Reuters is reporting that Jay Chou has been cast as Kato (previously played by Bruce Lee on the series) on the new movie adaptation of the Green Hornet written and played by none other than Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express, Funny People) – really? LOL
I said it! Asian invasion!!! xD
The Lima Film Festival began today!
VMA Nominees Announced!
Normally, I would’ve done a different post for this, but I’ve lost my interest on MTV.
Can’t blame me, can you?
Womanizer… video of the year? – oh the sadness. Alongside Spears~~~ Eminem with We Made You, Beyonce with Single Ladies, Kanye and Lady Gaga. – REALLY??? I should really make a Look Back on 2008 Videos, I mean… there should be better, MUCH BETTER music videos than those.
Lady Gaga for the win, even though I didn’t really dig any of it. <- that’s a prediction.