I can’t remember what’s the last film with Theron has been – maybe The Road?
And I dunno if it’s me… I usually love Black and White, but this time I prefer the color. O.o
More – definitely more photos at Fashiontography.
I can’t remember what’s the last film with Theron has been – maybe The Road?
And I dunno if it’s me… I usually love Black and White, but this time I prefer the color. O.o
More – definitely more photos at Fashiontography.
That’s two recent photoshoots? Is Liv promoting something? I’m totally out of the loop – googles – Oh, I see! Super! With Ellen Page… wow, Ellen Page is on something too? With Kevin Tocino (that’s what my mom calls Bacon all the time). Recently picked by IFC – looks promising already!
Anyway, here’s Liv~ in Black & White
A bigger version over at Fashiontography.
Not to say that Hyori is not hot when she glams up, but she still looks best just woken up after hard labor in Family Outing with Jaesuk-oppa. So I guess that’s my biggest compliment… she even looks good in extreme dire situations.
Picspam over at Omona They Didn’t.
Obviously, not so safe for work.
We’re talking about The L Word here. Better safe than sorry.
You really should know that I have nothing to post right now. So this is mandatory posting. What can I say about this? I can’t remember how long it’s been since the end of the show (2 years?), and I can’t remember what it was about. I was watching this video, and I kept saying “oh, yeah… I remember that”.
The more I think about the show, the more I not-so-secretly wished that they could make a Japanese version. LOL And you know Meisa Kuroki has won me over with the ‘tude. I can now totally picture her as Carmen.
Ooh la la Liv. xD
It feels it’s been ages since I’ve seen you on any movie. Where have you been?
More photos at Fashiontography~~~
Hi, AfterEllen has a post on women in Boy Style. Ahhh Boy Style [1], I gotta admit dude… wearing slacks and shirts, it’s just so much more comfy than having to wear some dress with high heels.
And yes, Christina Hendricks is pretty awesome.
Finally watched Polanski’s The Ghost Writer. In short, very well done. Loads of thrills, melodrama, some humor… loads of politics. Having said that, Olivia Williams needs more attention. She was pretty great last season with An Education — and was completely snubbed –, and she’s always been interesting on screen.
Every time I bring up her name, people say “who?”
And you must know her for sure! I mean, she was on Dollhouse~~~ and she had a cameo on X-Men The Last Stand, She was Mrs. Darling on Peter Pan. She was also on The Body with Antonio Banderas, she started out as Bruce Willis’ wife on The Sixth Sense, and was on Wes Anderson’s Rushmore. WTF, she’s been a working actress for almost 20 years~
On The Ghost Writer? She pretty much blew me away. The question is, should she be going for Best Actress, or just go for Best Supporting? Supporting acting always gives good results.
I just had a fandom crossover spazz.
And it’s always good to post Kate Moennig photos.
Ooh la la~
Ah… the French and their actresses. Dude, just because America has embraced Cotillard, it doesn’t mean you should hate on her. Ahhh… you French people and their American hate.
For the Intervie Magazine of August 2010~
For French Elle.
I don’t know why I have always had the impression that Charlize Theron is a giantess. She seems like she could easily be 1.80m, but alas~~~ her IMDb says she’s shorter than that. I also never knew Uma Thurman was so tall. LOL
Bigger and more shots at Fashiontography~