Archives For Fun

My MOO is here~

September 27, 2007 — 1 Comment

My MOO cards arrived in the afternoon ^^’ from the Royal Mail of course…

Check it out~~

I’m trading and selling these precious… so hit me back for details!

New-old articles up

September 25, 2007 — Leave a comment

I’ve given up, this is what I’ve been working for a while… Continue Reading…

Top 5 Light Elements

September 16, 2007 — 2 Comments

Time for a new Top by Amy! This time Top 5 Light Elements, where the best favorite pictures featuring amazing light flares, lens flares, amazing sunlight, amazing stage lights and amazing light shapes~~~ Continue Reading…

Julyssa, det…

September 4, 2007 — 2 Comments

är för dig!

A 5x5in digital charcoal portrait! For making 10% of the comments in this blog~~~ that’s many! Thank you! Si lo quieres, loca… hazme saber para poder mandartelo! Y si lo quieres imprimir tu, o quieres q yo t lo mande jaja~

Julyssa & Me Portrait

So I guess I’m not the only one who happens to say “my favorite actress is…” and then I get a big “WHO?” because people just don’t have any idea who I’m talking about. It happens to me quite a lot recently… not so much with Mr. Finnegan, who happens to know every goddamn name in the film industry, lol – actually, in his case, it happens the other way around. My big excuse is “I’m in Peru, we haven’t heard about it yet.” lol

Anyway, so I just thought I would share some of the actresses I’m watching on the big/small screen… or mainly the ones that come to mind right away. So let’s begin! Continue Reading…

Felt like sharing something from youngdoo’s Flickr! – Something Craig Swann said…

work less, play more

So let’s play more! lol’

I fly!

August 26, 2007 — 2 Comments

NOT. But this was fun! Decided to play around with the camera & flash, froze myself up in the air, check it out~

Amy Flies!!

According to Julyssa, anyway…

My friend Nate went to Serj’s Bday. See him here… He can’t drink though. He puffs up like something that puffs up… I know, he told me so.

Nate at Serj's Bday

If you don’t know who Serj is, well… you may know him from Continue Reading…

So continuing with the previous post, here are the Top 10 guys. Now, remember… this doesn’t mean they are who I consider saliva-worthy. These photographs are based on availability on Flickr, as well as resolution, and other factors that allow these pictures to be in my Favorite list in my account.

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So I’ve figure I’ve had my Flickr account for a while now, and My Favorites are over a 100 now including portraits, landscapes, typographic, etc. So I’ve decided to make my Top10 Female Celebrity Portraits from my current favorites. Mind you, these favorites were also chosen by its resolution availability, besides from photographer, celebrity, art direction, and other factors.

I don’t have any credits, so if you know – please, leave a comment of the photographers, photoshoots, magazines, etc.

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