and impressive way.

I’m even a little converted. Though, I attribute many of those moments to Diana Agron letting go off Quinn’s bitchiness in a musical number — some may call those character inconsistencies — but they work in a very ironic kind of way.

I love love love Ryan Murphy with all my heart because of Popular, but he’s really not the King of Subtleties… if you must know. How can you not know that? It must have hit you in the face by now that Murphy likes it big and loud. Those Quinn/Rachel moments are too subtle to be meant to. Attribute those to happy accidents.

But they work. My gawd, Quinn/Dianna stares a lot at Rachel/Lea. And it had never crossed my mind that all of Quinn’s musical numbers, real or in her imagination, have her surrounded by females. Plus, the number with the cheerleaders in football uniforms.

If slowly developed, I can totally buy it.

The dedication of that post, however, is what made me write this post. I miss that crazy passion that fandom can create. I don’t know if that crazy passion should come with the crazy disappointment, though. I don’t think I can take another fandom heartbreak.

This is a rant. xD

I’ve never been religious… I was as catholic as a 5-year-old could get when their aunts are catholic/christian. Every time we would cross a local church, I would do the cross sign, and I had at least once done the local church tour for Easter week.

I have the utmost respect for people and their selected religion.

However, it really irks me when religious people go on and put down other religion’s beliefs, which is the worse kind of religion and the preferred type churches want their followers to have.

It’s such a pity, because religion can be such a fulfilling experience to some. It makes your life lighter, and sometimes it can get you going.

Guys, you can be logical and have faith. It’s like that bit on Peter Pan. I do believe in fairies, I do! I do! It’s a wonderful thing to have, and to feel.

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