I thought that for my birthday, I could have a little Nicole Julian reunion…
I love it when she asks Mary Cherry why she’s dressed up as a gay turkey.
Teehee, even makes me laugh to type that.
Archives For Motion
I think this could be pretty awesome, as long as I could turn it off from time to time…
[iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/8569187?portrait=0&color=ff0179″ width=”560″ height=”315″]
Looks kinda interesting~~~
Plus! Ewan! Pierce! Wilkinson!
Olivia Williams! And Samantha… I mean, Kim Cattrall…
I just ran into an interesting piece where Allison Loui-Garcia asked a bunch of kids about some stuff that may have defined their ten years of life. Some of those questions involve pop culture, news events, baby one more time, napster, dial-up, 9/11 and their fears.
We usually hate most children on this website, but the answers are interesting and somewhat adorable.
Also, what kind of mom buys her kid an ipod when he’s 2 years old? Lady, you’re supposed to get noisy headaches when you have children. You’re supposed to play tag and hide & seek with them and all those kids games.
There’s no gain without Wayne, or there’s no pain without Wayne. I know it’s something like that. It’s been years since I first heard Wayne Isham saying that on one of those episodes of MTV’s Making the Video, back when making a video was very important for MTV.
Wayne Isham was another name that really popped up when I spent all day watching MTV. If I could describe Isham’s music video style with one word, it would be “woosh!” even though that’s not a word. His videos captured a very energetic vibe with fast cuts and, what I call fade-in wooshes — it’s when Isham would be focusing his camera on the singer/group and there would be a fade-in from one shot to the next one that made it seem like pushing in or away from the subject in a very funky way.
Of course, the best way to understand that woosh concept is to see it in action. For instance, those fast cuts are very prominents on Metallica’s video of I Disappear (from the Mission Impossible II OST) xD Continue Reading…
If you liked Up… or if you didn’t, this track/MV mixed by YouTube user Pogo is still awesome. Mixed from the chords, bass notes and vocal samples of the film, only for our enjoyment!
check out Pogo’s Alohomora. Makes me want to pop my Harry Potter DVDs. LOL
“the biggest hit show in America”
or something like that, according to my translation. xD
“kimi niwa uta ga aru” ? xD it will make you sing? xD
Seems like a good Nakashima-san project.
I’m excited for it xD can’t wait for it…
And that Masaki Okada, he seems to be everywhere, eh!?
Check out the trailer via NipponCinema.