Archives For Celebrity

If you tend to watch a lot of TV and movies, and are good with faces and names, you begin noticing familiar faces throughout the years. It is then, by chance, that you suddenly discover that you have in fact been finding bright new talents… or hidden talents. You know their faces, you know where you’ve seen them, but you can’t quite get their names until you research, and never will it happen again.

I’ve been an avid procrastinator for the past 12 years of my life, ha! I’ve watched a lot of TV and movies (more in recent years), and I’ve found myself saying “Well, he/she looks awfully familiar. Haven’t I seen him/her somewhere before?” Yes, yes I have. And that gives me a fuzzy feeling… a fuzzy special something that makes me think I’ve got this tiny little treasure, and I saw it… sort of first.

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Juliette Binoche - hc916After obsessing just a bit with watching Dan in Real Life, HBO showed a re-run of Chocolat. I love the movie, mainly because of the Chocolate-y goodness… I can just smell the chocolate coming from the TV. LOL’ Anyway, after that, I was on the boards at IMDB and run into a transcript of a recent interview with Juliette Binoche. Since it’s posted on the forum, you would need to have an IMDB account – so I’m posting here…

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How sweet were my Oscar predictions? Pretty sweet, but not as sweet as 2003. I made a 18/24 mark, not bettering my 21/24 mark from that year.

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I’m still hyped over Marion winning. She just wrote a bit of Oscar History here people… She’s become the second actress to win for a non-English role, 2nd to Sophia Loren since 1961 for Two Women. The first winner for a non-English role of the millennium… and the first in French.

My Marion… our Marion (Lainey and Julyssa’s too) just became a major player in Film History. It has been the longest 10 months for Julyssa and me since we saw La Vie en Rose in Sweden. It’s been such a wild ride with ups and downs, and keeping our fingers crossed… we are so happy for her.

Viva Marion! Thanks for the wonderful performance you’ve given to your audience!

The Hot Knishes

February 25, 2008 — Leave a comment

Okay, this interview was too much fun to read.

I just love reading Natalie Portman.

What should the media label a film starring two Jewish girls? Portman doesn’t miss a beat. “The Hot Knishes,”

And for some weird reason, this following quote made my day.

And I value good spelling. Spelling errors are a total pet peeve, which is embarrassing.

Go! Happy reading~

Academy Awards are Today!!!

February 24, 2008 — 1 Comment

Friends are ready to pretend that we are there. LOL’ I will be watching the Red Carpet on E! Latin America, while I keep on checking Lainey’s Red Carpet event through the eTalk website. If you wanna watch Lainey, head over here.

Comments Live, so check and refresh.
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Marion at the BAFTA

February 12, 2008 — Leave a comment

I thought this two videos of Marion accepting and talking about her BAFTA wins were too adorable to be missed.

Marion Win Is Announced

Marion Talks About Her Win

The photos by Steven Klein – they are fantastic… but I always find Portman articles interesting. Johansson makes it the bit more like an awesome read. You can read the whole thing in the W Magazine – Sister Act.

On Gossip Detox

February 7, 2008 — 1 Comment

I’m on Gossip Detox… have been, kinda… for the past month.

My gossip addiction truly began on the month of December, when apart from Lainey’s Gossip… I began browsing through, and others… I literally spent 3+ hours reading gossip… a day! LOL’ I realized I had hit bottom when I checked Perez on the news of Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant. That was rock bottom for me.

However, I am happy to say that I haven’t checked Perez in a long while! I haven’t visited Dlisted! And the only gossip I read is Lainey. Because Lainey is good at what she does… and she’s cool, and not trashy. AND, she’s got a healthy amount of gossip a day~ The best part is I only check her site for headlines and her daily post-opener, or just twice a week to see what funniness she’s posted.

Plus, Julyssa and I talk about Lainey… coz we think she’s cool. So I gotta read Lainey to be able to talk to Julyssa about Lainey’s latest riddle… and find the clues, and begin guessing. ^^

We Heart Lainey!

It seems water in California… or the US for that matter is ultra fertile, because everyone seems to be already preggers. It’s nuts! Planned pregnancies? Me thinks not so~ There are such things as condoms, and the pill… u know, loads of things to prevent you from accidental pregnancies. LOL’