I almost… >almost< write Ian. xD
Anyway! From Photographer Iain Crawford, here comes
a pretty sweet with paint collection of photos.
Archives For 2009
OMG, Amazon just spammed my “recommendation” pages with over 70 albums, +30 mp3s, +150 dvds!!! WTF!!
PS: This feel like a tweet. O.o
Oh. My. God.
I recognized it in the first minutes of the first episode. Quarterback wants to sing in the choir/drama club? It had to be, and it was! Produced and created (at least one of them) by Popular’s Ryan Murphy! I lost it! Glee is almost like Popular, but with more budget… – I smell cult hit, or maybe two seasons. Glee is not for everyone, but it should be.
I was so excited after watching the first two episodes, that I went straight to the boards and behold! Some people were suggesting Mary Cherry should make an appearance xD – But there’s been an evolution from Murphy’s previous works… Glee feels like Popular combined with an edge of Running with Scissors and everything else Murphy’s done between then and now. LOL
Also… Popular meets Running with Scissors meets High School Musical? I dunno how this much music will play into a full season, but doesn’t bother me at the moment… Go watch it. It’s Ryan Murphy.
I dunno what this is… title sequence, music video… or just a way to show off rollerbladers xD, but it’s kinda nifty that works any way it wants to work. I love watching the X-Games on ESPN. I used to rollerblade when I was a teen, but now I’m just a chicken shit. xD But still love to see people flying~~~ xD
[iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/6590868?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff” width=”560″ height=”315″]
Hmmm… I couldn’t find any other non-YouTube video of Janet’s tribute to Michael, sadly this one has an audio error at least for me… but it will have to do for the time being.
It’s hard to believe it’s almost the end of the year… only 3 proper months left!
Anyway! I was checking YesAsia stuffs and turns out Ikechan to Boku will be released this coming December 4th… sadly, no English subtitles listed. TuT So I’d figure we’d list what’s left of upcoming Yu related stuff (without counting magazine and CMs appearances because frankly those are hard to keep track of).
October 9th, 2009
NHK – Gakuya Presentation
October 15th, 2009
2009 Calendar Launch [Amazon.co.jp][HMV.co.jp]
eh… Nov? xD
December 4th, 2009
Ikechan and Me DVD [R2, no subs] [YesAsia][Amazon.co.jp][book
So now French users can be (can be, under the current law) banned from using the internet for up to a year, if they are caught downloading illegal music, and a fine of 300k Euros. [AFP] Oh, my! And apparently, Sweden is also monitoring user download activity? Any word on that, Julz~?
There was also this article talking about a DRM server the Japanese RIAA wants to use to check on the music their users are playing on their phones… considering we (iTunes users) have already moved away from DRM tracks, I think it’s a very bad idea…
And then comes this very interesting post/article by dear Lily Allen for The Times, in which she expresses some of her thoughts about the issue, and the opinion of some of her more “legendary” colleagues…
Music piracy is having a dangerous effect on British music, but some rich and successful artists such as Nick Mason, of Pink Floyd, and Ed O’Brien, of Radiohead, don’t think so. Last week, they told The Times that file sharing is fine. It probably is for them. They do sell-out arena tours and have the biggest Ferrari collections in the world. For new talent, though, file sharing is a disaster — it makes it harder and harder for new acts to emerge.
That’s partly true. But so it’s this…
By moving to a microtransaction model (charging <£1 for an album) for recorded music and increasing the emphasis on live concerts musicians can increase their revenue stream and attempt to reduce the abuse of their IP.
I understand what Lily Allen is saying, but the music industry spends too much money on advertising and pushing poor catchy music.
If your product is so good, then it does not need advertising or pushing.
Itunes and other sites are still overpriced in terms of album costs.
Books survived the photocopier, music will survive the internet. Real musicians have realised concerts are more of a money spinner and are have brought live music back to the front of entertainment.
As I’ve mentioned before, I watch as many films, and listen to even more music than I ever did. I still buy CDs, but only the really good ones. The ones that are worth my $14 for album/DVD package. Right now, they just happen to be Asian albums… which actually are worth my +$30. So I am paying $30 or $40 for a CD from Japan because it’s good. Wanna wonder why I haven’t bought much from anything else?
And yes, digital content is way overpriced.
Stop motion!! xD
I liked the jelly typography x)
and the play-doh!
[iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/6382511?portrait=0&color=ffffff” width=”560″ height=”315″]
woah, some heavy stuff on this one~~~
am I a mindless git? Can I use “git” for feminine?
no really. still have stuff left to do.
I owe Julz a review back, I have read your thoughts. I just need to give it two or three re-reads more to see what can be improved. At first sight, I like it. =D
Also… need to work on a self-portrait for tonight, which totally slipped my mind until my friend mentioned it, hahaha. Also!!! More ideas brewing~~~ xD I need to focus on something, but sill dunno what to focus on. Soon though.
And!!! I’ve been invited to blog as a guest. More on that once I focus hahahaha.
I also guest “blog” for Award season xD, and am almost shitting my pants for that “talk” I need to give next month which is approaching incredibly soon.
Will post something else later for post count!
oh! I forgot! Flickr’s got a new feature!!! Gallery curator!! xD
Here’s my Concert Photography Gallery~~~