I haven’t watched CNN… for at least a month, since I’ve been focusing my news-watching on local news for politics, so I didn’t know A-Mei was going to be on Talk Asia… or I would have been flipping before.
I totally despise Anjali Rao, though.
Her face, her voice, the way she speaks irks me so much, it makes me want to punch her sometimes. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. LOL It’s one of those things when the aura of people rub you the wrong way.
YAM Magazine is hosting an LGBT Blogathon starting June 1st.
Hope you join us~
You can talk about ANYTHING related to LGBT worldwide entertainment. If you’re a filmmaker that’s looking to promote your LGBT related short/film, or an out musician, or have an LGBT web series… you can all go promote it that week ;D
You can check the details, download graphics, etc on the YAM Magazine 2011 – LGBT Blogathon post. Don’t forget to leave a comment and/or link back to the post. Let all your friends know.
Needle heels should be banned from choreographed music videos.
Having said that, damn. You know, say what you say KKK-ers — but when races mix correctly, it turns out hot. Meisa Kuroki is one hot mixed-race lady… but she can’t dance to save her life. I’ve never seen Meisa with normal shoes dancing, so I can’t say how she dances normally… but I remember her stint with Flamenco, and she got no swing.
But she’s got a good vibe…
I want to root for her.
But as with LOL, I keep bursting out laughing with this. Even though I kinda liked her Spanish-y guitar intro. I also liked how they did the one eye with different color thing.
Can you believe it? It’s been three years since. I had a good Yu Aoi weekend. I watched Raiou once again, and it just struck me how Yu-chan is growing up on screen. Those who see the movie know what I’m talking about. LOL
Anyway, I decided to update Yu’s Wikipedia bio (remember this from 2 years ago?) – but I’m not posting it there because I’m lazy and I hate Wikipedia format, so if you want to take info… take it and paste it there.
I also wanted to make a PDF out of it hahaha, but of course – I haven’t had time for that. I wanted to do a layout… with photos, and stuff. Make it pretty like a book. xD But oh well…
Hmm… not really in the mood of talking (or ranting) now.
I don’t need to say that nothing on The L Word is really “safe for work” right? It’s not like you see much in here, but just to be safe, knowing you won’t get caught watching something… even if just a fanvid, that may look to some people like something else~
I re-watched sporadically the 3 first seasons of the show, and I just got sort of nostalgic about Shane and Carmen. You know I like Shane a lot, I liked Shane with Molly a lot too because of how fluffy their development was. It was different for the character, they had somewhere to go… but they never made it there. Meh, oh well~
So re-watching Shane and Carmen, I had almost forgotten how intense they were. Partly in a good way, but as the end of the third season came upon… it became more and more destructive.
You know that bit when Carmen dreams that Shane is giving Cherie Jaffe their tattoo, and then Carmen reveals she also cheated on her after Shane slept with Cherie? That bit when Shane’s all mad but nonchalant, looks at her and asks her whether she feels better now that they’re even. It was awful in a really good way.
I’ve blogged… for a while. My first blog was launched in 2004… it’s been a few years. The blogging has escalated into something I would like to do for a living, but I still love to have a space where I can just, you know, blog for my own sake.
While Japan Cinema’s guide is an awesome start-up tool to make it more pro, it’s obvious many bloggers feel blogging is just their own medium to vent. If you happen to find someone that shares your same point of view, the better! But it’s not a necessity.
I wanted to share a few tips to make a good (movie) blog. I know I haven’t been the best blogger for a while, but at the high of my activities here, I had months with an average of 2, 3 or 4 posts a day… whether I had comments or not. LOL
I was just watching CCTV where Sa Dingding showed up. Her Harmony album was one of my faves last year, and revisiting Ha Li Li I thought she’d be perfect for a collaboration with Laure Shang with Love Warrior – which, at this moment, is one of my fave tracks of 2011.