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SAG 2010 Winners

January 24, 2010 — Leave a comment

Sorry, I couldn’t blog the SAG live…
my internet connection died on me at 8pm, and just got it back.

I was kind of Okay-ish with my predictions xD

And Yay for Michael C. Hall! And Yay for Glee!!
A little boo for Toni Collette not winning though…

And Yay Star Trek Stunts! xD

Bridges, Monique and Waltz become the almost factual winners of the Oscar by now with these wins, which only leaves just a few days before nominations are announced xD

Biggest “I Saw that Coming” Moment was Sandra Bullock possibly winning a Best Actress at the Oscar. I mean, seriously. Really??? I love Sandra Bullock, she’s funny… but get real!

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If Only… Cherry Blossoms

January 23, 2010 — 3 Comments

Now, it’s my turn!

if you’re interested in sending yours, leave a comment.
thanks to all who have subscribed! xD check back often~~~

3. Cherry Blossoms

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If Only… After Life

January 23, 2010 — 2 Comments

We’re halfway through our lists now… xD

by Acerk

3. After Life

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Seems like a good Nakashima-san project.
I’m excited for it xD can’t wait for it…

And that Masaki Okada, he seems to be everywhere, eh!?
Check out the trailer via NipponCinema.


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SAG 2010 Predictions

January 22, 2010 — 1 Comment

Tomorrow’s the SAG Awards, so these are my predictions… with some explanations. I think some of my winning picks are a bit not logical, and this is why I’m explaining xD

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At least it could be…

Diesel Stupid PhilosophyLike balloons, we are filled with hopes and dreams. But. Over time a single sentence creeps into our lives. Don’t be stupid. It’s the crusher of possibility. It’s the worlds greatest deflator. The world is full of smart people. Doing all kind of smart things… Thats smart.  Well, we’re with stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life. Smart may have the brains…but stupid has the balls. The smart might recognize things for how they are. The stupid see things for how they could be. Smart critiques. Stupid creates. The fact is if we didnt have stupid thoughts wed have no interesting thoughts at all. Smart may have the plans… but stupid has the stories.  Smart may have the authority but stupid has one hell of a hangover. Its not smart to take risks… Its stupid.  To be stupid is to be brave. The stupid isnt afraid to fail. The stupid know there are worse things than failure… like not even trying.  Smart had one good idea, and that idea was stupid. You can’t outsmart stupid. So don’t even try. Remember only stupid can be truly brilliant.


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OMG, I Need a Website!

January 22, 2010 — Leave a comment

A website about 101 Websites~~~ The information you need to know about how to get your website done. Of course, they won’t tell you how to apply things to build your website, but they will tell you who to get to do what on your website~

More info from the barbarian group blog, or visit Internet Online Website!

BAFTA 2010 Nominations

January 21, 2010 — Leave a comment

Yay for Moon! Yay District 9!
Yay Let the Right One In!! xD
And I’m glad there’s some love for The Road. And Parnassus!

The rest of nominees are your usual suspects…

An Education
The Hurt Locker
Up in the Air

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I saw it yesterday in the morning, and I was very surprise to actually find out it was going to get release here. I was already getting used to the idea of watching it on DVD or cable.

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