I almost… >almost< write Ian. xD
Anyway! From Photographer Iain Crawford, here comes
a pretty sweet with paint collection of photos.
Archives For Photoshoots
Sep 11
Pimp the Blog!
From time to time, I link back to Julz blog, even though most her postings are now locked. What’s up with that, Julz? xD Anyway, I think it’s time to pimp blogs from time to time because, well… some blogs have simply good taste.
So I’m here to PIMP murmure*
murmure* is a Japanese blog in Japanese – don’t worry, you can still try to read it with Google translate – that talks about some different things, among those things are 3 mighty fine topics~~~
Drew Barrymore (and Juliette Lewis) are on the cover of Vs Magazine.
but everyone is talking about the newest issue of Marie Claire with Drew and Ellen Page on the cover… why? Well, besides from giving an interview where both of them fangirl and fuzz over each other… (which is super cute)
This is a pretty old photoshoot, February 2007 in fact~
but I care about photographers, and I wanted to know
who shot it, for who and when xD so I took my time to post.
Shot by Keiichi Nitta, who has photographed Lady Gaga x Koda Kumi, Kylee, Aoi Miyazaki, Justice, Chiaki Kuriyama, M.I.A., Beck, Madonna, Beyonce, The Chemical Brothers, Fergie and even La LiLo xD
His photographs, more often than not exude sexiness, sex oftentimes with a mix of innocence, playfulness and edgy. So it is no wonder that this is perhaps Yu’s more “Fierce” photoshoot to date. LOL To quote on Tyra xD In here, she plays a little with the Lolita-esque style looking oh-so-innocent… NOT. One of the photos, one of the very first photos I saw online, has that just-got-out-of-bed quality to it. Only I saw it in black and white and cropped on the face, which makes it look so good.
I think Kawaii Joyuu will explain it better,
Do you know the latest buzzword “Mori Girl”? It’s a term that got created in the mixi community, a huge social networking system and one of the most visited Japanese sites in the Internet. The general definition would be a “a girl who seems to be/live in a forest”, describing a girl who would fit more into a forest rather than into a city.
“She has to like fashion that’s natural, but also a bit quirky” or “She wears a lot of dresses that have a loose or comfortable feeling to them”, to name a few of the opinions. The difficulty is that the girl should like “natural clothes”
They did a ranking, in which Yu had nearly 50% of all the votes, pulling a head (for the first time?) of Aoi Miyazaki and Juri Ueno. Also on the list, Mikako Ichikawa – who I think looks amazing with hair pulled up *points to Atsu-hime* And YAY! for the Top 3~~~ xD
Anyway, spoon magazine did a whole issue on it on March. =D
I should use the cover, but this is my favorite shot. xD
Finally time~~~
This post is dedicated to Julz, who always mentions that Yu-chan looks like a very cute boy. Now, the newest issue of So-En magazine has given me the chance to search online for photos of Yu in drag. Why? Well, as the title on the magazine suggests… “Aoi Yu no BO~IZU SUTAIRU!” or “Yu Aoi’s Boy Style!”
I haven’t found great big scans of this, just a photo of a photo. But the rest of “Boyish Yu” from other shoots make up for it, I think…
Yu just updated her site with a whole magazine batch, which seems the only thing she updates now… which is kinda boring. BUT… they also announce she’ll be on Vogue Japan on December (dunno if on the cover, or just a feature article…) – which leads me to post a great scan of her cover on Vogue Taiwan from last Oct.
There weren’t good scans that I’m aware of, so I was surprised to find these.
sporting this AWESOME cover,
the newest issue of Interview magazine has an interview conducted by our favorite Jake Gyllenhaal (who’s sharing the screen with Portman in the upcoming Brothers) PLUS! with some good looking photos by Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin – those are some though names to type.
More updates from Ivan Simeon~
and in case you’ve missed them~~~
The New Green Deal
and… “the assassin”
Isn’t that hot? xD
That’s a hot photo, Juri can probably grab the shovel
and hit me in the face with it, at the same time she would
be making me laugh~~~
More photos below the break~
Sorry, no photographer credit.
Will post more when/if I do get one~
but if you’re lucky… you can check more photos over Julz~
Pimp back! Hellz yeah~
More photos from the photoshoot added, no credits yet!
Seriously, K-Pop fans… really? xD
and from another old photoshoot for Elle~
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