TIME Magazine, or better said… TIME’s website is holding a vote for the 100 Most Influential people of 2008, I’m guessing. There’s a broad spectrum of professions, races, nationalities, etc… but come on, seriously?
I like Bi (Rain) and all, I thought he was quite good on Park Chan-Wook’s film, and I’m actually giddy that he’s on the new Speed Racer film. He dances pretty great… and oh Sang Doo, he went to school! LOL’ However, it baffles me that he’s in the #1 spot when probably 75% of people in America and Occident haven’t the faintest idea who he is.
Don’t get me started on #2, LOL. If Chicken Fried should be included, it should be Kentucky Friend Chicken. I mean, I liked Britney and all back in ’99, and I’m still hoping she gets her crap together, but #2??? Seriously? What does that say about us, people??
And #3? Oh my God! J.K. Rowling has been pushed from her thrown by Stephenie Meyer, author of The Twilight Series. A pseudo-fantasy book that is as good as some fanfiction story written for 13-year-old girls who dream and giggle about crushing hard on a good vampire. LOL’ – I mean, really… Influential? Maybe… but the #3 spot?
So this is how the list should be shifted around: