Archives For tv drama / tv series / miniseries

Ahh fandom… NSFW fandom.

Shane and Molly have Asian fans! It figures~ I wonder if some pairings are more popular in each region just because of cultural preferences. The fact that Shane wanted to become a better person… more studious, more knowledgeable for Molly is what sold me on the pairing. I also think it’s a very Asian thing xD

Plus, they’re hot… but Shane and Carmen was hot– but too much drama.

I liked they used a song by a Taiwanese singer called Joanna Wang. She reminds me of the style of those easy listening tracks by Kendal Payne, or those tracks used so often in Grey’s Anatomy xD And the ending of the video, so sad.

I really meant to post this sooner.

Remember that Glee episode in which we have a flashback of Kurt as a kid with his dad? That was amazing casting, and just to test my theory, I screencapped some bits and showed them to my mother. Her verdict? She thought it was really Chris Colfer as a kid!

So kudos with the casting on this one:
Eric Dawson, Carol Kritzer & Robert J. Ulrich ~~~

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OMG, how time flies!

Gou begins this Sunday!! And it’s supposed to be a 70min. episode.

Please, that clip of Juri possibly crying… and possibly pulling at each other’s cheeks, I’m going to be crying and laughing with this… just like when Atsuhime aired.

Not together, because that would be too much awesomeness for one cover.

And because Juri’s is the latest one — promoting her upcoming Taiga drama… CAN’T WAIT O_O — it goes before the break~

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You know, I was watching the last episode of Ryomaden on Sunday’s afternoon before lunch. Sorry, Ryoma-san ~~~ I didn’t feel ya. But I did feel Teruyuki Kagawa’s Iwasaki — frienemy of Ryoma. Just like I enjoyed Kiyomori’s grey relationship with Yoshitsune.

There’s something about not so good characters in history that’s just wayyyyy more interesting than the heroes. Heroes are boring. That’s why Atsuhime was so good! She was actually sent to manipulate the Shogun in favor of her clan… then she married the Shogun, and not-really turned on her family, but she didn’t do what she was sent to do.

Looking forward to Gou… as well as Kenichi Matsuyama’s starring on the 2012 NHK Taiga drama about the life of Kiyomori. That’s all sorts of awesome considering he’s gonna battle it out with Hiroshi Tamaki playing Yoshitsune’s father, Minamoto.

Yup, I just showed you all my samurai / taiga drama knowledge right there.

It’s like I know history! I feel knowledgeable ~~~

Continuing with posts on main titles, this is Desperate Housewives by yu+co

Check the yu+co link for a better resolution one.

What’s so cool about this title sequence is that it’s simple. Women from famous paintings as housewives. At the time, it was giddy for anyone taking an art history class. Plus, it captured the essence of the show.

Frankly, I’ve stopped watching the show… and I think they’ve stopped playing the intro last last season. But it still brings back memories of better Desperate times. The last season I bought on DVD was when they did the 5 year jump. I’m going to pretend the show ended there.

Why Kurt Hummel is Important

November 11, 2010 — 5 Comments

This week’s episode of Glee created a bit of a ripple. Some of my friends said “intense” because people were surprised that the football (?) – let’s just call him jock – that he smack one on Kurt. At first I was like Kurt, kinda quiet, but then thought to myself “Oh, okay… I’m not really surprised.”

I went to the ever present IMDb boards to read some of the things people were saying, and was surprised at the amount of people that have begun to hate Kurt… or should I say Kurt’s gay storyline. Okay, I’ll concede in that Glee’s not doing a great balance of the funny, the cheesy and the drama — Popular had a bit of that plus more — but I don’t have a problem with that. I usually like Glee’s cheese, I can handle my drama fine, and I like the funny. But I know what you mean when you guys talk about Glee not being the same.

However, some of the comments left me perplexed with things like “I don’t have a problem with Kurt being gay, but why does his story need to revolve around him being gay?” People saying that Will & Grace was a better representation of homosexuals, and other programs that do the “gay thing” much better.

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A lot of people were mad at the Dead Like Me straight-to-dvd movie, but to be honest~~~ the film wasn’t that bad, except for maybe replacing Daisy with someone other than Laura Harris.

There was this quality about Harris interpretation of Daisy Adair that made you just want to hug her… while strangling her. That quality was missing from the film.

I’m on my Roxy stage, though. I laugh at everything she says.

Did I tell you I finally got time to watch my Dead Like Me collection? I can finally say my Bryan Fuller collection is complete. I went through the first season over the weekend, and I’m going through the second one today. Makes me miss Vancouver.

I didn’t know Laura Harris was from Vancouver xD

My mother knows her as “that girl from 24” xD

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via Kawaii Joyuu

I guess the poll was for the release of Raiou… which was a bust. The film opened at #8, and has since then dropped out of the Top10. Where are the Masaki Okada fans when you truly need them?

From the Top10, 5 are dramas (Osen, Dr. Koto, Ryomaden, Tiger & Dragon, Unubore Deka) and two of those are recent. Considering her Ryomaden guest star has officially ended this Sunday, it boosted it to the Top5.

*goes rabid fan* Seriously, people! Honey & Clover over Hana & Alice??? O_O

This question should be, “which is the most popular Yu Aoi role?” For a “more proper” rank or a better guide on what you should be checking out — in case you’re a new fan — Check this Yu Aoi Ranked.

Also, Poll time!

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Apparently these are illustrations from the Dexter webisodes telling us more about Dexter’s past.

More info and loads of other illustrations on the Dexter Facebook page~