What’s up with a Dallas sportsman, the Heroes guy, and all those judges in the panel for Miss Universe, lol.
I wonder which countries could be in top 15, if you had to vote without knowing the country of the candidates. Just… you know – throwing this out there, so it can be considered for the next one. xD – seriously, if you get a panel of judges who are American, they are probably going to vote for the US – and the hosting country will always get to at least top 5.
But, oh no! Imagine not knowing who the heck is the hosting country candidate… maybe she will not even be top 15. Now that’d be an interesting thing to watch.
So, Top 10 was announced, and no Europeans were in it. Noticing all the contestants, you could notice all countries have chosen clear skin, and the most noticeable was almond-shaped eyes, over big eyes… very Asian-like shapes, without being just lines. You could noticed that even in South American contestants. Europe, on the other hand, seemed to send contestants that were not that ‘exotic’ looking. It was odd. The first thing I thought was ‘Europe has not redefined their beauty’ – While there’s been a huge increase in Asian contestants… the funny thing was that I could hardly notice any difference between Japan and Korea… and even Thailand that made it to the Top 15.
Perhaps its my Western eye that can’t quite make the difference, or perhaps it’s because Asian countries have made their standards and are closely following them.
Okay, my theory is rubbish, at least the hosting country one. No Mexico in Top 5, and there’s too much booing right now, and I’ve got no idea why. My question to Venezuela – lol, what’s your opinion of what’s happening in your country right about… now? xD – – – Seriously, these questions are retarded. What would you choose, a wild spontaneous man, or a goody one? Superpowers, wtf? How about asking some really hard moral/ethical/logical thinkers like what’s your position on same sex marriage, what is your definition of family? – And… was Miss USA being booed? Lol, seriously – Miss USA shouldn’t have been there. Tripping over during competition should automatically kick you out.
Best moments:
- Miss Japan on the country/candidate introduction.
- Miss Korea saying she enjoyed photography, and the archive footage showing her taking herself a digital photo… Korean style.
- Miss USA falling. The unexpected expected~~ xD
Lol, shit – Miss Japan won. That’s cool. Well, I called it!! Asian-like eyes… clear skin. She was ‘the one’ (lol, sorry… Matrix just began) – she was the one when she said “hola Mexico!” – oh you all knew it. That sealed the deal. You gotta admit.
Oh! I call it! Just a few seconds after transmission~~ this is a HEADLINE! xD